Geography Faculty Research
[ Logo Image: Old map of Planet Earth fading into images of 
California State University, Long Beach ]
      Department of Geography
College of Liberal Arts
1250 Bellflower Boulevard
California State University
Long Beach, CA 90840-1101 USA

Reviews of Books and Other Works


[ 2009 ][ 2008 ] [ 2007 ] [ 2006 ] [ 2005 ] [ 2004 ] [ 2003 ] [ 2002 ] [ 2001 ] [ 2000 ] [ 1999 ] [ forthcoming ]

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Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2009. Review of the book, Stalinism on the Frontier of Empire: Women and State Formation in the Soviet Far East by E. Shulman. Journal of Historical Geography (in press, online version available August), doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2009.06.008.


Mills, Jacqueline W.. 2008. Review of the book, Geospatial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to Principles, Techniques, and Software Tools, Second Edition by Michael J. de Smith, Michael F. Goodchild, and Paul A. Longley. Transactions in GIS 12, 5 (October): 649-649.

Baruah, Bipasha.. 2008. Review of the book, The Making of Neoliberal India: Nationalism, Gender, and the Paradoxes of Globalization by R. Oza. Gender, Place, and Culture 9, 6: 729-730.

Sidorov, Dmitrii.. 2008. Review of the book, The Landscape of Stalinism: The Art and Ideology of Soviet Space, ed. E. Dobrenko and E. Naiman. Historical Geography 36: 254-257.

Baruah, Bipasha.. 2008. Review of the book, Public Problems -- Private Solutions? Globalizing Cities in the South., ed. K. Segbers, S. Raiser, and K. Volkmann. Progress in Development Studies 8, 2: 206- 208.

Thien, Deborah.. 2008. Disenchanting democracy, review of the book, On the Political by Chantal Mouffe. Area 39, 1: 134-135.


Holmgren, Camille A.. 2007. Review of the book, Dry Borders: Great Natural Reserves of the Sonoran Desert by R.S. Felger and B. Broyles. The Quarterly Review of Biology 82: 304.


Rodrigue, Christine M. 2006. Review of the book, After the Earth Quakes: Elastic Rebound on an Urban Planet, Susan Elizabeth Hough and Roger B. Bilham in Geotimes 51, 11 (November): 50-51. A copy is available at

Tyner, Judith.. 2006. Review of the book, The Commerce of Cartography: Making and Marketing Maps in Eighteenth-Century France and England, by Mary Sponberg Pedley. Cartographic Perspectives 55: 61- 63.

Sidorov, Dmitrii.. 2006. Review of the book, Russian Society and the Orthodox Church: Religion in Russia after Communism, by Zoe Knox. The Slavic Review 65, 2: 404-405.

Laris, Paul. 2006. Book review of French Beans and Food Scares, Susanne Freidberg in Geographical Review 96,1 (January): 167-169.


Laris, Paul. 2005. Review of the book, Isles of Fire, by Christian Kull. Environmental Conservation 32, 2: 193-94.

Jocoy, Christine L.. 2005. Review of the book, Architectures of Knowledge: Firms, Capabilities, and Communities, by Ash Amin and Patrick Cohendet. Regional Studies 39, 1: 157-158.


Tyner, Judith A.. 2004. Review of the book, The Salton Sea Atlas, by The Redlands Institute, Redlands, CA: ESRI Press, 2003. Cartographic Perspectives 48 (Spring): 61-62.

Tyner, Judith A.. 2004. Review of the book, The Man Who Flattened the Earth by Mary Terrall, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. Cartographic Perspectives 47 (Winter): 60-61.

Tyner, Judith A.. 2004. Review of the book, Colour Basics in GIS, by Alan Brown and Wim Feringa. Transactions in GIS 8, 3: doi:10.1111/j.1467-9671.2004.00189.x.

Tyner, Judith A. 2004. Review of the book, The Spacious Word: Cartography, Literature, and Empire in Early Modern Spain, by Ricardo Padrón in Geographical Review 94, 1 (January): 117.

Del Casino, Vincent.. 2004. Review of the book, Transnational Prostitution: Changing Global Patterns, ed. Susan Thornbeck and Bandana Pattanaik. London and New York: Zed Books. Gender, Place, and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography 11, 3: 469-471.

Del Casino, Vincent.. 2004. Review of the book, Sex Work in Southeast Asia: The Place of Desire in a Time of AIDS, L. Law. London and New York: Routledge. Gender, Place, and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography 11, 1: 140-142.

Jocoy, Christine L.. 2004. Review of the book, Knowledge, Learning and Regional Development, ed. V. Lo and E.W. Schamp. Regional Studies 38, 4: 457-458.

Lassiter, Unna.. 2004. Review of the book, Spaces of Neoliberalism: urban restructuring in North America and Western Europe, ed. Neil Brenner and Nik Theodore. Political Geography 23, 2 (February): 226-228.


Del Casino, Vincent. 2003. Review of the book, Tourism: Between Place and Performance, by S. Coleman, S. and M. Crang. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 28, 4 (December): 510-511.

Jocoy, Christine L.. 2003. Book review of Industrial Districts: Evolution and Competitiveness in Italian Firms, by I. Paniccia. Regional Studies. 37, 8: 871-872.

Del Casino, Vincent. 2003. Review essay on three books, Transnational Asia Pacific: Gender, Culture, and the Public Sphere, by S. Geok-Lin Lim, L.E. Smith, and W. Dissanakyake; Thai Women in the Global Work Force: Consuming Desires, Contested Selves, by M.B. Mills; and Pink Fits: Sex, Subcultures, and Discourses in the Asia-Pacific, by A. Murray. Gender, Place, and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography 10, 2: 175-180.

Lassiter, Unna I.. 2003. Book review of Spaces of Neoliberalism: Urban Restructuring in North America and Western Europe, by Neil Brenner and Nik Theodore. Political Geography 23, 2: 226-228.


Del Casino, Vincent. 2002. Comments on "Enabling self-help activities through Loan Services in Thailand: The Urban Community Development Office's strategies for low-income community improvement," by Misato Sakai. Regional Development Dialogue 23, 4: 152-156.

Del Casino, Vincent. 2002. Comments on "Urban poor housing development as a basis for healthy and sustainable city development in Ayutthaya, Thailand," by Panthip Petchmark. Regional Development Dialogue 23, 4: 171.

Del Casino, Vincent. 2002. Review of the book, Sex Tourism: Marginal People and Liminalities, by C. Ryan and C. Michael Hall. Cultural Geographies 9, 4.

Curtis, James R. 2002. Review of the book, La Gran Linea: Mapping the United States-Mexico Boundary, 1849-1857, by Paula Rebert (University of Texas Press), Information Bulletin, Western Association of Map Libraries 33, 3 (July): 169-170.

Curtis, James R. 2002. Review of the book, The Los Angeles River: Its Life, Death, and Possible Rebirth, by Blake Gumprecht. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 92, 3: 594-596.


Tyner, Judith A. 2001. Review of the book, The Island of Lost Maps: A True Story of Cartographic Crime, by Miles Harvey. Cartographic Perspectives 39, 2: 55.

Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2001. Review of D. Wiener A Little Corner of Freedom: Russian Nature Protection from Stalin to Gorbachev . Historical Geography 29: 182-185.

Curtis, James R. 2001. Review of the book, Fast Food: Roadside Restaurants in the Automobile Age, by John A. Jakle and Keith A. Sculle. The Professional Geographer 53, 4: 563.

Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2001. Review of Chris J. Chulos and Timo Piirainen (eds.) The Fall of an Empire, the Birth of a Nation: National Identities in Russia. Nations and Nationalism 7, 4: 536-537.


Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2000. Review of D. Harvey Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference. Ethics, Place and Environment 3: 105-109.

Curtis, James R. 2000. Review of the book, From Aztec to High Tech: Architecture and Landscape along the U.S.-Mexico Border, by Lawrence Herzog. Geographical Review 90, 1: 145-147. This review is based on his expertise in borderlands studies.

Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2000. Review of D. Shaw Russia in the Modern World. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 90: 645-647.

James R. Curtis. 2000. Review of the book, Urban Latino Culures: La vida latina en L.A., edited by Gustavo LeClerc, Raul Villa, and Michael Dear (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1999). Urban Geography 21, 3 (April-May): 278-279.

Accepted and Forthcoming

Baruah, Bipasha. 2005. Book review of Public Problems -- Private Solutions? Globalizing Cities in the South, K. Segbers, S. Raiser, and K. Volkmann (eds.) in Progress in Development Studies. (forthcoming).

Jocoy, Christine L. 2006. Book review of Connecting Cities with Macroeconomic Concerns: The Missing Link, Mila Freire and Mario Polèse in Regional Studies. (forthcoming).

Tyner, Judith A. 2004. Book review of The World through Maps, in Cartographic Perspectives. (forthcoming).

Tyner, Judith A.. 2004. Review of the book, Such Constant Affectionate Care in Imago Mundi.

Curtis, James R. 2003. Review of Joseph L. Scarpaci et al., Havana: Two Faces of the Antillean Metropolis. Historical Geography (accepted in June -- forthcoming by December).

Curtis, James R. 2002. Review of the book, Places for Dead Bodies, by Gary J. Hausladen, Geographical Review (forthcoming).

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