Prisoners of war shall be allowed to
receive by
post or by any other means
individual parcels or
collective shipments containing, in particular, foodstuffs,
medical supplies and articles of a
educational or
recreational character which may
meet their needs,
including books,
devotional articles,
scientific equipment,
examination papers,
musical instruments,
sports outfits and
materials allowing
prisoners of war to pursue their
studies or their
cultural activities.
Such shipments shall in no way
free the
Detaining Power from the
obligations imposed upon it by
virtue of the present
The only
limits which may be placed on these shipments shall be those proposed by the
Protecting Power in the
interest of the
prisoners themselves, or by the
International Committee of the Red Cross or any other
organization giving
assistance to the
prisoners, in
respect of their own shipments only, on
account of
exceptional strain on
transport or
conditions for the sending of
individual parcels and
collective relief shall, if necessary, be the
subject of
special agreements between the
Powers concerned, which may in no
case delay the
receipt by the
prisoners of
relief supplies.
Books may not be
included in
parcels of
clothing and foodstuffs.
Medical supplies shall, as a
rule, be sent in
collective parcels.