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 SHAQ Research Index

From the book, You Can Choose To Be Happy

Tom G. Stevens PhD
Psychologist/Professor Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach
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From You Can Choose To Be Happy,  Tom G. Stevens PhD
Go to book Contents  Go to Dr. Stevens' Home Page

Index of Book-Related Research Results 

For the Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire (SHAQ)

          SHAQ Research Result Table, etc.                         Book Page

The Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire (SHAQ)                    29

Research evidence for making happiness a top goal                          26

Overview, scales, subjects, methods, meaning of measures                   30

The Happiness Quotient (HQ) and its power to predict                      30

Evidence that you can choose to be happy                                30

SHAQ Scales relation to Success in Relationships and Health                  31

SHAQ’s Predictive Power for Income and Academic Success                  31

SHAQ and LSQ Coping Scale predicts happiness and success                 39

SHAQ Research Results: The Higher Self                                 87

SHAQ Research Results: Overcoming Worst Fears                         104

SHAQ Research Results: Positive World View                             114

SHAQ Research Results: Forgiveness                                  130

SHAQ Research Results: Self-Worth                                   136

SHAQ and LSQ Research Results: Life Skills                              140

SHAQ Research Results: Self-Management and Coping Skills                 140

SHAQ and SRQ Research Results: Interpersonal Skills                      140

SHAQ and SRQ Research Results: Learning/Academic Skills                  140

SHAQ Research Results: Self-Confidence and Life Skills                     143

SHAQ Research Results: Detailed Relationship Skills                       179

SHAQ Research Results: Internal vs. External Control                      180

SHAQ Research Results: Detailed Learning Skills                         194

SHAQ Research Results: Detailed Coping Skills                           251

SHAQ Research Results: Health Habits                                264

SHAQ Research Results: Self and Time-Management Skills                  280

Chapter 10: SHAQ RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS                           282

Appendix F: Demographic Factors and SHAQ Outcomes                    315


Note: For a complete a paper presenting a more complete scientific presentation of the SHAQ results see Stevens, 2009, on my website, currently

For an html version of the Full Research Paper, click here.

For a pdf version of the Full Research Paper, click here.



The BOOK (free download): Go to Contents of Dr. Stevens'  book,  You Can Choose To Be Happy: "Rise Above" Anxiety, Anger, and Depression.

FREE SELF-HELP materials available on this web site (click here to see list)  

  How to ORDER You Can Choose To Be Happy  

Success and Happiness Attributes Questionnaire (SHAQ)  to assess self on many factors  including HQ-Happiness Quotient 

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California State University, Long Beach Counseling and Psychological Services.
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