March 21:

Lecutre Topic
(Click on Topic for Lecture Notes)

Reading Assignment
January 31: Introduction to the Course
Purpose of Government: Freedom, Order & Equality
Syllabus; Janda, Chapter 1;
IDEAlog Self Test.
February 7: U.S. Constitution: Federalist No. 10
U.S. Constitution: Amendments
Janda, Chapter 2;
Federalist No. 10
February 14: Federalism: Theory & Practice Janda, Chapter 3;
Gerston, Chapter 10
February 21: First Amendment: Religion Janda, Chapter 12
February 28: First Midterm Exam
First Amendment: Speech

Janda, Chapter 12
March 7: 1st Amendment: Speech & Press Janda, Chaper 12
March 14: 14th Amendment: Due Process & Equal Protection Janda, Chapter 12
Assignment One Due
Public Opinion:Measurement
Composition of Ideological Groups

Janda, Chapter 4
March 28: Political Participation
Forms of Participation
Interest Groups

Janda, Chapter 5
Janda, Chapter 7
April 4: Spring Break Campus Closed
April 11: Second Midterm Exam
Political Parties
Party Identification
Janda, Chapters 6;
Gerston Chapters 2 & 3
April 18: Campaign Finance Janda, Chapter 6;
April 25: Third Midterm
Congress: Reapportionment

Janda, Chapter 8
May 2: Congress: Public Policy
Congress: Policy Domains
Janda, Chapter 8
Gerston Chapter 5 & 8
May 9: Assignment 2 Due
The Executive
Foreign Policy

Janda, Chapters 9 & 10,
Gerston Chapter 7
May 16: The Federal Courts Janda, Chapter 11; Gerston, Chapter 6
May 23: Final Exam 7:15 to 9:15

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