Prisoners of war shall be permitted to
receive remittances of
money addressed to them individually or
prisoner of war shall have at his
disposal the
credit balance of his
account as provided for in the following Article, within the
limits fixed by the
Detaining Power, which shall make such payments as are requested.
Subject to
financial or
monetary restrictions which the
Detaining Power regards as essential,
prisoners of war may also have payments made abroad. In this
case payments addressed by
prisoners of war to dependants shall be given
In any
event, and
subject to the
consent of the
Power on which they depend,
prisoners may have payments made in their own
country, as follows: the
Detaining Power shall send to the aforesaid
Power through the
Protecting Power a
notification giving all the necessary particulars
concerning the
prisoners of war, the beneficiaries of the payments, and the
amount of the sums to be
paid, expressed in the
Detaining Power's
currency. The said
notification shall be
signed by the
prisoners and countersigned by the
camp commander. The
Detaining Power shall debit the
account by a
corresponding amount; the sums thus debited shall be placed by it to the
credit of the
Power on which the
prisoners depend.
To apply the foregoing
provisions, the
Detaining Power may usefully consult the
Model Regulations in Annex V of the present