Hot-air Baloon

Faculty Using the Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire (SHAQ)

How you can use SHAQ in your classes, for counseling, or other life skills development

Tom G. Stevens PhD
Psychologist/Professor Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach
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For faculty who may be interested in using SHAQ for their classes or doing research on SHAQ


If you are looking for an instrument to assess student academic motivation and other student academic success factors (as well as a host of other life success and happiness-related scales), consider using the (free) Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire (SHAQ) to be found at our website at California State University, Long Beach at http://

SHAQ assesses students for learning strategies, study skills, time-management, academic motivation, and a number of other factors that have been shown to relate to academic achievement and completion of degree programs. SHAQ is completely automatic for providing instant feedback of results and related help-links for students, and SHAQ also automatically accumulates data for research purposes in a form that can be fed into standard statistical packages such as SPSS.

Students receive specific feedback about what behaviors and skills are important for their academic success, and they are presented with links to pages on our http:// website that can provide tips and further links to other sites providing on-line help and even training for deficit areas. 

SHAQ has 81 scales and subscales reflecting the complexity of key cognitive factors influencing happiness and success. SHAQ‘s scales are reliable.31 Overall happiness, depression, anxiety, anger, health, relationship outcomes, highest personal income, academic achievement, and other factors were measured by outcome scales that proved to be reliable and face valid.

The SHAQ scales had moderate to high positive correlations with almost all outcome measures. SHAQ‘s main 56 subscales had surprisingly high multiple correlations with the emotional outcomes: with Overall Happiness, R = .87, EffectSize32 = .75; with Low Depression, R = .73, EffectSize = .53; with Low Anxiety, R = .68, EffectSize = .43; with Low Anger-Aggression, R = .70, EffectSize = .49.33 For the subjects who completed all 70 subscales--including the academic scales34, R = .90, EffectSize = .81 for Overall Happiness. In addition, the 56 SHAQ subscales32 correlated with the Relationship Outcomes scale, R = .70, EffectSize = .47; with the Health Outcomes scale, R = .82, EffectSize = .67; with Highest Income, R = .49, EffectSize = .24; and with Educational Attainment, R = .46, EffectSize = .21. Behavioral measures used as outcomes also yielded good results. For example, for a Major Depression Checklist, R = .60, EffectSize = .36; Amount of Therapy for Depression, R = .45, EffectSize = .20; and Amount of Medication for Depression, R = .41, EffectSize = .17.

For more information about research on SHAQ, go to either:  1-Summary of research results  or    2-Research Monograph

For students who are undecided about their major, SHAQ offers a special set of scales to help them make a choice. SHAQ also can assess interpersonal and emotion-management skills, help students assess life goal and value areas, and do much more!

If instructors choose to make SHAQ an assignment this semester (or in the future), I can now tell you that our data collection system seems to be working; and I can supply them with a list of students in their classes who have completed SHAQ.  That makes grading very easy.

The most recent data analysis of the first 604 SHAQ (Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire) users has been very encouraging.

* SHAQ users rated their learning and interest a mean of 6.01 out of a possible 7.0 [They found it very useful and interesting.]

* The 31 predictive scales SHAQ uses (such as self-management, coping skills, life themes, internal control, self-worth and confidence, interpersonal skill scales, etc.) have a pattern of significant correlations that fit our expectations and support their utility as feedback for students. They are especially good for giving feedback about overall happiness, reduced depression and anxiety, happy meaningful relationships, and other life meaning outcomes. (Many correlations are in the .30 to .60 range.)

* The academic success scales (academic motivation, learning skills, learning areas, etc.) plus self-management and emotional coping scales are moderately good at predicting academic outcomes (gpa, probation status, academic degree completion, achieving higher degrees, etc.).

* Note: Students can also use SHAQ to help pick a CSULB major if they want.

* SHAQ has been approved by the CSULB Institutional Research Board (IRB).

Students using SHAQ go http:// to complete the questionnaire, receive complete results they can copy or print, and receive Internet links they can click on for access to valuable self-help information to aid them in lower-scoring areas.

If you are interested in using SHAQ for a class or individual students, just refer them to the site, and you can ask them to email their results to you (if required). For an appropriate detailed handout you can give students for an assignment, click here.

If you are interested in using SHAQ for your own research purposes, go to:

If you would like to see the self-development book (free on this website), SHAQ is closely related to (and partially based upon), go to:

If you have any other questions or comments, please contact me at

Thank you for your interest.

Tom Stevens PhD

Psychologist/Professor Emeritus, Counseling and Psychological Services

California State University, Long Beach


Miscellaneous Useful Internet Sites for Faculty

****  American Psychological Association: Practical Psychology for Faculty and Students



The BOOK (free download): Go to Contents of Dr. Stevens'  book,  You Can Choose To Be Happy: "Rise Above" Anxiety, Anger, and Depression.

FREE SELF-HELP materials available on this web site (click here to see list)  

  How to ORDER You Can Choose To Be Happy  

Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire (SHAQ)  to assess self on many factors  including HQ-Happiness Quotient 

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Web site created and maintained by: Tom G. Stevens PhD Psychologist-Faculty Emeritus,
California State University, Long Beach Counseling and Psychological Services.
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