STAT475: Data Analysis with SAS

 Sung E Kim, Dept. of Math and Statistics, Cal State-Long Beach  Office: 562-985-4320

Description: C:\Users\skim\Documents\My Web\sumhorsd.gif

*Note: Please visit this page regularly for any change and addition

Description: C:\Users\skim\Documents\ingot.gif  Syllabus

Description: C:\Users\skim\Documents\ingot.gif  Handouts

NOTEBOOK (all chapters)

Description: bullet

Getting Started  Example

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NOTE #2: DATA Manipulations I: Subsetting, Conditional Process, Looping

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NOTE #3: DATA Manipulations II: Mergings

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NOTE #4: Working with Arrays

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NOTE #5: Displaying Data

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NOTE #6: Descriptive Statistics and Univariate Statistics I (Proc Means, Freq, Tabulate)

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NOTE #6-1: Graphics

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NOTE #7: Descriptive Statistics and Univariate Statistics II (Proc Univariate, ODS output)

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NOTE +10

Description: C:\Users\skim\Documents\ingot.gif  Documents / Links

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SAS reference document for Introduction to Macro Language


Description: C:\Users\skim\Documents\ingot.gif  SAS Renewal

Description: bullet

For SAS renewal code please see me.  instructions

            Note: The validation file in the installation CD has been expired. Please use the renewal code to renew SAS.

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How to install SAS on Window XP Home edition? find it here.

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If SAS installation asks for software disk 3, find the solution here. (thanks Gary!)

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Font problems with lines?

              First find the SASV9.CFG file under the SAS 9.1 folder (in my computer the file is under D:\Program Files\SAS\SAS 9.1) and open with the notepad. Add the following in the file and save.

        -FORMCHAR "|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*"

              The file should look like below;

        -CONFIG "d:\Program Files\SAS\SAS 9.1\nls\en\SASV9.CFG"
        -FORMCHAR "|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*"

                Now, close and reopen SAS.


Description: C:\Users\skim\Documents\ingot.gif  Homework Assignments and test info

Assignment #1

Assignment #2

Assignment #3

In-class practice

In-class written test : sample

In-class Final: sample

Take-home MT  sales data

Take-home Final

Final DATA

Description: C:\Users\skim\Documents\ingot.gif  Project Assignment :  

Description: C:\Users\skim\Documents\ingot.gif  Data Sets :

Description: bullet Note#1: in-class   example5  example6

Description: bullet Note#2:   

 blood.txt (from Cody's LSBE)

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