Final Exam Study Guide - recommended topics to review for the final study are shown below. You are responsible for the materials covered in the class and reading assignnents in the book.
- Chapter 15 - Java collection Framework
- TreeSet and HashSet
- Review chapter 15 (pages 681-685)
- construct a HashSet or a TreeSet
- add and remove set elements
- visit all element in the set using an iterator and for each loop
- TreeMap and HashMap
- Review chapter 15 (686-691)
- construct a HashMap or a TreeMap
- add and remove elements to the map
- find all keys and values in a map, iterate through the key set and find the values that correspond to the key
- Hash and hash table
- Review chapters 16 (741-744)
- Review lecture notes - Java Collection Framework pdf
- Review lab assignments 6,7, and 8.
- Threading - Review chapter 21
- Running threads
- Runnable interface - run
- Thread - start, join, sleep, yield, isAlive, setPriority
- Thread Pools
- ExcutorService
- newFixedThreadPool
- execute
- Review problems 1 and 2 in the lab assignment 9
- Review lecture notes - Threading (word)
- Chapter 20 - Streams and binary input/output
- Object Streams
- ObjectOutputStream
- ObjectInputStream
- Serializable interface
- Review lecture note - Stream and binary input/output pdf (pages 24-33)
- GUI - Review chapter 19 and lecture notes in the class.
- JPanel
- Using Layout Mangers
- SetLayout
- FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout
- Processing text input
- JLabel, JText, JTextArea, JRadioButton, JCheckBox, JComboBox, and JList
- Event handler
- ActionListerner interface - actionPerformed
- ItemListener interface - itemStateChanged
- Font
- Class JPanel for displaying text - paintComponent(Graphics g), and repaint
- Review lab assignment 7 and problem 3 in the lab assignment 9.
- Review lecture notes
- UI part 1 (pdf) - Introduction to UI application including event handling
- UI part 2 (pdf) - Implement other UI components like TextArea, JRadioButton, JCheckBox, JComboBox, and JList.
- UI part 3 (pdf) - Four options to implement the listener interface
- Java Graphics (pdf)
- Design patterns
- MVC pattern
- Factory pattern