Overview, Assessment, and Links to Step-by-Step
Tom G.
Stevens PhD
Psychologist/Professor Emeritus,
California State University, Long Beach Send Feedback/Questions to:
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Self-help resources includes online book, You Can
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You Can Reduce Procrastination
Information Advice
Internet Links
Do you worry that you procrastinate enough
so that it is affecting your grades? First, see how much of a problem it is.
1. Are you are making top grades, turning in all assignments on time? If so, then
your problem may be too much worrying, not procrastination. If not, then you
may have a problem. 2. Do you complete all your reading assignments and have
adequate time to study for exams? If so, then again you probably don't have
a big procrastination problem. If not, then you probably do have a problem.
3. Do you wait so long to start #2 that you worry a lot about not getting everything
done on time? If so, then you should ask yourself if the luxury of waiting
is worth the worry. If it is then fine; just consider that the cost of working
on that kind of schedule, and try to accept the worry. If you want to change, then
try some of the tips on this page and also look at the tips given
on the time management page.
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Examine your motivation for putting things
off. Consider some of the following possibilities:
I dread it.
Is it because it seems unfamiliar and confusing? If so,
=>Go to improving learning
efficiency, motivation, memory, comprehension at www.csulb.edu/~tstevens/LEARN.htm
I am easily distracted by
other things I need or want to do (chores,
errands, family matters, TV, friends, etc). In this case you must learn
the rule, "First things, first: Do your activities in the order of their
priority--not what you feel like at the moment." Meet your study goals
for the day BEFORE you do anything else. Following that rule will give
you self-control over your life and all the external distractions. It
will not only affect your grades, but your success in your career and all aspects
of life. =>Go to time management page: www.csulb.edu/~tstevens/time_management.htm
or learn the proven OPATSM time-management system at www.csulb.edu/~tstevens/patsm96.htm
I don't really have time to
study, there is not enough time in my
schedule for it. If you want to succeed in college, you must make a practical
schedule. (Or perhaps you don't really have a written schedule--only a vague
one in your head.) Schedule at least 1-2 hours outside of class for study for
every hour in class (and study effectively then) to make good grades. If your
combined class hours, work hours, and study hours are over 50-60 hours, then
cut back on your number of units or your work hours.
=> Go to time management page:
or learn the proven OPATSM time-management system at www.csulb.edu/~tstevens/patsm96.htm
I am bored with my classes.
I am taking required classes I'm not that interested in (and there are much
more interesting things to do in my life). Many college students feel
that way (and many don't). Some of the complete college with good grades
and some don't. Which do you want to be? It is the ones who find
a way to get their work done by making it a priority that succeed. One
thing that works for many students is to think of it as a job. How much
do you enjoy most jobs that you have had? You may not enjoy going to work, but
you work 8-5 anyway so that you can be paid. Try setting up a 40 hour
(or whatever it takes) 8-5 (9-6 or whatever) schedule for school. That
means you are either in class or studying from 8-5 every day. After 5
you are free to work, play, do errands or chores, or whatever you want.
=>Go to improving learning efficiency, motivation, memory, comprehension at
I don't know what I want to
major in and have little motivation in my classes.
Make it a priority to choose a major and potential career. Start now.
=> Go to the career decision page: www.csulb.edu/~tstevens/career_choices.htm.
I just don't have much motivation
for college. Why are you in college?
Is it to please someone else or yourself? To find motivation, you must
decide that you want to be in college for yourself so that it will make your
life happier by learning, developing yourself, and being successful in the career
that you want. Perhaps you would benefit from seeing a college counselor
at your community college or university counseling or career center. Some
colleges offer services--especially career information resources--for non-students
(though there may be a charge).
I have enough motivation for college,
I'm just not very organized or let other activities distract me from
studying. If you don't have a good time-management
system, you may not realize that the most successful business and
professional people almost all have some time-management system they use
daily to set goals, objectives, and priorities and manage their weekly
schedule. They also include time to lead a balanced lifestyle; which
is also planned and scheduled. To learn a proven system used by
thousands (and incorporating the features found in almost all top
time-management systems, GO to: www.csulb.edu/~tstevens/patsm96.htm
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