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Sleep Problems

Some methods for getting better sleep

Tom G. Stevens PhD
Psychologist/Professor Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach
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Some Methods for Overcoming Sleep Problems 


Sleep Help Information
Sleep Tips

Internet Links

Lack of adequate sleep can lead to both physical and psychological problems.  Alternately, lack of sleep can be caused by stress, psychological problems, or physical problems.  Sleep research shows that anyone can develop periods when they have trouble sleeping.  Are any of the following potential causes of your sleep problems?

  • Stress, thinking about problems or other daily activities that keep you from going to sleep or keep you awake in the middle of the night. Try dealing with the underlying problems during the day.  If you wake up in the middle of the night, make the following decision.  Either get up and think about the problem and reach a conclusion and/or do strenuous exercise to "burn off" emotional energy OR tell yourself you will think about the problem at a certain time during the day (you can write down any thoughts you have so you won't worry about forgetting them).  In either case, don't remain in bed for long periods of time worrying or tossing and turning.  That can condition you to not be able to sleep well in your bed. Also, try relaxation techniques like muscle relaxation, listening to relaxation tapes, visualizing relaxing scenes, reciting positive statements, etc.

  • Lack of a regular bed-time ritual that helps prepare you for a good night's sleep (e.g. no wind-down time to get your mind off daily activities; a period of relaxation; a regular place to sleep where you feel comfortable, safe, and are not bothered by too many distractions; and a routine for going to bed, etc.).  Try developing a bed-time ritual such as evening exercise, activity, relaxation/wind-down time (TV, music, relaxing reading, etc.), then bed.

  • Tip for students, try to avoid studying more than an hour or two beyond your normal bedtime--even when "cramming."  Your work and study will be of poorer quality and you will dislike your classes more.  Instead, develop good time management practices (see our time-management help section.)

  • Physical problems that may interfere with sleep (headache, sore or tense muscles, illness, etc.) For tension or sore muscles try relaxing them by mild exercise, stretching, using a vibrator, or relaxation exercises.  Doing that on a regular basis can also be very helpful if you are under stress.

  • Lack of a regular daily routine that mixes adequate amounts of exercise, daily activities, and regular sleep hours.  Try adjusting your schedule to get a regular schedule and increase your exercise levels.

  • Diet. 

  • Have you trained yourself to sleep on an odd schedule? For example, if you have trouble sleeping at night, have you begun to take naps during the day which cause you not be sleepy enough to sleep well the next night?  Try forcing yourself to be very active all day and make yourself tired so that you can sleep at night; you can't sleep unless you are tired and sleepy enough. Try this persistently for a number of nights.  DON'T let yourself stay in bed late if you haven't been sleeping regularly. That can change your sleep cycle.

  • If techniques like these don't correct the problem, see a physician, psychologist, or sleep specialist.  Your sleep is important and affects your happiness and success.


Tips to Get Better Sleep (that will help with a variety of sleep problems)


  1.         Exercise or relaxation or yoga

  2.         Relaxing/boring TV or reading

  3.         Possibly cheese, milk, and a little sweet (if no weight problems)

  4. (Do the exercise and any mental work first, then have a mentally passive time
    of a half hour to an hour before bed [watch TV, relaxing reading, music, boring chores, etc.].



 A.  Never think about problems in bed (or bedroom), INSTEAD go to B.

 B.     If you start thinking about problems, give self a CHOICE. 

1.       Stop thinking about problem (set another time to think about it - - think about SOMETHING ELSE MORE POSITIVE AND INVOLVING AND RELAXING - - for example, count sheep)

2.       Exercise and/or stretch/yoga

3.       Consciously decide to think about the problem (and exercise periodically).

4.       If can’t sleep - - do work (eg., mop kitchen floor).


C.  If you get a fear of not going to sleep, remember, “I’m not going to die from not sleeping”.

  1.  Attitude = “I’ll just see how long I can go without sleeping”.

  2.  Trust in your body to take care of its own sleep needs.


D.    Keep pad and pencil handy so you can write down anything you’re afraid you won’t remember and/or make a date to think about the problem later.

E.  Avoid all medications for sleeping.




Help with Sleep Problems

****Stanford University Sleep Disorders Summary (All types of sleep disorders discussed by type)
Sleep Aids (many commercial):

**** National Sleep Foundation site has many helpful articles.

****Sleep Net, full of free valuable information

*** From a useful guide on insomnia.



The BOOK (free download): Go to Contents of Dr. Stevens'  book,  You Can Choose To Be Happy: "Rise Above" Anxiety, Anger, and Depression.

FREE SELF-HELP materials available on this web site (click here to see list)  

  How to ORDER You Can Choose To Be Happy  

Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire (SHAQ)  to assess self on many factors  including HQ-Happiness Quotient 

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Web site created and maintained by: Tom G. Stevens PhD Psychologist-Faculty Emeritus,
California State University, Long Beach Counseling and Psychological Services.
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