Geography Faculty Research
Department of Geography
College of Liberal Arts
1250 Bellflower Boulevard
California State University
Long Beach, CA 90840-1101 USA
Publications in Journals and Books
[ 2009 ][ 2008 ] [ 2007 ] [ 2006 ] [ 2005 ] [ 2004 ] [ 2003 ] [ 2002 ] [ 2001 ] [ 2000 ] [ 1999 ] [ forthcoming ]
[ Publications ] [ Reviews ] [ Presentations ] [ Grants ] [ Media ] [ Guest Lectures ]
- 2009
- Curtis, Andrew, and Mills, Jacqueline W. 2009. GIS, Human Geography, and Disasters. San Diego, CA: University Readers.
- Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2009. Kritischeskaia populiarnaia geopolitika, vizual'nye obrazy i konstruirovanie regionov (Critical popular geopolitics, visual images, and construction of regions). In Rossiia and SShA na stranitsakh uchebnikov: Obraz drugogu (Russian and the United States: Mutual Representations in Textbooks), ed. V. Zhuravleva and I. Kurilla, pp. 315- 342. Volgograd: Volgograd State University Press.
- Ban, Hyowon, and Ahlqvist, Ola. 2009. Representing and negotiating uncertain geospatial concepts. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems 33, 4: 233-246. doi: 10.1016/j.comenvurbsys.2008.10.001.
- Ngo, Mary and Thien, Deborah. 2009. Interconnecting spaces: Truck drivers, diesel pollution, and networking in the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles. Yearbook of the Association of American Geographers 71: 67-95. doi: 10.1353/pcg.0.0019. Ms. Ngo is a Geography graduate student at CSULB.
- Muñiz-Solari, Osvaldo, and Wranic, Angela D. 2009. Composite learning objects in geographical sciences: Experience from on-line collaboration. Proceedings of the Latin American Conference on Learning Objects, October 2008, Aguascalientes, Mexico: 205-211.
- Baruah, Bipasha. 2009. Monitoring progress towards gender-equitable poverty alleviation: The tools of the trade. Progress in Development Studies 9, 3: 171-186. doi: 10.1177/146499340800900301.
- Fetters, Douglas E.. 2009. Railroad abandonment: A catalyst for urban renewal in the San Fernando Valley, California. Yearbook of the Association of American Geographers 71: 196-230. doi: 10.1353/pcg.0.0036. Mr. Fetters is a 2008 Geography graduate alumnus at CSULB, and this article is based on his thesis.
- Woods, James. 2009. Maps for Tyner, James A. 2009. War, Violence, and Population: Making the Body Count. New York: Guilford. (note: Dr. James A. Tyner is an alumnus of Geography at CSULB, B.A., 1989).
- Thien, Deborah and Pugh, Jonathan. 2009. Long Beach gets radical: Stretching the spaces of radical politics. Yearbook of the Association of American Geographers 71: 67-95. doi: 10.1353/pcg.0.0026.
- Mills, Jacqueline W. 2009. Spatial decision support in a post-disaster environment: A community-focused approach. Cartographica 44, 1: 17-31.
- Thien, Deborah. 2009. Death and Bingo? The Royal Canadian Legion's unexpected spaces of emotion. In Emotion, Place, and Culture, ed. Mick Smith, Joyce Davidson, Laura Cameron, and Liz Bondi, pp. 207-226. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Monk, Janice, and Jocoy, Christine L. 2009. Career planning: Personal goals and professional contexts. In Aspiring Academics, pp. 16-31. Ed. M. Solem, K. Foote, and J. Monk. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Educational, Inc.
- Thien, Deborah, and Neil Hanlon. 2009. Feminist perspectives on care and place, Gender, Place, and Culture 16, 2: 155-162
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr.. 2009. Social Geography: A Critical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Woods, James. 2009. Maps for Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr.. 2009. Social Geography: A Critical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Kull, Christian A. and Laris, Paul. 2009. Fire ecology and fire politics in Mali and Madagascar. In Tropical Fire Ecology: Climate Change, Land Use and Ecosystem Dynamics, ed. Mark A. Cochrane. Heidelberg: Springer-Praxis.
- Dolan, Holly, and Thien, Deborah. 2009. Relations of care: A framework for placing women and health in rural communities. Canadian Journal of Public Health 99, 2: s38-s42.
- 2008
- Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2008. Visualizing the former Cold War "Other": Images of Eastern Europe in world regional geography textbooks in the United States. Contexts: The Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society 1, 1: 39-58.
- Mills, J.W.; Curtis, A.; Pine, J.C.; Kennedy, B.; Jones, F.; Ramani, R.; and Bausch, D. 2008. The clearinghouse concept: A model for geospatial data centralization and dissemination in a disaster. Disasters 32, 3: 467-479.
- Ryser, Laura; Halseth, Greg; and Thien, Deborah. 2008. Strategies and intervening factors influencing student social interaction and experiential learning in an interdisciplinary research team. Research in Higher Education. doi: 10.1007/s11162-008-9118-3. Available at
- Scheyvens, Regina, Griffin, Amy L.; Jocoy, Christine L.; Liu, Yan; Bradford, Michael. 2008. Experimenting with active learning in geography: Dispelling the myths that perpetuate resistance. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 32, 1: 51-69.
- Rodrigue, Christine M. 2008. Geography from the back of the AAG Program: Is geography what we say or what we do? The California Geographer 48.
- Laris, Paul. 2008. An anthropogenic escape route from the "Gulliver syndrome" in the West African savanna. Human Ecology 36: 789-805. doi: 10.1007/s10745-008-9203-4.
- Jocoy, Christine L., and Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr. 2008. The Mobility of Homeless People and their Use of Public Transit in Long Beach, CA: Final Report to METRANS Transportation Center (available from 13%20Draft%20Final.pdf).
- Rodrigue, Christine M. 2008. Animal domestication. In Helaine Selin (ed.), Encyclopædia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, 2nd ed. Invited contribution. New York: Springer.
- Daniel D. Arreola and James R. Curtis. 2008. Border towns. In The Borderlands: An Encylopedia of Culture and Politics on the U.S.-Mexico Divide, ed. Andrew G. Wood, pp. 54-57. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
- Curtis, James R. 2008. Yard shrines in Miami's Little Havana. In Southern Crossroads: Perspectives on Southern Religion and Culture, ed. Walter H. Conser and Rodger M. Payne, pp. 27-38. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press. Reprinted from Journal of Cultural Geography 1980.
- Klepeis, Paul, and Laris, Paul. 2008. Estancias, hobby ranching, and Chile's land reform legacy. The Geographical Review 98, 3: 372- 394.
- Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2008. Corporatisation of urban space and the emergence of civil society in Post-Soviet Moscow. Alfa Spectra: Central European Journal of Architecture and Planning FA STU 12, 1: 43-49.
- Baruah, Bipasha. 2008. Gender and globalization: Opportunities and constraints faced by women in the construction industry in India. Labor Studies Journal (print forthcoming, electronic version published 5 November, doi:10.1177/0160449X08326187.
- Moseley, William, and Laris, Paul. 2008. West African environmental narratives and development-volunteer praxis. The Geographical Review 98, 1: 59-81.
- Dallman, Suzanne. 2008. GIS modeling for stormwater and groundwater management. Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Spring Specialty Conference, GIS and Water Resources 5.
- Laris, Paul and Bakkoury, Aziz. 2008. Nouvelles leçons d'une vieille pratique: mosaïque du feu dans la savane du Mali. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 296, 2: 5-16.
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr. and Jocoy, Christine L. 2008. Neoliberal subjectivities, the "new" homelessness, and struggles over spaces of/in the city. Antipode 40, 1: 191-199.
- Woods, James. 2008. Death penalty executions in the United States. Map published as Figure 6.8 in Kimmel, Michael, and Aronson, Amy. 2008. Sociology Now, p. 200. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Allen, and Bacon.
- Del Casino, V.J., Jr. 2008. Study Guide and Mapping Workbook: World Regions in Global Context, 3rd ed. New York: Prentice Hall.
- 2007
- Thien, Deborah. 2007. Intimate distances: Considering questions of "us." In Emotional Geographies, ed. Joyce Davidson, Liz Bondi, and Mick Smith, pp. 161-204. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr. 2007. Disease. In Encylopedia of Environment and Society, ed. P. Robbins, pp. 467-471. London, Thousand Oaks, CA, and New Delhi: Sage.
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr. 2007. Sexually transmitted diseases. In Encylopedia of Environment and Society, ed. P. Robbins, pp. 1594-1595. London, Thousand Oaks, CA, and New Delhi: Sage.
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr. 2007. Thailand. In Encylopedia of Environment and Society, ed. P. Robbins, pp. 1719-1720. London, Thousand Oaks, CA, and New Delhi: Sage.
- Wechsler, Suzanne P.. 2007. Uncertainties associated with digital elevation models for hydrological applications: A review. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 11: 1481-1500.
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr.. 2007. Health/sexuality/geography. In Geographies of Sexualities: Theory, Practices, and Politics, ed. K. Brown, J. Lim, and B. Brown, pp. 39-52. London: Ashgate.
- Holmgren, C.A.; Norris, J.; and Betancourt, J.L. 2007. Inferences about winter temperatures and summer rains from the late Quaternary record of C4 perennial grasses and C3 desert shrubs in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Quaternary Science 22: 141-162. doi: 10:1002/jqs.1023
- Baruah, Bipasha 2007. Gendered realities: Exploring property ownership and tenancy relationships in urban India. World Development 35: 2096- 2109.
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr. and John-Paul Jones, III. 2007. Space for inequality researchers: A view from geography. In The Sociology of Spatial Inequality, ed. L. Lobao, G. Hooks, and A. Tickamyer, pp. 232-251. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
- Holmgren, C.A.; Rosello, E.; and Betancourt, J.L. 2007. Late Holocene fossil rodent middens from the arica region of northernmost Chile. Journal of Arid Environments doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2007.09.003 (print version forthcoming, online version published at Wiley InterScience).
- Baruah, Bipasha 2007. Assessment of public-private-NGO partnerships: Water and sanitation services in slums. Natural Resources Forum 31: 226-237.
- Woods, James. 2007. A map, Percentage of CSULB graduates by state, was published in Geographic distribution of graduates of CSU, Long Beach, CSU Geospatial Review 5 (Spring): 7.
- Rodrigue, Christine M. 2007. Geography diversity initiatives at California State University, Long Beach: The Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Program. Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 69: 160-167.
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr. and Jones, J.P., III. 2007. Space for inequality researchers: A view from geography. In The Sociology of Spatial Inequality, ed. L. Lobao, G. Hooks, and A. Tickamyer, pp. 233-251. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
- Woods, James. 2007. Three maps, Distribution of graduates of California State University, Long Beach; Distribution of graduates of California State University, Long Beach, within California counties; and Distribution of graduates of California State University, Long Beach, with emphasis on Southern California were published in The geographic distribution of graduates: Where are CSULB alumni living? GIS Educator (Winter): 6-7.
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr. 2007. Health/Sexuality/Geography. In Geographies of Sexualities: Theory, Practices, and Politics, ed. K. Brown, J. Lim, and G. Brown, pp. 39-52. London: Ashgate.
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr. 2007. Flaccid theory and the geographies of sexual health in the age of Viagra. Health and Place doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2007.01.003
- 2006
- Laris, Paul, and Wardell, D.A. 2006. Good, bad, or "necessary evil?": Reinterpreting the colonial burning experiments in the savanna landscapes of West Africa. Geographical Journal 172, 4: 217-290.
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr.; Keirn, Tim; and Brooks, Catherine F. 2006. Teaching teachers about teaching Asia-Pacific through a globalized world historical geography framework. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Education Research Association Conference (CD-Rom publication).
- Jocoy, Christine L. 2006. Surviving the first time through: A new instructor's view on designing and teaching economic geography and how mentoring early-career faculty can help. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 30,3: 419-425.
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr. and Marston, Sallie A. 2006. Social geography in the United States: Everywhere and nowhere. Social and Cultural Geography 7, 6: 995-1009.
- Tyner, Judith. 2006. A day with Norman Thrower. Cartographic Perspectives 55: 7-15.
- Del Casino, Vincent. 2006. NGOs and the reorganization of "community development" mediating the flows of people living with HIV and AIDS. In Population Dynamics and Infectious Diseases in Asia, ed. Adrian C. Sleigh, Chee Heng Leng, Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Phua Kai Hong, and Rachel Safman, pp. 159-196. London and Singapore: World Scientific Publishers.
- Klepeis, Peter, and Laris, Paul. 2006. Contesting sustainable development in Tierra del Fuego. Geoforum 37, 4 (July): 505-518. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2005.03.003.
- Wechsler, Suzanne P. and Kroll, Charles N. 2006. Quantifying DEM uncertainty and its effect on topographic parameters. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 72, 9: 1081-1090. Available at
- Holmgren, C.A., Betancourt, J.L.; and Rylander, K. A. 2006. A 36,000-yr B.P. vegetation history from the Peloncillo Mountains, southeastern Arizona, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 240: 405-422.
- Yarnal, Brent; Heasley, Amy L.; O'Connor, Robert E.; Dow, Kirsten; and Jocoy, Christine L. 2006. The potential use of climate forecasts by community water system managers. Land Use and Water Resources Research 6: 3.1 - 3.8. Available at, but only after registering for free access at
- Wechsler, Suzanne P. 2006. Uncertainties associated with digital elevation models for hydrologic applications: A review. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 3: 2343-2384. Available from
- Laris, Paul and and Klepeis, Peter. 2006. Degradation narratives. The pristine myth. In Our Earth's Changing Land: An Encyclopedia of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change, ed. H. Geist. Oxford: Greenwood Publishing Group.
- Klepeis, Peter, and Laris, Paul. 2006. The pristine myth. In Our Earth's Changing Land: An Encyclopedia of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change, ed. H. Geist. Oxford: Greenwood Publishing Group.
- Klepeis, Peter, and Laris, Paul. 2006. Land-use history. The pristine myth. In Our Earth's Changing Land: An Encyclopedia of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change, ed. H. Geist. Oxford: Greenwood Publishing Group.
- Jocoy, Christine L. and DiBiase, David. 2006. Plagiarism by adult learners online: A case study in detection and remediation. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 7, 1. Available at
- Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2006. Post-Imperial Third Romes: Resurrections of a Russian Orthodox geopolitical metaphor. Geopolitics 11, 2: 317-347. doi: 10.1080/14650040600598585
- Del Casino, V.J., Jr.. 2006. Five articles: Phenomenology (pp. 353-354), Structuralism (pp. 464-465), Post-Structuralism (pp. 375-378), Symbols/Symbolism (pp. 473-475), and Theory (pp. 484-487). In Encyclopedia of Human Geography, ed. B. Warf. London, Thousand Oaks, and New Delhi: Sage Publications.
- Laris, Paul.. 2006. Managing a burned mosaic: A landscape-sclae human ecological model of savanna fires. In Linking People with Nature: Lessons from Savannas and Dry Forests, ed. Jayalaxshmi Mistry and Andrea Berardi. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
- 2005
- Gossette, Frank and Müller, Valerie. 2005. Satellites, Census, and the quality of life. In Geo-Spatial Technologies in Urban Environments, ed. R.J. Jensen, J. Gatrell, and D. McLean. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
- Lassiter, Unna I. and Wolch, Jennifer. 2005. Changing attitudes toward animals among Latinas in Los Angeles. In Land of Sunshine: The Environmental History of Metropolitan Los Angeles, ed. William Deverell and Greg Hise. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
- Baruah, Bipasha. 2005. Gender and development in South Asia: Can practice keep up with theory? Canadian Journal of Development Studies 26 (special issue): 677-688.
- Del Casino, V.J. and Hanna, S.P. 2005. Beyond the "binaries": A methodological intervention for interrogating maps as representational practices. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 4, 1: 34-56.
- O'Connor, Robert E.; Yarnal, Brent; Dow, Kirstin; Carbone, Gregory J.; and Jocoy, Christine L. 2005. Feeling at risk matters: Water managers and the decision to use forecasts. Risk Analysis: An International Journal 25, 5: 1265-1275.
- Ambos, Elizabeth L.; Rodrigue, Christine M.; Behl, Richard J.; Lee, Christopher; Wechsler, Suzanne P.; Holk, Gregory; Larson, Daniel; Francis, R. Daniel; and Whitney, David. 2005. Geoscience field studies at California State University at Long Beach: Urban applied research with a community focus. CUR Quarterly (Council on Undergraduate Research) 26, 2: 56-61 (this is the lead article in a special issue on "Undergraduate research that serves the community").
- Laris, Paul. 2005. Spatiotemporal problems with detecting seasonal- mosaic fire regimes with coarse-resolution satellite data in savannas. Remote Sensing of Environment 99, 4: 412-424.
- Latorre, Claudio; Betancourt, Julio L.; Rech, Jason A.; Quade, Jay; Holmgren, Camille A.; Placzek, Christa; Maldonado, Antonio; Vuille, Mathias; and Rylander, Kate A. 2005. Late Quaternary history of the Atacama Desert. In 23 Degrees South: The Archaeology and Environmental History of the Southern Deserts, pp. 73-90, ed. M. Smith and P. Hesse. Canberra: National Museum of Australia Press.
- Thien, Deborah. 2005. After or beyond feeling? A consideration of affect and emotion in geography. Area 37, 4: 450-456.
- Rodrigue, Christine M. 2005. The state of geography and its cognate disciplines in the California State Universities from Fall 1992 through Fall 2004. The California Geographer 45: 59-85.
- Sumner, Ray. 2005. Tom Down Under: McKnight's relationship with the Fifth Continent. The California Geographer 45: 98-110.
- Rodrigue, Christine M. 2005. Jim Blaut's critique of diffusionism through a Neolithic lens: Animal domestication in the Near East. Antipode 37, 5: 981-989. doi:10.1111/j.0066-4812.2005.00546.x. Available at
- Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2005. Corporate rescaling of the city: The geographical construction of urban lightscapes in Soviet and post-Soviet Moscow/Linnade korporatiive mastaabimuutus: Moskva linnamaastiku geograafilini konstreerimine nöukogude ajal ja aärast seda. In Constructed Happiness: Domestic Environment in the Cold War Era/Võistelevad Õnned: Elukeskkond Külma Sõja Perioodil, ed. Mart Kalm and Ingrid Ruudi, pp. 172-183. Talinn: Estonian Academy of Arts.
- Thien, Deborah. 2005. Recasting the pattern: Critical relations in gender and rurality. In Critical Studies in Rural Gender Issues. Ed J. Little and C. Morris, pp. 75-89. Newport, Australia, and Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
- Peng, Roger S.; Schoenberg, Frederic Paik; and Woods, James. 2005. Multi-dimensional point process models for evaluating a wildfire hazard index. University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Statistics Papers 2003010113. Available at
- Wechsler, Suzanne P.; Whitney, David J.; Ambos, Elizabeth L.; Rodrigue, Christine M.; Lee, Christopher T.; Behl, Richard J.; Larson, Daniel O.; Francis, Robert D.; and Holk, Gregory. 2005. Enhancing diversity in the geosciences. Journal of Geography 104, 4 (July/August): 141-149.
- Whitney, David J.; Behl, Richard J.; Ambos, Elizabeth L.; Francis, Robert D.; Holk, Gregory.; Larson, Daniel O.; Lee, Christopher T.; Rodrigue, Christine M.; and Wechsler, Suzanne P. 2005. Ethnic differences in geoscience attitudes of college students. EOS 86, 30 (26 July): 277, 279.
- Tyner, Judith. 2005. Elements of Cartography: Tracing fifty years of academic cartography. Cartographic Perspectives 51 (Spring): 4-13.
- Peng, Roger S.; Schoenberg, Frederic Paik; and Woods, James. 2005. A space-time conditional intensity model for evaluating a wildfire hazard index. Journal of the American Statistical Association 100, 469 (March): 26-35. doi 10.1198/016214504000001863.
- Curtis, James R. 2005. A typology of Brazilian urban squares: Its application in the city of Manaus. In Cities and Urban Geography in Latin America, ed. Vicent Ortells Chabrera, Robert B. Kent, and Javier Soriano Martí, pp. 39-60. Castelló de la Plana, Spain: Universitat Jaume I Press.
- Del Casino, V.J., Jr. 2005. Study Guide: World Regions in Global Context, 2nd ed. New York: Prentice Hall.
- Del Casino, V.J., Jr. 2005. Instructor's Manual: World Regions in Global Context, 2nd ed. New York: Prentice Hall.
- Del Casino, V.J., Jr. 2005. Mapping Workbook: World Regions in Global Context, 2nd ed. New York: Prentice Hall.
- 2004
- Wechsler, Suzanne P. and Pitts, Lisa A. 2004. GIS in high school integrates geography with technology: A case study. The California Geographer: 37-54.
- Hanna, S.P.; Del Casino, V.J., Jr.; Selden, C.; and Hite, B. 2004. Representation as work in "America's most historic city." Social and Cultural Geography 5, 3: 459-482.
- Tyner, Judith 2004. Stitching the world: Westtown School's embroidered globes. Piecework Magazine (September/October): 28-31.
- Curtis, James R. 2004. Barrio Space and place in Southeast Los Angeles. In Hispanic Spaces, Latino Places: Community and Cultural Diversity in Contemporary America, pp. 125-144, ed. Daniel D. Arreola. Austin: University of Texas Press.
- Del Casino, V.J., Jr. 2004. Scaling health and health care: Re-presenting Thailand's HIV/AIDS epidemic with world regional geography students in a U.S. college classroom. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 28, 2: 333-346.
- Laris, Paul. 2004. Grounding environmental narratives: The impact of a century of fighting against fire in Mali. In African Environment and Development: Rhetoric, Programs, Realities, ed. William G. Mosely and B. Ikubolagheh Logan, pp. 63-86. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
- Wechsler, Suzanne P.. 2003. Perceptions of digital elevation model uncertainty by DEM users. Journal of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Assocation 15, 2: 57-64.
- Del Casino, V.J., Jr.. 2004. (Re)placing health and health care: Mapping the competing discourses and practices of `traditional' and `modern' Thai medicine. Health and Place 10, 1: 59-73.
- Wolch, Jennifer and Lassiter, Unna. 2004. Attitudes toward animals among African American women in Los Angeles. International Urban Wildlife Conservation Conference Proceedings 4: 255-263.
- Kaufman, D.; Ager, T.A.; Anderson, N.J.; Anderson, P.M.; Andrews, J.T.; Bartlein, P.J; Brubaker, L.B.; Coats, L.L.; Cwynar, L.C.; Duvall, M.L.; Dyke, A.S.; Edwards, M.E.; Gajewski, K.; Geirsdóttir, A.; Hu, F.S.; Jennings, A.E.; Kaplan, M.R.; Kerwin, M.W.; Lozhkin, A.V.; MacDonald, G.M.; Miller, G.H.; Mock, C.J.; Oswald, W.W.; Otto-Bliesner, B.L.; Porinchu, D.F.; Rqhland, K.; Smol, J.P.; Steig, E.J.; and Wolfe, B.B. 2004. Holocene Thermal Maximum in the Western Arctic (O-180°W). Quaternary Science Reviews 23: 529-560.
- 2003
- Jocoy, Christine L.. 2003. Vying for hearts and minds: Emotional labour as management control. Labour and Industry: A Journal of the Social and Economic Relations of Work 13, 3: 51-72.
- Dennison, P.E.; Roberts, D.A.; Thorgusen, S.R.; Regelbrugge, J.C., Weise, D.; and Lee, C.. 2003. Modeling seasonal changes in live fuel moisture and equivalent water thickness using a cumulative water balance index. Remote Sensing of Environment 88, 4 (30 December): 442-452.
- Sidorov, Dmitrii (here aka Sidorof, Dimitrij) 2003. Raum für Religion? Die neue alte Rolle der Russisch Orthodoxen Kirche. Geographische Rundschau 54, 12.
- Rodrigue, Christine M. 2003. Representation of the September 11th terrorist attacks in the online edition of the Los Angeles Times. In Beyond September 11th: An Account of Post-Disaster Research, ed. Jacquelyn L. Monday, pp. 521-558. University of Colorado Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center Special Publication 39 (a coöperative project of the Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center, Public Entity Risk Institute, and the Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems). 110-111: 41-57.
- Porinchu, David and MacDonald, Glen M. 2003. The use and application of freshwater midges in geographical research. Progress in Physical Geography 27: 409-453.
- Lassiter, Unna. 2003. Le contexte spatial de l'authenticité des animaux. Espaces et sociétés 110-111: 41-57.
- Porinchu, D.F.; MacDonald, G.M.; Bloom, A.M.; and Moser, K.A. 2003. Chironomid community development in the eastern Sierra Nevada, California, U.S.A. during the late glacial-early Holocene transition: Paleoclimatic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 3166: 1-20.
- Roberts, D.A.; Dennison, P.E.; Gardner, M.; Hetzel, Y.L.; Ustin,S.L.; and Lee, C. 2003. Evaluation of the potential of Hyperion for fire danger assessment by comparison to the Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 41: 1297-1310.
- Bloom, A.M.; Moser, K.A.; Porinchu, D.F., and MacDonald, G.M. 2003. Diatom-inference models for surface-water temperature and salinity developed from a 57-lake calibration set from the Sierra Nevada, California, USA, Journal of Paleolimnology 29: 235-255.
- Azary, Irisita and Michael J. Cohen. 2003. Confounding water policy: Voter representation and choice in Tucson, Arizona. Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 65: 20-45.
- Hanna, Stephen P. and Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr., eds. 2003. Mapping Tourism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Reviewed in Progress in Human Geography, Professional Geographer, Annals of Tourism Research, and Journal of Human Geography.
- Hanna, Stephen P. and Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr.. 2003. Introduction: Tourism spaces, mapped representations, and the practices of identity. In Mapping Tourism, ed. S.P. Hanna and V.J. Del Casino, Jr., p. ix. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr. and S. Hanna. 2003. Mapping identities, reading maps: the politics of representation in Bangkok's sex tourism industry. In Mapping Tourism, ed. Hanna, S.P. and V.J. Del Casino, Jr., p. . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- 2002
- Lassiter, Unna. 2002. "This is none of that Jack Kerouac thing ": An essay review on narratives of poverty. Gender, Place and Culture 9, 4: 417-420.
- Lassiter, Unna and Jennifer R. Wolch. 2002. Sociocultural aspects of attitudes toward marine animals: A focus group analysis. The California Geographer 42: 1-24 (this is the lead article!).
- Keirn, Tim and Del Casino, Vincent . 2002. Negotiating time and space: The necessity and challenge of early world historical geography. Proceedings of the International Conference for History, Seoul, Korea: 541-544.
- Griffith, Marcie; Wolch, Jennifer; and Lassiter, Unna. 2002. Animal Practices and the Racialization of Filipinas in Los Angeles. Society and Animals 10: 221-248.
- Woods, James A. 2002. Ten maps in Imre Sutton's "Cartographic Review of Indian Land Tenure and Territoriality: A Schematic Approach," American Indian Culture & Research Journal 26, 2.
- Laris, Paul. 2002. Burning the seasonal mosaic: Preventative burning strategies in the wooded savanna of southern Mali. Human Ecology 30, 2: 155-186.
- Del Casino, Vincent J. 2002. World Regions in Global Context: Study Guide. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
- Tyner, Judith A. 2002. Folk maps, cartoons, and map kitsch: The role of cartographic curiosities. Mercator's World (March/April): 24-29.
- Rodrigue, Christine M. 2002. Patterns of media coverage of the terrorist attacks on the United States in September of 2001. Quick Response Report 146. Available at: http://www.colorado.EDU/hazards/qr/qr146/qr146.html.
- Terence Young and Robert Riley, eds. 2002. The Landscapes of Theme Parks: Antecedents and Variations. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Library and Research Center Press.
- Young, Terence. 2002. Grounding the myth: Theme park landscapes in an era of commerce and nationalism. In The Landscapes of Theme Parks: Antecedents and Variations, pp. 1-10. Terence Young and Robert Riley, eds. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Library and Research Center Press.
- Young, Terence. 2002. Virtue and irony in a U.S. National Park. In The Landscapes of Theme Parks: Antecedents and Variations, pp. 155-182. Terence Young and Robert Riley, eds. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Library and Research Center Press.
- 2001
- Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2001. Orthodoxy and Difference: Essays on the Geography of Russian Orthodox Church(es) in the 20th Century (Princeton Theological Monograph Series 46). San José, CA: Pickwick Publications.
- Glenn, E.P.; Lee, C.T.; and Valdes-Casillas, C. 2001. Introduction: Colorado River Delta. Journal of Arid Environments 49 (special issue): 1-4. This is the lead article.
- Woods, James 2001. Map, Number of executions in the United States, published in Jon R. Bond, R. A. Watson, and K. B. Smith, Promise and Performance of American Democracy, 6 ed., p. 503. F. E. Peacock.
- Tyner, Judith A. 2001. Whither cartography? Cartographic Perspectives 38 (winter): 3-6. This is the lead article.
- Rodrigue, Christine M. 2001. The Internet and plutonium on board the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft. Risk: Health, Safety, and Environment 12, 3/4 (Fall): 221-254.
- Del Casino, Vincent. 2001. Decision making in an ethnographic context. Geographical Review (special double-issue, Doing Fieldwork) 91, 1/2 (January/April): 454-462.
- Young, Terence. 2001. Moral order, language, and the failure of the 1930 Recreation Plan for Los Angeles County. Planning Perspectives 16, 4 (October): 333-356.
- Del Casino, Vincent J. 2001. Enabling geographies? Non-governmental organizations and the empowerment of people living with HIV and AIDS. Disability Studies Quarterly 21, 4 (Fall): 19-29. Available at:
- Curtis, James R. 2000. Praças, place, and public life: Urban squares in Brazil. Geographical Review 90, 4:: 475-492. This article was the lead piece in this issue. (and it came out in August 2001, though it belongs to the 2000 volume)
- Young, Terence. 2001. Place matters. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 91, 4: 668-669.
- Koletty, Stephen R. 2001. The Samoan Archipelago in urban America. In Geographical Identities of Ethnic North America: Race, Space, and Place, Kate Berry and Martha Henderson, eds. Reno: University of Nevada Press.
- Del Casino, Vincent. 2001. Healthier geographies: Mediating the "gaps" between the needs of people living with HIV and AIDS and health care in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The Professional Geographer 53, 3: 407-421.
- Rodrigue, Christine M. 2001. Impact of Internet media in risk debates: The controversies over the Cassini-Huygens mission and the Anaheim Hills, California, landslide. The Australian Journal of Emergency Management 16, 1: 53-61. It is available online here.
- Young, Terence. 2001. Urban parks. In The Oxford Companion to United States History, p. 582. P. Boyer, ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Rodrigue, Christine M. 2001. Construction of hazard perception and activism on the Internet: Amplifying trivial risks and obfuscating serious ones. Natural Hazards Research Working Paper 106 (University of Colorado, Boulder, Natural Hazards Research and Applications Center). This online publication is available at http://www.colorado.EDU/hazards/wp/wp106/wp106.html.
- Tyner, Judith A. 2001. Following the thread: The origins and diffusion of embroidered map samplers. Mercator's World (March-April): 36-41. This article reports on her research on the history of map samplers out.
- Wolch, Jennifer; Griffith, Marcie; Lassiter, Unna; and Zhang, Jin. 2001. Attitudes toward marine wildlife among residents of Southern California's urban coastal zone. Los Angeles: University of Southern California Sea Grant Program.
- Weir, Daniel and Azary, Irisita. 2001. Quitovac Oasis: A sense of home place and the development of water resources. The Professional Geographer 53, 1: 46-55.
- James Woods. 2001. Membership analysis of the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific. ESRI's Map Book, Vol. 16. This is an atlas of maps he produced completely within Atlas GIS, which was selected by ESRI for inclusion in this year's Map Book. This is the second time that Jim Woods has been honored by having his work showcased in the ESRI Map Book series (the last time was in Vol. 14 in 1999).
- 2000
- Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2000. National monumentalization and the politics of scale: The resurrections of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 90: 548-572.
- Woods, James. 2000. His map, "Number of Times the Land Has Burned," has been reprinted in John O'Looney's Beyond Maps: GIS and Decision Making in Local Government (ESRI Press): 161.
- Lassiter, Unna. 2000. Marine animal oriented organizations, cultural (USCG-TR-09-00). Los Angeles: University of Southern California Sea Grant Program.
- Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2000. Playing chess with churches: Russian Orthodoxy as re(li)gion. Historical Geography 28: 208-233.
- Del Casino Jr., V. and S. Hanna. 2000. Representations and identities in tourism map spaces. Progress in Human Geography 24, 1: 23-46.
- Ludwig, Noel A. 2000. Swords into timeshares: A marine park alternative for the Spratly Islands. Ocean Yearbook 15 (University of Chicago Press).
- Wolch, Jennifer; Brownlow, Alexander C.; and Lassiter, Unna. 2000. Constructing the animal worlds of inner-city Los Angeles. In Animal Spaces, Beastly Places, ed. Chris Philo and Chris Wilbert, pp. 71-97. London: Routledge.
- Del Casino Jr., V.; A. Grimes; S. Hanna; and J.P. Jones III. 2000. Methodological frameworks for the geography of organizations. Geoforum 31: 523-538.
- Young, Terence. 2000. Creating Community Greenspace: A Handbook for Developing Sustainable Open Spaces in Central Cities. Los Angeles: The California League of Conservation Voters -- Education Fund.
- Splansky, Joel 2000. Field Methods in Landscape Analysis, 3rd ed. Long Beach: 49er Copy Center (630 page textbook for Geography 486).
- Splansky, Joel 2000. Tanzania. Long Beach: 49er Copy Center (25 page original instructional manual for Geography 308i).
- Splansky, Joel 2000. Cratons and the early structuring of the African continent. Long Beach: 49er Copy Center (3 page original instructional manual for Geography 308i).
- Woods, James. 2000. Executions by state since 1976. Death Penalty Information Center, James Woods' map is updated each month.
- Ulack, R. and Del Casino, V., Jr. 2000. Tourism. Chapter in Southeast Asia: Diversity and Development, ed. T. Leinbach and R. Ulack. New York: Prentice Hall.
- 1999
- Valencia, Mark J.; Van Dyke, John M.; and Ludwig, Noel. 1999. Sharing the Resources of the South China Sea. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.
- Tyner, Judith. 1999. Millie the Mapper. Meridian (the journal of the Map and Geography Round Table of the American Library Association) 15 (February): 23-28. Dr. Tyner also served as the guest editor for this special theme issue on Women in Cartography.
- Tyner, Judith. 1999. A world of their own, James Wilson and the first American globe. Mercator's World 4, 1 (January/February): 28-33.
- Azary, Irisita. 1999. Application of the Rosgen stream classification system to Southern California wildland streams. American Water Resource Association Conference Proceedings: Wildland Hydrology (June/July).
- Tyner, Judith. 1999. A new map of Texas, Oregon, and California with the regions adjoining. California 49, California Map Society Occasional Paper: 30. This was an invited commentary.
Accepted and Forthcoming
- Ban, Hyowon and Alquist, Ola. 2010. User evaluation of a software interface for communication in urban ontologies. Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon) (accepted with revisions).
- Tyner, Judith. 2010. Principles of Map Design. New York: Guilford Press (forthcoming).
- Woods, James. 2010. Maps in Tyner, Judith. 2009 or 2010. Principles of Map Design. New York: Guilford Press (forthcoming).
- Kim, Changjoo; Sang, Sunhee; and Ban, H. 2009. Exploring job centers by occupation and gender using accessibility: The case study of the Columbus MSA. GeoJournal (accepted with revisions).
- Curtis, A.; Mills, J.W.; McCarthy, T.; Fotheringham, A.S.; and Fagan, W. 2009. Space and time changes in neighborhood recovery after a disaster using a spatial video acquisition system. In Geospatial Techniques in Urban Hazard and Disaster Analysis, ed. P. Showalter and Y. Lu. (forthcoming July 2009).
- Tyner, Judith. Sampler maps. In History of Cartography, Volume 4: Cartography in the European Enlightenment, ed. David Woodward. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (forthcoming).
- Rodrigue, Christine M.. 2009. The domestication of animals. In Encyclopædia of Geography, ed. Barney Warf. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (forthcoming).
- Tyner, Judith. Maps as decoration. In History of Cartography, Volume 6: Cartography in the 20th Century, ed. David Woodward. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (forthcoming).
- Tyner, Judith. Women in cartography. In History of Cartography, Volume 6: Cartography in the 20th Century, ed. David Woodward. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (forthcoming).
- Tyner, Judith. Persuasive cartography. In History of Cartography, Volume 6: Cartography in the 20th Century, ed. David Woodward. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (forthcoming).
- Tyner, Judith. Norman J.W. Thrower. In History of Cartography, Volume 6: Cartography in the 20th Century, ed. David Woodward. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (forthcoming).
- Arreola, D.D.; Doolittle, W.E.; Sutton, L.M.; Fernandez, A.; Finn, J.; Smith, C.; and Allen, C.D. 2009. Huipac revisited: Cultural remapping of a Sonoran townscape. Journal of the Southwest 51, 2 (forthcoming).
- Pugh, Jonathan, and Thien, Deborah, writing for the Spaces of Democracy and the Democracy of Space Network. 2009. What are the consequences of the "spatial turn" for how we understand politics today? A proposed research agenda. Progress in Human Geography doi: 10.1177/0309132508099795 (forthcoming).
- Del Casino, Vincent J., Jr.. 2009. Living with and experiencing (dis)ease. In Companion to Medical Geography, ed. T. Brown, S. McLafferty, and G. Moon. London and New York: Blackwell (forthcoming).
- Sidorov, Dmitrii. 2009. Third Romist geopolitics of Ilya Glazunov's eternal Russia. Gumanitarnaia Geografiia (forthcoming).
- Thien, Deborah. 2008. Encouraging gender analysis in research practice. Journal of Geography in Higher Education (forthcoming).
- Curtis, James R. 2008. La chinesca de Mexicali. In La experiencia migratoria China a Sonora y Baja California, ed. Servando Ontoll. Mexicali: Centro de Investigaciones Culturales-Museo (forthcoming). Reprinted from Geographical Review 1995. Tr. J.R. Curtis and S. Ontoll.
- Holmgren, Camille A.. 2008. Paleoenvironmental response of the Northern Chihuahuan Desert to the Younger Dryas climatic oscillation. Invited paper for Current Research in the Pleistocene (in press).
- Thien, Deborah and Del Casino, Vincent. 2008. Symbolic interaction. In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, ed. Rob Kitchin and Nigen Thrift (accepted with revisions).
- Baruah, Bipasha. 2008. Monitoring progress towards poverty alleviation and gender equality: The tools of the trade. Canadian Journal of Development Studies (forthcoming).
- Baruah, Bipasha. 2008. Standing Her Ground: Women and Land in Urban South Asia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press (forthcoming).
- Lassiter, Unna I. and Lowry, James D. 2006. Unpacking difference: The changing identities of greyhounds. Invited contribution to Sports and Geography special edition of the National Council for Geographic Education Pathways in Geography series of Special Publications (forthcoming).
- Rodrigue, Christine M. and Rovai, Eugenie (eds.). 2010. Earthquakes. London: Routledge (forthcoming).
- Rodrigue, Christine M.; Rovai, Eugenie; and Place, Susan E. 2010. Media coverage of the Northridge and North Coast Earthquakes in California. In Earthquakes, ed. Christine M. Rodrigue and Eugenie Rovai. London: Routledge.
- Macdonald, G. M.; Edwards, T.; Gervais, B.; Laing, T.; Pisaric, M.; Porinchu, D. F.; Synder, J.; Solovieva, N.; Tarasov, P.; and Wolfe, B. 2005. Recent paleolimnological research from Northern Russian Eurasia. In Long-term Environmental Change in Arctic and Antarctic Lakes, ed. Reinhar Pienitz, John P. Smol, and Douglas Marianne S.V. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Young, Terence. 2001. Historical geography of the environment. In Geography in America at the Dawn of the 21st Century, C. Wilmott and G. Gaile, eds. New York: Oxford University Press (forthcoming, expected out in 2004).
- Wolch, Jennifer; Lassiter, Unna; and Top, Tula. 2001. Tracking animal-oriented organizations in Southern California. International Urban Wildlife Conservation Conference Proceedings (forthcoming).
- Koletty, Stephen R. 1999. California circuits: Spatial constructions of an urban Samoan community. Out of Oceania: Diaspora, Community, and Identity: Proceedings of the Annual Pacific Island Studies Conference, Honolulu, Hawai'i (forthcoming).
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