Chapter 5 Standard Operating Procedure

The standard operating procedure (SOP) is a step-by-step instruction set that includes important safety information. The SOP has a distinct style, quite different from the lab report. It should be succinct and very concise, all prosaic words need to be avoided. It allows someone to safely operate a tool. For instance, there is an SOP to operate each particular model of atomic force microscope. The document often includes bullet points. For the purpose of the advanced experimental laboratory, the SOP includes a few important sections, which are detailed below.

The title page should include the equipment model and version, also the physical location, date, authors and space for signature. This is part one. Each document is also versioned, so that it can be updated at a later moment. The second page, and second part, is a table of contents that lists the procedures that are discussed. In the third part, all procedures are listed. A procedure is a particular task, such as setting up the device, shut-down of the device or a particular measurement. It may include bullet points, graphical flowcharts, and hierarchal lists. A procedure starts with the scope and limitations. After the procedural section, in part 4 and 5, the checklist and trouble-shooting sections are added. The checklist is used to verify that the equipment is working properly, if there is an issue with the operation. The trouble-shooting section includes advice for common errors. Finally, the safety protocol is an important sixth chapter in the SOP.

Any good SOP includes diagrams, photos, and sketches. It should define acronyms and define terminology and abbreviations. The pages should be numbered, the document is dated. The document may include instructions on how to save files, extract data and how to convert files into standard file formats.

The for the is based on the following criteria:

  1. Does it have a title page? Is the title clear and includes the model? Does the SOP include all parts?

  2. Is the first page signed by all members?

  3. Does the SOP have all 6 sections?

  4. Is the language concise? And clear? And unambiguous?

  5. Does it have diagrams, pictures, images, or schematics (DPIS)?

  6. Are the DPIS clear and useful?

  7. Do all DPIS have captions and are they copyright-free?

  8. Are there steps missing in the procedure? Are the steps clear?

  9. Are the pages numbered? Is the footer correct?

  10. Are exact part numbers for the equipment, preparation method listed?

  11. Are the references properly formatted?

  12. Is the SOP complete?

  13. Can an operator execute the procedures without further documentation?

  14. Overall impression