CECS 277 Object Oriented Application Development
Spring 2019 Semester
Home Syllabus
Week 15 - 5/6
- Observer pattern pdf
- MVC pattern pdf
Week 14 - 4/29
Week 13 - 4/12
- Examination 2 review
- Examination 2 (Wednesday, April 24)
Week 12 - 4/15
Week 11 - 4/8
Week 10 - 3/25
Week 9 - 3/18
Week 8 - 3/11
- List, Set and Map pdf
- Class Collection conversion pdf
- Java Collection Framework comparisons pdf word
Week 7 - 3/4
- Examination review
- Examination Wed 3/6
Week 6 - 2/25
- Reading assignment: Ch. 15 Java Collections Framework
List and Set, Hashset and Treeset
- Examination 1 is on Wednesday,March 6.
Examination #1 Review
Week 5 - 2/18
- Reading assignment: Chapter 12 - Object-Oriented Design
- Lecture notes:
Chapter 12 (pdf) - Object Oriented Design
Week 4 - 2/11
- Reading assignment: Chapter 9 - Inheritance and Interfaces
9.5 Object: the Cosmic Superclass, and 9.6 Interface
Week 3 - 2/4
- Reading assignment: Chapter 9 - Inheritance and Interfaces
Sections 9.3 Overriding Methods and
9.4 Polymorphism,
- Lecture notes:
Chapter 9 (pdf) - Inheritance and Interfaces
Inheritance, interfaces, polymorphsim, and clone (pdf) (word)
- Video "Java 8 Essential Training" from Lynda.com
Lesson 10 - Working with Inheritance
- Quiz 1 is on Wednesday, February 6.
Review lab assignment 1
Week 2 - 1/28
- Reading assignment: Chapter 9 - Inheritance and Interfaces
Sections 9-1 Inheritance Hierarchy and 9.2 Implemeting Subclasses
- Lecture notes:
Chapter 9 (pdf) - Inheritance and Interfaces
- Video "Java 8 Essential Training" from Lynda.com
Lesson 10 - Working with Inheritance
- Lab : Lab assignment 2
Week 1 - 1/22
- Introduction to CECS 277
- Reading assignment: Chapter 8 - Object and Classes
Chapter 8 (pdf) - Objects and Classes
- Video "Java Essential Trainning for Students" from the Lynda.com
- Lesson 2 - Basic Review
- Lesson 6 - Classes and Objects
- Lab: Lab assignment 1
Lab Assignments
Online Video