Advancement to Candidacy is your contract with the University specifying what you will accomplish to earn your MSCS.
Advancement to Candidacy is your most important step toward a successful graduation.
You should Advance to Candidacy as soon as possible (usually after two semesters).
You can Advance to Candidacy when you meet all of the following requirements:
- You have completed 12 units of CORE courses
- You have completed all required prerequisites with a GPA of 3.0 or better
- You have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better in your MSCS courses
- You are in “Good Standing”
- You have satisfied your GAR requirement
- You must Advance to Candidacy before you can enroll in CECS 697, enroll in CECS 698 (Thesis) or take your COMP Exams.
- You must Advance to Candidacy at least one semester before you graduate.
You must meet with the Graduate Advisor to file for Advancement to Candidacy, and bring the following items to your appointment:
1. Your TYPED Advancement to Candidacy form (see the Links & Forms page on this website for the A2C form and a sample completed form);
2. Your Unofficial CSULB Transcripts;
3. If you are transferring in any units from another school, you will need the Official Transcripts for those classes;
4. If you are in Conditional status, you must also bring your MSCS Advising Snapshot or your Prerequisite form.