Happiness is not caused by external conditions.
Happiness measures the harmonious functioning of our brain--
how optimally it is challenged and how much it is learning.
Overchallenge causes overarousal emotions like anxiety and anger.
Underchallenge causes underarousal emotions like
boredom and depression.
We can adjust our emotions like a thermostat
by adjusting the challenge level.
Belief in mental control seems like magic,
because that belief alone helps get control.
The six mental control strategies give you
basic tools to achieve mental control.
Learn how to CHUG-OFF
when you need to adjust your emotional thermostat.
CHOICE (Replace or convert the situation),
HARMONY (of motives through self-exploration),
UNDERSTANDING (the situation and creating a road map),
GOALS (To lower anxiety, set goals LAPDS--
lower, process, dynamic, alternative, simple),
OPTIMISM (that I can eventually be happy no matter what the outcome),
FOCUS (on the ball and ultimate concern).
Through strengthening your Higher Self and increased mental control,
Web site created and maintained by: Tom G. Stevens PhD
Psychologist-Faculty Emeritus,
California State University, Long Beach Counseling and Psychological Services. URL of this web site: http://home.csulb.edu/~tstevens