Exam Review
Chapter 8 Objects and Classes
- Javadoc
- NullPointerException
- Object Reference
- Shared reference
- Primitive versus reference copy
- null reference
- this reference
- static variables and methods
Chapter 9 Inheritance and interface
- Implement subclassess
- Overriding methods
- Polymorphism
- Abstract class and final class
- Abstract methods and final methods
- Using super
- private, protected and public members
- Converting between subclass and superclass
- Polymorphism and inheritance
- Method equals and clone
- Deep copy vs shallow copy
- Composition
- UML diagram
- Java doc
- Comparing interfaces and inheritances
- Converting between class and interface types
- Invoking methods on interfaces variables
- Casting from interfaces to classes
- Interfaces Comparable and Comparator
Chapter 12 Object-oriented design
- CRC card method
- Cohesion
- Dependency relationship
- Coupling
- Aggregation
- Inheritance
- UML relationship symbols
- Packages
- How classes are located.
Review the lecture notes and lab assignments 1 to 4.