Chapter 2 Safety

The experimental lab requires that you learn about safety and strictly comply with all safety regulations and standards. Chemicals used in this lab may be dangerous and you agree to read the materials safety datasheet (MSDS) before using any chemical. In the lithography lab, you need to wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from splashes as well as UV radiation. You also need to wear a gown to protect your clothes, as well as appropriate protective gloves for handling chemicals. Additionally,

  • wear closed shoes and pants, sandals and short skirts or shorts are not permitted,

  • wear safety goggles when handling chemicals and being exposed to UV radiation,

  • store chemicals in designed storage areas and handle them inside the fume hood,

  • never work in the laboratory unless the instructor is present,

  • do not perform experiments that are not authorized by the instructor,

  • dispose chemicals, and glass products in special containers that are explicitly labeled,

  • always verify that the ultra-sonic bath is filled with enough distilled water,

  • never remove the sample from the AFM without raising the head well above the sample,

  • always apply ultra care, when approaching the sample with an AFM tip,

  • immediately turn off the NMR, if it starts to beep, or overheat,

  • label everything,

  • not bring any drinks or food items into the lab, since they are not permitted

  • any other CNSM or Department guidance is to be followed.

Your instructor will show you the safety shower and the eyewash, which must be used for at least 15 minutes in the event of an emergency.

Please note that glassware cannot be discarded into the regular trash. Also, wipes that have been contaminated with photoresist need to be disposed of properly. Each waste container must be clearly labeled for the waste product. The start date of first waste collection is noted and cannot exceed 6 months. An instructor should be informed before the six month expiration date is reached, so that trained people can take proper care of the waste. No overfilling can occur as this can also be a safety issue. Liquids cannot be mixed.

In addition to these general rules for safety, please carefully review the safety procedures for each of the experiments.

For the atomic force microscopy, never move the head, while the cantilever is imaging, engaged, or close to the surface. For the electronics, it is important the computer is always on, if the controller is on. Don’t unplug hardware, first turn it off, then you can unplug. Most importantly, if you are unsure, then ask.