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Self-Help Resource Links

Self-Help links to other websites

Tom G. Stevens PhD
Psychologist/Professor Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach
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You Can Choose To Be Happy:
Site dedicated to enhancing human happiness, self-development, and success
SITE MAP: All free Self-help resources includes online book, You Can Choose To Be Happy, and SHAQ

Photo of Dr Tom and Sherry Stevens
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Self-Help Resource Links to Other Websites

How to Navigate Through This Website

Self-Assessment on Many Factors Related to Happiness, Negative Emotions, Relationships, Academic and Career Success
Website Rating Guide

 Some Top Comprehensive Self-Help Websites 

Referrals to Psychological Counseling and Therapy Resources

How to Navigate Through This Website
Click on the boxes above to go to more specific topics.  Each of these topics will in turn list more specific topics, etc.  The website is arranged in a "tree structure." You can also click on "Up" to go back to the next higher level in the tree or "Home" to go to the site Home Page.  At the bottom of each page you will find other key links such as the link to the SHAQ CARES assessment.  Self-Help Contents--list of major self-help pages on this site 

Self-Assessment for many values-beliefs, success and happiness factors, life skills (self, interpersonal, academic, career) 
Find your HQ = Happiness Quotient (based upon extensive research and clinical experience).


To  see a complete listing of all self-help resources on this website,

Go to:

Rating Guide 

TO BE LISTED: Generally we only list sites that provide FREE information in enough detail and clarity so that the user may benefit.  Many commercial sites that charge for information give small amounts of free information only to entice buyers. We generally don't list these sites. 

COMMON PROBLEM OF MOST SITES: Even most listed sites offer only very brief or general information and do not provide enough information for true self-help. Example: Most sites talk "about" depression or about depression treatments (such as therapy or medication), most don't tell "how to" overcome depression.

 CSULB=> CSULB resource or our own resource. We don't rate our own materials. All are free and provide extensive "how to" information about each topic.  
  ***** Rare and outstanding site, a must to visit. Its information is of extremely high quality and is comprehensive and very readable.  Very user friendly.
  **** Unusually excellent site and should be visited. It may not rate quite as highly on one of the above aspects, but is excellent in quality, comprehensiveness, and user friendliness.
  *** Very good site worth the visit.  It may be lacking in comprehensiveness, quality, or user friendliness.
  ** Good. It has some good information, but may be significantly lacking in other areas.
  * Poor to fair site.  Generally we don't list these.
Not Rated We have not adequately checked this site, but it is getting a temporay listing because it was well rated or listed by some site we trust.

Comprehensive Self-Help Websites

CSULB=> You Can Choose To Be Happy: "Rise Above" Anxiety, Anger, and Depression
Free specific 'how to' information in on-line book chapters and brochures on relationships, loneliness, academic success, assertiveness, emotional control, time management, etc. Tom G. Stevens PhD 

***American Psychology Association Free online search for self-help topics.
Good information, but much not written for general public.

***   is the one of the  most complete guides to information about Self -Improvement, Personal Growth and Self Help on the Internet. It is designed to be an organized directory, with articles and references to thousands of other Websites on the World Wide Web.

*** has many free, brief self-help guides on many personal and psychological topics.

*** Internet Mental Health
A website for persons suffering from various types of psychological problems from anxiety disorders to schizophrenia.  Has information about the disorders and many internet links.
    For direct link to list of resources by psychological disorders at Internet Mental Health site organized by types of mental disorders.  Short on practical self-help information, but can start here.

***World Health Organization Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression information. Detailed information about clinical categories related to depression and anxiety such as panic disorder, major depression, trauma, agoraphobia, social phobia, etc. Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety Disorders at St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney

*** Dr. Grohol's Mental Health Page
A comprehensive guide to psychological disorders of all types and many related internet references.  It is short on actual practical, specific self-help information (as many sites are).  Internet links at

**SUNY at Buffalo Self-Help Personal Development Brochures and Links

***Cardiff University Counseling Center.  Has many tips and links on a variety of problems that are common to college students.

**Help for life skills 

***International Network On Personal Meaning
Dr. Paul Wong, Existential and Cognitive Psychology

*** Dr. Dewey's psywww psychology resources

** A huge website with thousands of short articles of greatly varying quality.  You must do a lot of search, but can find some excellent articles among the many.



Other Collections of Brochures and Articles

What sorts of information can you expect to find at these


Note: For help finding all types of helping services in California (from hot lines and self-help groups, from hospitals to shelters) go to: [Start with their mini-guides.  If possible find a hard copy of their Rainbow Resource book for your area.  This is the most complete guide to all types of services for all of California divided by cities and other regions.]


Internet Resources for Referrals to Psychologists

 Referrals to Psychologists

American Psychological Association Links to Local Referral Numbers:
For a referral to a psychologist in your area call 1-800-964-2000. The operator will use your zip code to locate and connect you with the referral system in your area.  If you believe you need immediate assistance, please call your local emergency number or the mental health crisis hotline listed in your local phone book's government pages.

Go to:


University Counseling and Psychological Services

California State University, Long Beach Students:
For almost any type of problem including personal relationships, anxiety, depression, anger, career decision-making, academic motivation, test anxiety, grief, personal growth, or almost any type of personal issue.  We offer individual counseling, groups, workshops, self-help materials, and three related websites (including this one).

Students at CSULB may obtain free counseling from Licensed Psychologists and Doctoral Interns at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). We are an American Psychological Association (APA) approved doctoral intern training site.  Brotman Hall Room 226. 562-985-4001.  Our website is  

Other College Students:
Your local college or university probably has psychologists available for free counseling with students.  Sometimes these services are not well known, so look it up on your college web page or directory.

List of University Counseling Centers on the Web:


The BOOK (free download): Go to Contents of Dr. Stevens'  book,  You Can Choose To Be Happy: "Rise Above" Anxiety, Anger, and Depression.

FREE SELF-HELP materials available on this web site (click here to see list)  

  How to ORDER You Can Choose To Be Happy  

Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire (SHAQ)  to assess self on many factors  including HQ-Happiness Quotient 

Email feedback to Dr. Stevens I welcome your comments about my web site or any of its contents.           

Self-Help and other resources on this website (and site map)

Web site created and maintained by: Tom G. Stevens PhD Psychologist-Faculty Emeritus,
California State University, Long Beach Counseling and Psychological Services.
URL of this web site:

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Copyright 2025 Tom G. Stevens PhD