I. Formal Amendments to the Constitution (Article V)

A. Proposing Amendments (national function)

  1. Congress may propose amendments by a 2/3s vote in both houses.
  2. National Constitutional Conventioncalled by Congress on the application of 2/3s of the states (34 states)

B. Ratification of Amendments (State Function)

  1. By Legislatures in 3/4s of the states (38 states);
  2. Constitutional Conventions in 3/4s of the states.

II. Informal Changes to the Constitution

A. Judicial Review: Interpretation by the Courts

B. Legislative Elaboration: Interpretation by Congress

  1. Voting Rights Act of 1965
  2. War Powers Act of 1973

C. Executive Interpretation: Interpretation by the President

  1. Executive Privilege
  2. "Commander-in-Chief" (Article II, Section 2)

D.Custom & Tradition:

  1. Political Parties
  2. President's Cabinet
  3. Duties of Vice President