EXIT Requirements
In addition to the 10 classes listed on your Advancement to Candidacy Form, all students must complete one of the following Exit Requirements for the MSCS Program:
A. Comprehensive Examination
The Comprehensive Examination requires that a student pass three examinations selected by following the Comprehensive Exam Guidelines.
To be eligible for the Comprehensive Examination option a student must:
- have advanced to candidacy,
- have maintained a GPA of 3.0 or above in the MSCS coursework,
- be currently enrolled in at least one course at CSULB, and
- register for the Comprehensive Examination following the published registration requirements and deadlines.
B. Project with Oral Presentation
The Project Option requires 3 units of CECS 697, an oral defense, and submission of a formal written report of the project to be approved by a committee of 3 faculty members that includes the supervising faculty of the project.
To be eligible for the Project option a student must:
- have advanced to candidacy,
- have maintained a GPA of 3.3 or above in the MSCS coursework,
- have been nominated by a faculty member to undertake a project under that faculty member’s supervision, and
- have had a project proposal approved by the CECS Graduate Curriculum Committee.
C. Thesis with Oral Defense
The Thesis Option requires a total of 6 units: At least 3 of the units must be taken from CECS 698, the remaining units may be taken from either CECS 697 or CECS 698.
To be eligible for the Thesis option a student must:
- have advanced to candidacy,
- have maintained a GPA of 3.3 or above in the MSCS coursework,
- have been nominated by a faculty member to undertake a project under that faculty member’s supervision, and
- have had a thesis proposal approved by the CECS Graduate Curriculum Committee.