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Self Help Information and Assessments

Site Map/Contents: Self-Help Materials, SHAQ Test, and Professional/Research Papers

Tom G. Stevens PhD
Psychologist/Professor Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach
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You Can Choose To Be Happy:
Site dedicated to enhancing human happiness, self-development, and success
SITE MAP: All free Self-help resources includes online book, You Can Choose To Be Happy, and SHAQ

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Self Help Information and Assessments, Professional Papers, and Other Materials


1. FREE On-Line copy of the book, You Can Choose To Be Happy: "Rise Above" Anxiety, Anger, and Depression (with Research Results)

    A self-development program and how-to guide for increasing happiness and success.

2.  Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire (SHAQ)  Find your HQ (Happiness Quotient with high correlation to happiness, low negative emotions, life success)

3.  List of other FREE self-help materials and publications   See categories below.


>>> How to DOWNLOAD materials from this web site

READ WARNING: Downloading any portion of this web site (Permission granted for one copy for personal, non-profit use.  You may quote freely within reason if you give Dr. Stevens credit.) 

1. FREE ON-LINE eBook of  You Can Choose To Be Happy.  It was written as a comprehensive self-development program and covers most of the topics on this website.  A great deal of clinical experience and research has supported its ideas You may also read chapters out-of-order to gain information about specific topics--see table of contents or you may use the SEARCH feature of the HOME page to search the book and all materials for a special topic.Click here to see full cover image

You Can Choose To Be Happy: "Rise Above" Anxiety, Anger, and Depression, Tom G. Stevens PhD

To learn more about the book:

2. The  Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire (SHAQ)
Begin your self-development or self-help process by first assessing what your strengths and needs are.  The SHAQ questionnaire will assess many factors related to self-esteem, relationships, internal control, managing emotions, assertiveness, time management, learning skills, and much more.  It is free and automatically scored.  It will also provide a personalized list of help resources that may help you deal with general or specific problems.

To view the paper summarizing the research results that support the ideas in the book and SHAQ, br> click one of sthe following link: 
=> For laymen: SHAQ Research Results

=> For professionals:
Development of the Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire (SHAQ) To Validate a Cognitive Model of Happiness, Depression, and Anxiety 

=> For faculty interested in using SHAQ in their classes (free) or other self-development activities, go to:

=> To complete SHAQ (free) go to:

3. Other Self-instructional Materials available FREE ON-LINE (click on topic to go to it).  All tested materials used by thousands of others. Dr. Tom G. Stevens


    * The Choose To Be Happy ChecklistA summary checklist of the key guidelines from the book for leading a happy, productive life.
* You Can Choose To Be Happy Introduction: the key aspects of being happy and productive and an overview of the self-development program.
    * Routes to Happiness (and examples of how people have overcome extreme circumstances)
    * Self-Exploration: finding the inner causes of your unhappiness and resolving them
    * Your Higher Self: the natural cognitive system of values and beliefs that loves you unconditionally and is your greatest source of power and happiness
    * Create a Positive World by Adopting a Positive World View:  Find the underlying causes of your negative thinking and replace them with more functional beliefs and thoughts.
    * Overcome Your Greatest Fears: They can make each day miserable.
    * Develop Greater Self-Worth and Self-Confidence (and learn how to accept any "unacceptables" about yourself).
    * Get more Internal Control and Autonomy:  Learn how to reduce negative influences from other people and dependence upon them.  Also end codependency.
    * Learn the Harmonious Functioning Model: This model will explain the root causes of all emotions and the secret of "getting into the zone" of peak learning and performance.
    * Learn 6 Key Strategies for Getting Control of Emotions and Getting into the Zone of Harmonious Functioning and Peak Performance.
    * Clarify Values and Meaning: The importance of satisfying values for happiness and success
    * Learn how to Fulfill Your Dreams and Goals--be more successful in creating the world for yourself and others you want.
    * Get Control of Your Time and Self using the proven O-PATSM method used by thousands.
    * The Stream of Negative and Positive Thoughts
    * Deficit versus Abundance Thinking:  Changing your expectations can make all the difference in achieving a happy life.
    * Life Philosophy, Goals, and Meaning.  Your personal philosophy and values effect your entire personality and life.  Choose carefully.
    * Self-Motivation
    * Making Decisions and Solving Life Problems
    * Self-Development:  Making self-development and learning a lifelong process can have huge effects over a long time period.
    * Managing Overwhelming or Complex Tasks/Projects Using the POSSI Method 
    * Finding a Professional Counselor/Psychologist

    COPING WITH NEGATIVE EMOTIONS (for focus on happiness see above section)

   * Dealing With Unhappiness and Depression
   * Reducing Stress and Anxiety
   * Overcome Anger and Aggression 
   * Coping With Runaway Emotions: Overcoming Panic Attacks, etc. 
   * Systematic Desensitization: A proven method for Reducing  Fears, Phobias, and Anxiety 

   * Coping with Grief


    RELATIONSHIPS:  Improve intimacy, assertiveness, confidence, conflict resolution, helping, and social skills

   A.  Intimacy, Meeting People, Dating, Conversational Skills, Friendship and Romantic Relationships, and Overcoming fears of Rejection and Loneliness
   * Overview of Relationship Topics and Skills
   * Relationship and Communication Tips Summary: Choose To Be Happy in Relationships
   * Skills For Meeting People, Dating, Conversations, and Developing Intimacy

   * Finding Mr/Ms Right  
    * Factors Causing Relationship Failure and Success 
    * Overcome Fears of Loneliness and Rejection and Improve Social Confidence  
    * Overcoming Loneliness and Fears of Rejection
    * Independent Intimacy Notes (Dominant-Submissive Relationships VS. Independent Intimacy)
    * The SRQ--Stevens Relationship Questionnaire 

    B. Resolving Conflicts and Disagreements Diplomatically, and Becoming More Assertive and Persuasive

   * Harmonious Assertive Communication: How To Achieve Intimacy and Resolve Conflicts
   * Assertion Training: Be More Competent and Confident With Anyone!
   * How to Make an Assertive Request: Initiating a discussion about a problem diplomatically
    * Domestic Violence Links
    * Problem-Exploration Method: Help yourself or others using the problem exploration method professional psychologists use to find underlying issues and problems.

    * Academic and Career Success Overview

    Career and Academic Major Choice, Goals, and Motivation

    * Choosing an Career or Academic Major: An Overview
    * How To Make a Career or Major Decision: A step-by-step guide for career planning
    * The Heart of Managing Your Time and Yourself: O-PATSM--A Self-Management System
    * Procrastination
    * Concentration
    * Low Motivation

    * Managing Overwhelming Tasks (such as final exam preparation and writing term papers)
    Learning and Memory Skills, and Study Habits
    * Improving Memory And Comprehension for Better Grades
    * Learning and Study Skills
    * Test Anxiety
    * Learning Disabilities
    * Time Management
    * Writing Help
    * Learn to Read More Efficiently
    * Calculating Grade Points and GPA
    * Information about Colleges and Universities


    * Health Tips Notes    
    * Using Learning Principles to Change Habits
    * Making a Motivational Contract To Change a Habit
    * Quit Smoking  
    * Headaches
    * Sleep Problems: How to Sleep When You Feel Upset
    * Weight  Control
    * Substance Abuse
    * Finding a Professional Counselor/Psychologist

    * Descriptions of All Professional and Therapy-Related Papers, etc.

    * Development of the Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire (SHAQ) To Validate a Cognitive Model of Happiness, Depression, and Anxiety
    * Spiritual Cognitive Therapy (SCT) Modifying Core Beliefs; Workshop for World Conference of American Counseling Association--Detailed Overheads/Notes
    * Spiritual Cognitive Therapy (SCT) Workshop for California Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT)--Detailed NOTES includes AUDIO
* Research article related to SRQ and Independent Intimacy
    * Life Skills Workshops and Courses (Live and Online) For Academic Success (a paper for professionals)
    * SHAQ: The Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire and It's Relevance to the Goals of Higher Education
    * Maximizing Counseling Center Impact
 Other Cognitive Therapy Sections
   * Problem-Exploration Method: How to find deeper, underlying issues, conflicts, and causes of unhappiness and personal problems.
    * Replace Dysfunctional Beliefs with Positive Beliefs: The Belief Integration Process
    * Self-Acceptance Process: Replacing negative self beliefs with self-acceptance 
    * Negative Cognitive Styles and Cognitive Therapy 
    * Classic Cognitive Therapy Approaches--an outline

   ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Tom G. Stevens PhD,  Psychologist/Professor Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach

    * About the Author
    * Professional Resume/Curriculum Vitae


    * Self-Help Self-Development Links

    * Site Home 1
    * Site Home 2
    * Site Home 3
    * Site Self-Help 1
    * Site Self-Help 2
    * Book Contents 1
    * Book Contents 2   

    * Pages replaced, deleted, or moved from previous locations and Misc figures

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1. Click on the article title to VIEW the document, and
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    (3) You could then print out the saved file to get a "hard copy."

WARNING: DOWNLOADING ANY PORTION OF THIS WEB SITE CAN BE LEGALLY DONE ONLY WITH THE AUTHOR'S PERMISSION.  However, at the current time, the Dr. Tom Stevens agrees to allow each person who accesses this material directly themselves to download a copy (without obtaining permission) on the conditions that the downloaded material meets the following conditions:

(1) FOR PERSONAL, NON-PROFIT USE ONLY, (For profit use, obtain Dr. Stevens' written permission--usually given freely),
(2) GIVE Dr. Stevens written credit for all materials you use,

(3) will in all other ways respect the legal copyright of the author,
(4) if you plan to use any material in a book, website, or other published materials, notify Dr. Stevens at


Dr Stevens would appreciate emails about your use or outcomes using his materials (at

FOR RESEARCH PROJECTS--especially those involving the SHAQ questionnaire, Dr. Stevens may be able to help, and would like emailed copies of any results you obtain as a condition for using SHAQ as part of your research.

Return to INDEX 


The BOOK (free download): Go to Contents of Dr. Stevens'  book,  You Can Choose To Be Happy: "Rise Above" Anxiety, Anger, and Depression.

FREE SELF-HELP materials available on this web site (click here to see list)  

  How to ORDER You Can Choose To Be Happy  

Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire (SHAQ)  to assess self on many factors  including HQ-Happiness Quotient 

Email feedback to Dr. Stevens I welcome your comments about my web site or any of its contents.           

Self-Help and other resources on this website (and site map)

Web site created and maintained by: Tom G. Stevens PhD Psychologist-Faculty Emeritus,
California State University, Long Beach Counseling and Psychological Services.
URL of this web site:

Return to Dr. Stevens' Home Page

Copyright 2024 Tom G. Stevens PhD