... Immediately upon
capture, or not more than one
week after arrival at a
camp, even if it is a
transit camp, likewise in
case of
sickness or
transfer to
hospital or another
camp, every
prisoner of war shall be enabled to
write direct to his
family, on the one hand, and to the
Central Prisoners of War Agency provided for in Article
123, on the other hand, a
card similar, if possible, to the
model annexed to the present
informing his
relatives of his
address and
state of health. The said
cards shall be forwarded as rapidly as possible and may not be delayed in any
manner. ...
... Immediately upon
capture, or not more than one
week after arrival at a
camp, even if it is a
transit camp, likewise in
case of
sickness or
transfer to
hospital or another
camp, every
prisoner of war shall be enabled to
write direct to his
family, on the one hand, and to the
Central Prisoners of War Agency provided for in Article
123, on the other hand, a
card similar, if possible, to the
model annexed to the present
informing his
relatives of his
address and
state of health. The said
cards shall be forwarded as rapidly as possible and may not be delayed in any
manner. ...
... Immediately upon
capture, or not more than one
week after arrival at a
camp, even if it is a
transit camp, likewise in
case of
sickness or
transfer to
hospital or another
camp, every
prisoner of war shall be enabled to
write direct to his
family, on the one hand, and to the
Central Prisoners of War Agency provided for in Article
123, on the other hand, a
card similar, if possible, to the
model annexed to the present
informing his
relatives of his
address and
state of health. The said
cards shall be forwarded as rapidly as possible and may not be delayed in any
manner. ...
ARTICLE-98: III. Judicial proceedings [
go to this ARTICLE]
Subject to the
measures which the
Detaining Powers may consider essential to ensure their
security or to
meet any other
reasonable need, the
representatives of
religious organizations,
relief societies, or any other
organization assisting
prisoners of war, shall
receive from the said
Powers, for themselves and their duly
accredited agents, all necessary
facilities for
visiting the
prisoners, distributing
relief supplies and
material, from any
source, intended for
educational or recreative
purposes, and for assisting them in organizing their
leisure time within the
camps. Such
societies or
organizations may be constituted in the
territory of the
Detaining Power or in any other
country, or they may have an
international character. ...