Hallway Contest

Revision 5/28/05


Here is the layout of the hallway in the Long Beach facility.

The hall contest is designed to lead to a successful demonstration of home navigation for a mobile robot. To this end, the contest is geared around activities that would be expected of a robot within a home environment. The contest de-emphasizes speed as a goal and emphasizes sensors, navigation and intelligence.

The contest will be held in the 2nd floor 100' hallway and classrooms of the Engineering building at Cal Sate Fullerton.

The contests are designed for all levels of robot builders. The idea is once you have attained mastery of one level, you move on the next level contest. Contests will be regularly scheduled, but can be run anytime as long as there is a judge to certify the results.

Beginning Level
    -1 dead reckoning
    -2 sensors for navigation purposes
    -3 travel a specified course

Intermediate Level
    -4 identify objects on the floor
    -5 differentiate objects on the floor

Advanced Level
    -6 obstacle detection and navigating around obstacles
    -7 travel course with obstructed paths
    -8 variable number of points to traverse
    -9 ability to recognize doors

Master Level
    -10 able to enter partially closed rooms
    -11 able to enter closed rooms
    -12 figure out where it is and travel to a specified unmarked waypoint

Full rules can be downloaded here.

Please contact Alex Brown with any questions or comments.