The James L. Jensen Student Access to Science and Math Center (also known as the Jensen SAS Center) is part of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (CNSM) at California State University, Long Beach, and is available to all science and math students. SAS Center offers a wide range of services, programs, and resources designed to support CNSM students as they work toward their academic and professional goals.
Starters and Scholars can take advantage of the Mathematics and Statistics Tutoring Center in Room LA5-345 for group studying.
Research Experiences
Various Summer Research Experiences for the Undergraduates (REU). You can talk to a faculty member in your department about these opportunities or visit the NSF-REU website for detailed descriptions on those opportunities.
The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) announces 2010/2011 opportunities:
Through the Chancellor's Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP), the California State University (CSU) provides financial assistance in the form of a student loan to a limited number of individuals pursuing doctoral degrees. The program seeks to provide loans to doctoral students who are interested in applying and competing for CSU instructional faculty positions after completion of the doctoral degree.
SLD Student Academic Travel Grant. The grant is provided by the Office of Student Life and Development and made possible for those students wishing to enhance their educational experience by attending academic conferences, workshops, seminars and/or lectures. The grant can be used to reimburse students for conference, workshop, seminar and/or lecture related expenses such as: (1) transportation to and from the conference; (2) lodging during the conference; and (3) registration fees. Memberships can be reimbursed only if required to present, co-present, compete, attend and/or volunteer at the conference.
Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) Student Travel Fund. Student Travel Funds shall be awarded only to students who will be taking an active role in the conference or convention they propose to attend. `Taking an active role' is defined as delivering an academic presentation.
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF-GRFP). The National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) helps ensure the vitality of the human resource base of science and engineering in the United States and reinforces its diversity. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees at accredited US institutions. The NSF welcomes applications from all qualified students and strongly encourages under-represented populations, including women, under-represented racial and ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities, to apply for this fellowship.
McNair Scholars Program. The CSULB McNair Scholars Program provides academic support services, research opportunities and involvement in scholarly activities to thirty low-income, first-generation and underrepresented students enrolled at CSULB and prepares them for doctoral studies by working close with them through their undergraduate requirements, encouraging their entrance into graduate programs and tracking their progress to successful completion of advanced degrees.
CNSM Scholarships & Awards. The CSULB College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics offers scholarships based on a variety of criteria. Many different scholarship opportunities are offered through each of the college's six departments and through the CNSM Dean's Office.
Scholarships for Undergraduate Students at CSULB. The Center for Scholarship Information (CSI) is the main source for information regarding on- and off-campus scholarships at CSULB.
Extracurricular and Employment Opportunities
Become an Supplemental Instruction Leader or a Tutor at the Learning Assistance Center.
Get professional training on how to lead group discussions and learn effective study strategies while getting paid as a SI leader or refresh your content knowledge by becoming a subject tutor. Either way, LAC is a great place to work on campus that allows you to stay connected with your subject area and acquire relevant skill sets to be successful in your own studies.
The Leadership Academy.
the Leadership Academy is a series of workshops focused on cultivating leadership excellence by developing student leadership potential for practical and professional application. The Leadership Academy is a three-part extracurricular, certificate-bearing program composed of workshops, community service and practical application. The total program time of the CSULB Leadership Academy is 25 hours. Each participant is given four years to complete the program. Many students have completed it in one semester. There are seven mandatory two-hour workshops and five one-hour elective workshops. There is no minimum GPA or previous leadership experience required to join the program. The Leadership Academy is open to ALL CSULB STUDENTS! For more information, please visit the program website.
Volunteer Opportunities
Community services needed in helping the team at the Carmenita Middle School prepare for the National Science Olympiad. Please contain Trina Howard-King (trinaking15 at yahoo dot com) at Carmenita Middle School for details.