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After years of suffering with my own children and school-based discipline, I have implemented a discipline which I feel is fair and easily understood by most of my students.  My main thought behind this plan is that children WILL misbehave, but need a chance to change their behavior for the better, all in the same period of time.  The following is a brief explanation of how my discipline plan works:

This is a four level discipline plan.  If the student ends up on the top level at the end of the day, he/she has had a "Super Day" and gets to go to the treasure box.  If, at the end of the day, the student is on the next level down, he/she has had an "Excellent Day" and gets to choose a sticker from the sticker box.  If the student is on the next level down they have had a "Good Day" and get their hand stamped.  The next level is "Rough Day" (I don't like the word "Bad").  A student who is here at the end of the day gets nothing.

All children have a clothespin with their name on it, and they start each day on "Good Day".  If an incident occurs, the clothespin is moved down.  If the student changes the behavior, or improves as the day progresses, they will be "moved up".  Good behavior throughout the day, being on-task, paying attention and participating will get students moved up.  At the end of the day, rewards are handed out, and all clothespins are moved back to the starting point of "Good Day".

This is an effective way for you to check on your child's behavior daily.  Simply ask what kind of day your student had:  "Super Day?"  "Excellent Day?"  "Good Day?" or "Rough Day?"  You can always assure your child that tomorrow will be better!

To read more about the philosophy behind my classroom discipline system, click here!


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