... 1.
Persons taking no active part in the
including members of
armed forces who have laid down their
arms and those placed
hors de combat by
detention, or any other cause, shall in all
circumstances be treated
humanely, without any
adverse distinction founded on
religion or
birth or
wealth, or any other similar
criteria. ...
... When
prisoners of war have not the
assistance of a retained
chaplain or of a
prisoner of war minister of their
faith, a
minister belonging to the
prisoners' or a similar denomination, or in his
absence a qualified layman, if such a course is feasible from a confessional point of
view, shall be appointed, at the
request of the
prisoners concerned, to fill this
office. This
subject to the
approval of the
Detaining Power, shall take
place with the
agreement of the
community of
prisoners concerned and, wherever necessary, with the
approval of the
local religious authorities of the same
faith. The
person thus appointed shall comply with all
regulations established by the
Detaining Power in the
interests of
discipline and
military security. ...
Prisoners of war shall be allowed to
receive by
post or by any other means
individual parcels or
collective shipments containing, in particular, foodstuffs,
medical supplies and articles of a
educational or
recreational character which may
meet their needs,
including books,
devotional articles,
scientific equipment,
examination papers,
musical instruments,
sports outfits and
materials allowing
prisoners of war to pursue their
studies or their
cultural activities. ...
Subject to the
measures which the
Detaining Powers may consider essential to ensure their
security or to
meet any other
reasonable need, the
representatives of
religious organizations,
relief societies, or any other
organization assisting
prisoners of war, shall
receive from the said
Powers, for themselves and their duly
accredited agents, all necessary
facilities for
visiting the
prisoners, distributing
relief supplies and
material, from any
source, intended for
educational or recreative
purposes, and for assisting them in organizing their
leisure time within the
camps. Such
societies or
organizations may be constituted in the
territory of the
Detaining Power or in any other
country, or they may have an
international character. ...
Subject to the
measures which the
Detaining Powers may consider essential to ensure their
security or to
meet any other
reasonable need, the
representatives of
religious organizations,
relief societies, or any other
organization assisting
prisoners of war, shall
receive from the said
Powers, for themselves and their duly
accredited agents, all necessary
facilities for
visiting the
prisoners, distributing
relief supplies and
material, from any
source, intended for
educational or recreative
purposes, and for assisting them in organizing their
leisure time within the
camps. Such
societies or
organizations may be constituted in the
territory of the
Detaining Power or in any other
country, or they may have an
international character. ...