Geography Faculty Research
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Department of
Geography College of Liberal Arts 1250 Bellflower Boulevard California State University Long Beach, CA 90840-1101 USA |
With Dr. Christine Jocoy, he is also second co-author on another paper:
She is also the organizer and chair of a special session co-sponsored by the Remote Sensing and the Political Geography specialty groups:
She is also serving on a panel sponsored by the Graduate Student Affinity Group and the Population Specialty Group addressing:
"Two wheel mpas: Maps in bicycle travel narrative."
She reports a pleasant perk of her attendance there was getting to tour the Adventure Cycling cartography operation!
He has also been asked to chair a session on "GIS and Planning"
She chaired the session, "Invasive, Exotic & Disturbed: Geographies of Vegetation"
Dr. Rodrigue was also an invited panelist in the "Shifting Patterns of Illicit Crop Cultivation" session, presenting "Marijuana cultivation in National Forests and National Parks: American market, post-9/11 border securitization, and global in-sourcing of production."
As well, she served as chair for two sessions, Graduate Perspectives on Women, I and II
He also served as introducer in the special session, "Author Meets the Critics: Arun Saldanha's Psychedelic White: Goa Trance and the Viscosity of Race"
Additionally, he served as discussant in a special session, "Critics Meets Author: Disposable Women and Other Myths of Global Capitalism "
Dr. Del Casino was also a discussant in another special session, "Subversive cartographies 1"
Additionally, she chaired the "Advances in Paleoclimatology I" session
He also served as discussant in the "Mapping the Black Presence" session and panelist in "The Geopolitics of American Empire" panel.
"GIS modeling for stormwater and groundwater management."
"Rethinking stormwater management: The Los Angeles Basin Water Augmentation Study"
"The stable isotope composition of taxon-specific higher plant biomarkers in ancient packrat middens: Novel proxies for seasonal climate in the southwest U.S."
"The 'YouTube Nation'! and the body politics of sexuopharmaceuticals."
"The politics of homeless mobility in Long Beach, CA."
"Careers in community college geography."
"Doing it all: Experiences of female junior faculty in physical/environmental geography."
"Mars in the geography classroom."
"The West in Russian Orthodoxy-inspired geopolitics."
"The flip-side of drought: Wet intervals in Yellowstone National Park over the last 1400 years."
"Twenty-five years later: 'On not excluding half the human in human geography.'"
"Geographic scale and racial formation: The U.S. Census in California and the creation of the 'Asian American' racial category."
"Ethnic Neighborhoods of Los Angeles and Orange Counties"
"Careers in community college geography."
"The (dis)functionality of public transit in Downtown Los Angeles."
"Port of Long Beach Tour"
"Bastion on the border: The political geographies of defending and securitizing a gated community within a gated community."
"Blue nights in Corsica. Boundedness and island identity."
"Discourse analysis and web-based data: Examining the analytic possibilities of internet resources."
"Assessment of wildfire frequency and coastal sage scrub vegetation dynamics in the Santa Monica Mountains of Southern California."
"Searching for speculation within the residential housing market."
"The politics of pasting: A spatial inquiry into the practices of wheatpasting, power, and representation."
"The urban question revisited: The importance of cities for social movements."
"Careers in community college geography."
"Making the most of graduate school: Differing perspectives."
"Visualizing the Japanese American internment experience."
"Disaster by management: International drug cartels and the North State National Forest lands"
"A long-term vegetation history of Joshua Tree National Park from fossil rodent middens"
"Men and masculinities in gender and development programs: A new way forward?"
"Gender and development in South Asia: Are theory and practice out of synch?"
"Women and multiple vulnerabilities: Opportunities and constraints in landed property ownership in the informal sector in urban India"
"Low-cost startup GIS for cities"
"Russian Cold War culture? Post-Soviet historicization of the East/West dichotomy."
He also made another panel presentation in the session,
Additionally, she also co-organized and served as a panellist in the special session
"Corporatization of urban space and the emergence of civil society in post-Soviet Moscow"
"The East in contemporary Russian Orthodox geopolitics"
"Persuasive cartography revisited"
"A geographic analysis of graduates of California State University, Long Beach"
"Earning her keep and keeping what she earns: Women and grassroots economic movements in India and the Caribbean"
"Residential security management: Theories, techniques, and technology for securing the condo-tower"
"Geography in a diverse world"
Dr. Rodrigue's presentation is entitled:
She is also an invited co-author/panellist, with Jenny Zorn, Vicky Lawson, Dolly Freidel, and Richard Aspinal for the special session:
"Strategies for healthy departments"
Her presentation on this panel is entitled:
"Neoliberal subjectivities, the 'new' homelessness, and struggles over spaces of/in the city"
"Grants and grantsmanship: Strategies for funding research in physical and human geography"
"Where is the social in social and cultural geography in the United States?"
"Potatoes to poppies in the Apple Isle"
"The residential renaissance of downtown Los Angeles: Too hip to last?"
"Performing the city: The intersection of music, space, and racialized identity in Leimert Park Village"
"Lidar and imagery acquisition and analysis for the port complex"
"LAX Noise Contours & El Segundo residential sound insulation program eligibility"
"Los Angeles Area G emergency response facilities"
"Lakewood Infrastructure Map"
"Lakewood Traffic Accidents"
"Tribal trust lands in California"
"Tribal cultural landscape of Southern California"
"Impacts of tribal gaming in California"
"Land status of the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation"
The purpose of the symposium is to develop a northern research program, including the capacity to explore northern places and their unique needs in the critical areas of gender and of care issues. To learn more about the conference, click on its name above or contact Dr. Thien.
"Threads and ink: 19th century schoolgirl mapping, 1770s-1840"
"Geography through the needle's eye"
"On the Geographies of Health and Sexuality "
He is also the co-organizer and chair of another special session, "Author Meets Critics: A Critical Engagement with Judith Halberstram's In a Queer Time and Place"
He is also the co-organizer (with Chris Duvall, University of Wisconsin, Madison) and chair of the session, "Applied Biogeography and Cultural Ecology in Semi-arid Africa"
She is also the organizer, chair, and a panellist in the session, "Gender Interventions in Research, Teaching, and/or Practice "
and "Geography diversity initiatives at California State University, Long Beach: Interdisciplinary and interinstitutional partnerships," as an invited panellist on the AAG Diversity Task Force session: "Collaboration and Outreach"
She is also serving as an invited panellist in the AAG Diversity Task Force session: "Collaboration and Outreach"
She is also an invited panellist on the "Diversity in Geography Departments: Student Perspectives" session.
"Copy and paste plagiarism: Addressing academic integrity in online geography education"
"Movin on up: Residential living rises to new heights in Orange County"
"On the challenges of qualitative inquiry and analysis"
He is also the chair of a special session:
"Factors in the adoption of geographic information systems into sports marketing"
"Threads of geography"
is a participant in the "Map Off Contest," a mapping under pressure competition. Participants are given a data set and must create a map within two weeks, which is then judged at NACIS.
"Moscow, the Third Rome: Resurrections of a Russian Orthodox geopolitical metaphor"
"The state of geography and its cognate disciplines in the California State Universities."
"Enhancing diversity in the geosciences."
"Visualizing post-Soviet Russia."
"A tribute to Joan Clemmons."
"Persistence of culture: Remnants of the Mexican land tenure system in Los Angeles and Orange County."
"Geography back in high school? Assessing GIS and technology for teaching geography. Case Study: West Covina High School."
"Garmin GPS and geoCaching workshop."
"Reconstructing 31,000 years of vegetation dynamics in the northern Chihuahuan Desert: A packrat midden study from the Peloncillo Mountains."
He is also the organizer of the session, "New Perspectives on Environmental Narratives"
He is also the co-organizer, chair, and a panellist on the special session, "The Silent Third: Service Responsibilities and Academic Obligations"
"Exploring the scale issue in nature-society geography through a study of mosaic fire regimes in West Africa"
"Bloody maps: The role of maps in detective fiction"
"The use of digital elevation models (DEMs) in managing natural habitats in the South Coast Wilderness""
"Staid in school and worked on my map: 19th century schoolgirl maps"
"Hazard Vulnerability, Media Construction of Disaster, and Risk Management"
He is also co-chair of the Biogeography Specialty Group-sponsored special session, "Fire, Climate, and Biogeographical History in North America and Eurasia"
She also served as an invited panelist discussing "Women in Cartography I: A Peek into the Past" to a special session on the accomplishments of women in geography, which is sponsored by the Geographic Perspectives on Women Specialty Group and the Status of Women in Geography Specialty Group.
She is also serving as Chair of the Cartography Specialty Group and chaired its business meeting.
He also served as an invited panelist discussing "Lonely Geographers: Adjuncts, What Is Their Status?" to a special session organized by the Geography Education Specialty Group and the Community College Affinity Group.
She also served as an invited panelist discussing "Lonely Geographers: Adjuncts, What Is Their Status?" to a special session organized by the Geography Education Specialty Group and the Community College Affinity Group.
She also served as an invited panelist to the special session, "Quick Response Research and Scholarship in Geography," which is sponsored by the Hazards Specialty Group, the Qualitative Research Specialty Group, and the Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group.
He also served as an invited panelist to the "Centennial Sexualities III: Looking back and forward" panel, which is sponsored by the Sexuality and Space Specialty Group and the Geographic Perspectives on Women Specialty Group.
He also organized the special session, "Author Meets Critic: A Critical Engagement with Michael Brown's Closet Space," and served as the session chair and as a panelist. This session is sponsored by the Sexuality and Space Specialty Group.
Additionally, Dr. Koletty, with Drs. Jim Allen (CSUN) and Wei Li (Arizona State University), has organized two paper sessions, "Ethnic Identity and Community: Patterns and Change I & II," one of which he chaired.
"Highest, biggest, tallest: Architecture and power in Moscow, then and now."
"Highest, biggest, tallest: Architecture and power in Moscow, then and now"
"Changing cityscape of (post) Soviet Moscow: Putin's 'administrative Revolution' and the politics of scale"
In addition, Dr. Rodrigue chaired a session at the AGU:
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