Besides those who are
designated by the
medical authorities of the
Detaining Power,
wounded or
sick prisoners of war belonging to the
categories listed below shall be entitled to present themselves for
examination by the Mixed
Medical Commissions provided for in the foregoing Article:
Wounded and
sick proposed by a
physician or
surgeon who is of the same
nationality, or a
national of a
Party to the
conflict allied with the
Power on which the said
prisoners depend, and who exercises his
functions in the
Wounded and
sick proposed by the
Power on which they depend, or by an
organization duly recognized by the said
Power and giving
assistance to the
Prisoners of war who do not belong to one of the three foregoing
categories may nevertheless present themselves for
examination by Mixed
Medical Commissions, but shall be examined only after those belonging to the said
physician or
surgeon of the same
nationality as the
prisoners who present themselves for
examination by the Mixed
Medical Commission, likewise the
representative of the said
prisoners, shall have
permission to be present at the