Geography Faculty Research
[ Logo Image: Old map of Planet Earth fading into images of 
California State University, Long Beach ]
      Department of Geography
College of Liberal Arts
1250 Bellflower Boulevard
California State University
Long Beach, CA 90840-1101 USA

Presentations at Professional Conferences


[ 2009 ] [ 2008 ] [ 2007 ] [ 2006 ] [ 2005 ] [ 2004 ] [ 2003 ] [ 2002 ] [ 2001 ] [ 2000 ] [ 1999 ] [ forthcoming ]

[ Publications ] [ Reviews ] [ Presentations ] [ Grants ] [ Media ] [ Guest Lectures ]


Second Annual Durham International Affairs Conference, Durham University, UK, April

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov gave a paper entitled:

"Post-Imperial Third Romes: Resurrections of a Russian Orthodox geopolitical metaphor."

Western Social Science Association, Albuquerque, April

With her Chico State colleague, Dr. Eugenie Rovai, Dr. Chrys Rodrigue is giving a paper:

"Marijuana cultivation in National Forests and Parks, environmental impacts, and policy failure: Disaster by management."

British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies, Cambridge, UK, 28-30 March

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov is giving a paper entitled:

"Post-Soviet Russian Orthodox geopolitics of the Cold War."

Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, NV, 22-27 March 2009

Dr. Suzanne Dallman is presenting:

"Urban runoff and the hydrosocial cycle: From asset to liability and back again"

Dr. Suzanne Wechsler is giving a presentation, entitled:

"Accuracy versus shape: An assessment of LiDAR interpolations "

Dr. Christine L. Jocoy is lead author on a paper entitled:

"Mobility, homelessness, and gender: Travel among homeless adults in Long Beach, CA"

Dr. Vincent Del Casino is presenting:

"Organizing the virus: The body politic, HIV, and the molecular geographies of surveillance"

With Dr. Christine Jocoy, he is also second co-author on another paper:

"Mobility, homelessness, and gender: Travel among homeless adults in Long Beach, CA"

Dr. Deborah Thien is giving a paper entitled:

"Touch as resonance: Examining the substance and shadows of place-based feeling"

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue is presenting:

"Orders of relief and the regional geography of Mars"

She is also the organizer and chair of a special session co-sponsored by the Remote Sensing and the Political Geography specialty groups:

"Geography of Mars"

Ms. Hyowon Ban, who is joining our faculty in August, is presenting a paper with Dr. Ola Ahlqvist of Ohio State:

"Representing and negotiating uncertain exurban concepts with user evaluation."

She is also serving on a panel sponsored by the Graduate Student Affinity Group and the Population Specialty Group addressing:

"Geography's diversity, coherence, prospects"

Another of our incoming faculty members, Dr. Jacqueline Mills, attended the conference and stopped in at the CSULB Beach Party hosted by Dr. Wechsler!

Mr. Norman Carter, is delivering a paper:

"Homelessness as an industry: A case study of Los Angeles."

Mr. Gregory Ziolkowski, graduate student, is working for the AAG during the conference and giving a paper entitled:

"Changes in the North Palisade Glacier, Sierra Nevada, since the Little Ice Age."

Ms. Mary Ngo, graduate student, is presenting:

"Interconnecting spaces: Networking away diesel pollution from the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles"

Mr. Kevin Flaherty, graduate student, is presenting:

"Long Beach in context."

Ms. Kat Koppel, graduate student, was also spotted at the conference!

Dr. Ray Sumner, occasionally a lecturer in our department (and now Chair of the Human Geography Department at Long Beach City College) is on a panel sponsored by the Ethnic Geography, Geography Education, and the Cultural Geography specialty groups discussing:

"Ethnic diversity in geography undergraduate departments."

Ms. Nazanin Naraghi, alumna of our master's degree program and currently a doctoral student at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, is giving a presentation entitled:

"'That obscure object of my desire': The Islamic Republic of Iran and das Ding."

Dr. Richard Marcus, who is Assistant Professor and Director of the International Studies Program here (in which several of our faculty participate) is on a panel discussing:

"New directions in the political ecology of Madagascar."

California Map Society , Fullerton, CA, 31 January

Dr. Judith Tyner presented:

"Two wheel mpas: Maps in bicycle travel narrative."


American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, 15-19 December

Ms. Carlye Peterson and Dr. Richard J. Behl (Geological Sciences), Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue, Ms. C.M. Zeleski (Geological Sciences), and Dr. Tessa M. Hill (UC Davis) are presenting:

"Statistical relationships among proxies of climate, productivity, and the carbon cycle across climatic regimes, Santa Barbara Basin, California."

United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Project Workshop, Beyond the Tipping Point: Asian Development in an Urban World, Bangkok, Thailand, 15-17 December

Dr. Bipasha Baruah is giving a presentation:

"Landed property ownership for women in the urban informal sector in India: Negotiating closed doors and windows of opportunity."

International Development Research Centre of Canada Conference on Housing, Urban Poverty, and Environment, Kampala, Uganda, 2-4 December

Dr. Bipasha Baruah is presenting:

"Energy services for the urban poor: Public-private-NGO partnerships for slum electrification in India."

Latin American Conference on Learning Objects, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 27-31 October

Osvaldo Muniz (Texas State University San Marcos) and Ms. Angela Wranic presented:

"Composite learning objects in geographical sciences: Experience from on-line collaboration."

Ms. Wranic wishes to thank the Department of Geography at TSUSM for funding her participation in this conference.

Headwaters to Oceans (H2O) Conference, Long Beach, 28-30 October

Dr. Suzanne Dallman and Mr. Michael Antos (Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council) presented:

"Optimizing stream daylighting project locations for groundwater recharge in Compton, California."

Dr. Dallman notes that the annual Headwaters to Oceans (H2) conference is sponsored by the California Shore and Beach Preservation Association (CSBPA), the California Coastal Coalition (CalCoast), the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project (SCWRP), and the Western Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS).

37th Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, WI, 16-19 October

Dr. Bipasha Baruah gave a talk entitled:

"Gender and globalization: Challenges and opportunities faced by women in the construction industry in India."

North Amercan Cartographic Information Society, Missoula, MT, 8-11 October

Dr. Judith Tyner presented:

"Two wheel maps."

She reports a pleasant perk of her attendance there was getting to tour the Adventure Cycling cartography operation!

Canadian Association for the Study of International Development: Thinking beyond Borders -- Global Ideas: Global Values, Vancouver, BC, 5-7 June

Dr. Bipasha Baruah presented:

"Public-private-NGO partnerships for urban basic services in India."

American Planning Association, Las Vegas, 27 April - 1 May

Dr. Mike McDaniel has been invited to present:

"Low cost start-up GIS for cities."

He has also been asked to chair a session on "GIS and Planning"

New Approaches to Comparative History in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe, Sofia, Bulgaria, 17-19 April

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov presented:

"Visualizing Eastern Europe and Russia in North American world regional geography textbooks: Teaching as engaging."

Association of American Geographers, Boston, 15-19 April

Dr. Suzanne Dallman gave a presentation entitled:

"GIS modeling for stormwater and groundwater management."

Dr. Suzanne P. Wechsler presented:

"Collaborative mapping: A social atlas of Long Beach, CA."

Dr. Paul Laris gave a paper:

"An anthropogenic escape route for young trees in the savanna of Mali, West Africa."

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue was the first and presenting author, with Dr. Eugenie Rovai and Ms. Janni Waligorski (CSU Chico), of:

"Disaster by management: Marijuana cultivation in National Forests and National Parks."

She chaired the session, "Invasive, Exotic & Disturbed: Geographies of Vegetation"

Dr. Rodrigue was also an invited panelist in the "Shifting Patterns of Illicit Crop Cultivation" session, presenting "Marijuana cultivation in National Forests and National Parks: American market, post-9/11 border securitization, and global in-sourcing of production."

Dr. Deborah Thien organized and chaired a special "author meets critics" panel:

"A Postcapitalist Politics, J. K. Gibson-Graham."

She also gave a panel presentation in the "On the Political and Territoriality" special session

As well, she served as chair for two sessions, Graduate Perspectives on Women, I and II

Dr. Vincent J. Del Casino was the first and presenting author, with Catherine F. Brooks (Communication Studies):

"The 'YouTube Nation' and the body politics of sexuopharmaceuticals."

He also served as introducer in the special session, "Author Meets the Critics: Arun Saldanha's Psychedelic White: Goa Trance and the Viscosity of Race"

Additionally, he served as discussant in a special session, "Critics Meets Author: Disposable Women and Other Myths of Global Capitalism "

Dr. Del Casino was also a discussant in another special session, "Subversive cartographies 1"

Dr. Camille A. Holmgren was the first and presenting author, with Julio L. Betancourt and Kate A. Rylander (USGS), of:

"A 34,000-yr record of the Mojave-Colorado desert ecotone at Joshua Tree National Park."

She also co-organized two special paper sessions: Advances in Paleoclimatology I and IV

Additionally, she chaired the "Advances in Paleoclimatology I" session

Dr. Unna I. Lassiter presented a paper entitled:

"From martyrs to hopefulness: The changing popular relevance of Iran's revolutionary murals."

Mr. Norm Carter presented:

"For sale or for rent? Why aren't lofts and condos selling in downtown Los Angeles?"

Mr. Kevin Flaherty, graduate student, presented:

"Public participation GIS and housing advocacy."

Mr. Simon Wright, graduate student, presented a paper:

"Visualizing the Japanese American internment experience: Weaving emotional geographies into a GIS environment."

Recent graduate alumna, Ms. Julienne Gard (now in the Ph.D. program at USC), gave a paper:

"GIS on the margin: Contextualizing the non-expert user."

Recent graduate alumnus, Mr. Ryan Goode (now in the Ph.D. program at SDSU-UCSB), gave a presentation:

"The politics of pasting: A spatial inquiry into the practice(s) of wheatpasting, power, and representation."

Recent graduate alumna, Ms. Nazanin Naraghi (now in the Ph.D. program at Simon Fraser), presented:

"'The Day I Became A Woman': Hejab and Iranian New Wave Cinema."

Not so recent graduate alumnus, Dr. James A. Tyner (now faculty at Kent State), presented:

"Geographies of everyday death: US militarism and America's war on Vietnam."

He also served as discussant in the "Mapping the Black Presence" session and panelist in "The Geopolitics of American Empire" panel.

Dr. Judith Tyner, Professor Emerita, was also spotted at the meeting, along with her husband, Dr. Jerry Tyner

Perceptions of Space/Spaces of Perception, Moscow, 27-28 March

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov presented:

"Geography of Ilya Glazunov's eternal Russia."

American Water Resources Association , San Mateo, CA, 17-19 March

Dr. Suzanne Dallman presented:

"GIS modeling for stormwater and groundwater management."


American Water Resources Association , Albuquerque, NM, November 2007

Dr. Suzanne Dallman presented a paper:

"Rethinking stormwater management: The Los Angeles Basin Water Augmentation Study"

Geological Society of America , Denver, 28-31 October 2007

Dr. Camille A. Holmgren was third co-author (with D.A. Zinniker and M. Pagani) of a paper presentation:

"The stable isotope composition of taxon-specific higher plant biomarkers in ancient packrat middens: Novel proxies for seasonal climate in the southwest U.S."

Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Long Beach, October, 2007

Dr. Vincent Del Casino (organizer of this conference) is presenting:

"The 'YouTube Nation'! and the body politics of sexuopharmaceuticals."

Drs. Christine L. Jocoy and Vincent Del Casino are presenting:

"The politics of homeless mobility in Long Beach, CA."

Dr. Christine L. Jocoy is the organizer of the special panel session entitled:

"Careers in community college geography."

Dr. Camille Holmgren is giving a panel presentation in the special session:

"Doing it all: Experiences of female junior faculty in physical/environmental geography."

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue is giving a presentation entitled:

"Mars in the geography classroom."

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov presented:

"The West in Russian Orthodoxy-inspired geopolitics."

Dr. Lora Stevens is giving a paper:

"The flip-side of drought: Wet intervals in Yellowstone National Park over the last 1400 years."

Dr. Deborah Thien is giving a panel presentation in the special session:

"Twenty-five years later: 'On not excluding half the human in human geography.'"

Dr. Dean Toji is giving a paper entitled:

"Geographic scale and racial formation: The U.S. Census in California and the creation of the 'Asian American' racial category."

Drs. Dean Toji and Rigoberto Rodríguez are leading a field trip:

"Ethnic Neighborhoods of Los Angeles and Orange Counties"

Drs. J. Christopher Carter and Ray Sumner are co-chairing the special panel session:

"Careers in community college geography."

Mr. Norman Carter is presenting:

"The (dis)functionality of public transit in Downtown Los Angeles."

Mr. Norman Carter is leading a field trip:

"Port of Long Beach Tour"

Mr. Tom Frazier is giving a presentation entitled:

"Bastion on the border: The political geographies of defending and securitizing a gated community within a gated community."

Dr. Ray Sumner is presenting:

"Blue nights in Corsica. Boundedness and island identity."

Ms. Sarah Cady is giving a presentation entitled:

"Discourse analysis and web-based data: Examining the analytic possibilities of internet resources."

Mr. Scott W. Eckardt is presenting:

"Assessment of wildfire frequency and coastal sage scrub vegetation dynamics in the Santa Monica Mountains of Southern California."

Mr. Kevin Flaherty will present:

"Searching for speculation within the residential housing market."

Mr. Ryan Goode is giving a paper:

"The politics of pasting: A spatial inquiry into the practices of wheatpasting, power, and representation."

Mr. Walter Nicholls is presenting:

"The urban question revisited: The importance of cities for social movements."

Ms. Maureen Smith is giving a panel presentation in the special session:

"Careers in community college geography."

Mr. Chris Suri is giving a panel presentation in the special session:

"Making the most of graduate school: Differing perspectives."

Mr. Simon Wright is presenting:

"Visualizing the Japanese American internment experience."

The National Social Science Association, on board the Carnival Elation, Baja California, October 2007

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue was second and co-presenting author (with Eugenie Rovai) of a presentation entitled:

"Disaster by management: International drug cartels and the North State National Forest lands"

INQUA, the International Union for Quaternary Research, Cairns, Australia, August 2007

Dr. Camille Holgren was lead and presenting author (with J.L. Betencourt and K.A. Rylander) of a presentation entitled:

"A long-term vegetation history of Joshua Tree National Park from fossil rodent middens"

National Organization for Men Against Sexism conference on "Social Justice: Gender and Community Resiliency", Indianapolis, July, 2007

Mr. Paul Perret gave a presentation entitled:

"Men and masculinities in gender and development programs: A new way forward?"

South Asia Conference, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, 27-29 April 2007

Dr. Bipasha Baruah presented:

"Gender and development in South Asia: Are theory and practice out of synch?"

Living on the Margins: International Conference -- Vulnerability, Social Exclusion, and the State in the Informal Economy, Cape Town, South Africa, March, 2007

Dr. Bipasha Baruah gave a presentation entitled:

"Women and multiple vulnerabilities: Opportunities and constraints in landed property ownership in the informal sector in urban India"

ESRI International User Conference, San Diego, 18-22 June 2007

Dr. Mike McDaniel presented a paper entitled:

"Low-cost startup GIS for cities"

European Cold War Cultures? Societies, Media and Cold War Experiences in East and West (1947-1990), Potsdam, 26-28 April

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov gave a presentation:

"Russian Cold War culture? Post-Soviet historicization of the East/West dichotomy."

Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, 17-21 April

Dr. Deborah Thien presented:

"Spaces of depression."

She also organized a special event for the Geographical Perspectives on Women Specialty Group, held in the Alexander Bookstore:

"GPOW Book Event and Wine and Cheese Reception."

Dr. Bipasha Baruah is making a presentation in the panel entitled:

"Qualitative feminist research -- ethics and practice."

Dr. Christine L. Jocoy gave a paper entitled:

"The spatial politics of homeless mobility and the negotiation of transportation in Long Beach, CA."

Dr. Paul Laris gave a paper:

"The 'legacy landscape' of fire and long-term fallow in the savanna landscape of Mali."

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue was a last-minute emergency discussant for the special session, "Using GIS and Geovisualization to Stimulate Health Geography, Community Wellness, and Technology Literacy." Her remarks addressed

"The Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Project at CSULB and the Legacy of the Building Information Technology Skills Project at Temple University"

Dr. Judith A. Tyner gave a presentation entitled:

"Women in Twentieth-Century academic cartography."

Dr. Vincent J. Del Casino presented:

"Sex, drugs, and the sexuo-spatial politics of HIV prevention in the U.S.."

He also made a panel presentation in the special session,

"Geographies of sexualities: Theory, practices and politics."

He also made another panel presentation in the session,

"Research design and methodologies for critical GIS research - I"

Mr. Norm Carter presented:

"Lofts vs. tents: the contested residential space of downtown Los Angeles."

Dr. Unna Lassiter presented a paper entitled:

"Creating a new place for animals in Iran."

She also chaired a paper session on:

"Middle East - Environments."

Additionally, she also co-organized and served as a panellist in the special session

"Current issues in Iran"

Dr. Ray Sumner presented at the special panel:

"The AAG Diversity Task Force: Final report and recommendations for the Association and for geography departments as agents of change."

Mr. Kevin Flaherty, graduate student, presented a paper:

"Understanding housing needs in San Francisco."

Ms. Denise Behrens, a recent alumna, presented:

"A comparative geographic analysis of European Union and United States governmental foreign aid."

A large contingent of CSULB students attended the San Francisco meetings:
  • Mr. Chris Barry
  • Ms. Thanh Duoung
  • Mr. César Espinosa
  • Mr. Kevin Flaherty
  • Ms. Jennifer Langdon
  • Ms. Michelle Lynch
  • Ms. Fern Nueno
  • Additionally, recent M.A. alumna (and current USC Ph.D. student), Ms. Julienne Gard was also spotted

1st AESOP Young Academic Meeting, Bratislava, Slovakia, 7-10 February 2007

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov presented a paper entitled:

"Corporatization of urban space and the emergence of civil society in post-Soviet Moscow"


American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, 11-15 December, 2006

Dr. Camille A. Holmgren and Dr. Daniel L. Potts presented:

"Plant functional variabililty in response to late-Quaternary climate change recorded in ancient packrat middens."

British Universities Siberian Studies Seminar, Vladivostok,

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov gave a paper entitled:

"The East in contemporary Russian Orthodox geopolitics"

North American Cartographic Information Society, Madison, WI, 18-21 October 2006

Dr. Judith Tyner gave a paper entitled:

"Persuasive cartography revisited"

Mr. James Woods also made a presentation, entitled:

"A geographic analysis of graduates of California State University, Long Beach"

Global Citizenship Symposium, Hawai'i Pacific University, Honolulu, 28 October 2006

Dr. Bipasha Baruah has been invited to give the keynote address:

"Earning her keep and keeping what she earns: Women and grassroots economic movements in India and the Caribbean"

American Society for Industrial Security, 52nd Annual Seminar, San Diego, 25-28 September 2006

Mr. Tom Frazier presented:

"Residential security management: Theories, techniques, and technology for securing the condo-tower"

Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, University of Oregon, Eugene, 6-9 September 2006.

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue is co-author/panellist, with Daniel Arreola, Kavita Pandit, and Nancy Wilkinson for the APCG Presidential Plenary:

"Geography in a diverse world"

Dr. Rodrigue's presentation is entitled:

"Geography Diversity Initiatives at California State University, Long Beach: The Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Program"

She is also an invited co-author/panellist, with Jenny Zorn, Vicky Lawson, Dolly Freidel, and Richard Aspinal for the special session:

"Strategies for healthy departments"

Her presentation on this panel is entitled:

"Growing Geography: A View from 'The Beach'"

Dr. Christine L. Jocoy, Dr. Vincent Del Casino, Ms. Fern Nueno (graduate student), and Ms. Cynthia Schantz (graduate student) are presenting:

"Neoliberal subjectivities, the 'new' homelessness, and struggles over spaces of/in the city"

Dr. Del Casino is also an invited participant with Victoria Lawson, Richard Aspinal, and Patricia McDowell on the special panel session:

"Grants and grantsmanship: Strategies for funding research in physical and human geography"

He is also chairing a special paper session:

"Where is the social in social and cultural geography in the United States?"

Dr. Ray Sumner is presenting:

"Potatoes to poppies in the Apple Isle"

Mr. Norman Carter is presenting:

"The residential renaissance of downtown Los Angeles: Too hip to last?"

Ms. Nazanin Naraghi (graduate student) is presenting:

"Performing the city: The intersection of music, space, and racialized identity in Leimert Park Village"

ESRI User Conference, San Diego, 7-11 August 2006

Graduate students Messrs. Michael Inman and César Espinosa and Drs. Christopher T. Lee and Suzanne P. Wechsler made the following presentation in the special "College/University Collaborations with Local Organizations" session in the ESRI Educational User Conference:

"Lidar and imagery acquisition and analysis for the port complex"

Dr. Michael McDaniel presented the following maps in the ESRI Map Gallery

"LAX Noise Contours & El Segundo residential sound insulation program eligibility"

"Los Angeles Area G emergency response facilities"

Graduate student Mr. Michael Mercurio, new undergraduate alumna Ms. Kayla Folkins, and former graduate student Mr. Michael Jenkins presented the following maps in the ESRI Map Gallery

"Lakewood Infrastructure Map"

"Lakewood Traffic Accidents"

Graduate alumna Ms. Rebekah Boulton Mintzer, who now works for the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians in Palm Springs and, with Ms. Sheila Gehani and Mr. William Howell) presented the following maps in the ESRI Map Gallery

"Tribal trust lands in California"

"Tribal cultural landscape of Southern California"

"Impacts of tribal gaming in California"

"Land status of the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation"

Caring for the North: A Symposium on Gender, Care, and Northern Places, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, 7-8 June 2006.

Dr. Deborah Thien is organizing this symposium.

The purpose of the symposium is to develop a northern research program, including the capacity to explore northern places and their unique needs in the critical areas of gender and of care issues. To learn more about the conference, click on its name above or contact Dr. Thien.

The Newberry Library "Early American Cartographies" Conference, Chicago, March 2006.

Dr. Judith Tyner presented:

"Threads and ink: 19th century schoolgirl mapping, 1770s-1840"

The Southern California chapter of the Society of Woman Geographers , Long Beach, May 2006

Dr. Judith Tyner presented:

"Geography through the needle's eye"

Association of American Geographers, Chicago, 7-11 March

Dr. Camille A. Holmgren is the lead author (with Jodi Norris of the University of Wyoming, Laramie, and Julio L. Betancourt of the USGS) and presenter of:

"Inferences about winter temperatures and summer rains from the late Quaternary record of C4 perennial grasses and C3 desert shrubs in the northern Chihuahuan Desert."

Drs. Christine L. Jocoy and Vincent J. Del Casino are presenting:

"Persistent discourses in the construction of homeless policy."

Dr. Vincent J. Del Casino served in two other capacities at this conference:

He is the co-organizer (with Mary Gilmartin, University College Dublin), chair, and a panellist on the special session,

"On the Geographies of Health and Sexuality "

He is also the co-organizer and chair of another special session, "Author Meets Critics: A Critical Engagement with Judith Halberstram's In a Queer Time and Place"

Dr. Paul Laris is presenting:

"The biogeographical implications of indigenous fire regimes in the humanized savanna landscape of southern Mali."

He is also the co-organizer (with Chris Duvall, University of Wisconsin, Madison) and chair of the session, "Applied Biogeography and Cultural Ecology in Semi-arid Africa"

Dr. Deborah Thien, arriving at CSULB in August 2006, is a panellist in the session:

"Best Practices in Graduate Supervision/Advising."

She is also the organizer, chair, and a panellist in the session, "Gender Interventions in Research, Teaching, and/or Practice "

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue is presenting:

"Katrina/Rita and risk communication within FEMA."

and "Geography diversity initiatives at California State University, Long Beach: Interdisciplinary and interinstitutional partnerships," as an invited panellist on the AAG Diversity Task Force session: "Collaboration and Outreach"

Dr. Ray Sumner is presenting:

"Long Beach City College," in the special session, "Getting the Best Start...Community College Geography!" sponsored by the Community College Affinity Group

She is also serving as an invited panellist in the AAG Diversity Task Force session: "Collaboration and Outreach"

Mr. Norman Carter is presenting:

"Keeping up with the Joneses': New residential towers in Orange County, California compete with the Los Angeles skyline."

Mr. Tom Frazier is presenting:

"The para-gated communities of Berlin: A methodical analysis of newly constructed securitized residential development in the newly reconstructed capital city."

Dr. Unna Lassiter (who is returning to CSULB later this year!) is presenting:

"National imaginary and privileged migration: The political mobilization of Iranian expatriates."

Ms. Julienne Gard is presenting:

"Healthy cartographies: The social implications of disease mapping."

She is also an invited panellist on the "Diversity in Geography Departments: Student Perspectives" session.


American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, 5-9 December, 2005

Dr. Chrys Rodrigue was the fourth and presenting author (with Drs. Elizabeth L. Ambos, Richard Behl, David Whitney, Suzanne P. Wechsler, Gregory Holk, Christopher T. Lee, R. Daniel Francis, and Daniel O. Larson) of:

"Geosciences Student Recruitment Strategies at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB): Earth System Science/Community-Research Based Education Partnerships"

American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC, December, 2005

Dr. Vincent Del Casino was the second author (with Lee M. Kochems) of:

"Gay Cultural 'Meanings of Self' Versus Past Public Health 'Notions of Disease; as a Basis for Present Effective HIV Prevention among Gay Men"

American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, November, 2005

Dr. Del Casino was the second author (with Lee M. Kochems, J.L.O. Guzman, F.P. Mechling, and D.G. Fisher ) of:

"A Club Drug/HIV Intervention for Gay and Other MSM in Long Beach, CA"

Dr. Vincent Del Casino was also the sixth author (with Lee M. Kochems, F.P. Mechling, D.G. Fisher, A. Jaffe, and J.L.O. Guzman) of:

"Knowledge Attitude and Behavior Change in an Evidence-Based Club Drug Intervention for Gay Men."

Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Phoenix, October 2005.

Drs. Christine L. Jocoy and David DiBiase presented:

"Copy and paste plagiarism: Addressing academic integrity in online geography education"

Mr. Norman Carter presented:

"Movin on up: Residential living rises to new heights in Orange County"

Dr. Vincent Del Casino is serving on a panel:

"On the challenges of qualitative inquiry and analysis"

He is also the chair of a special session:

"Meet the Editors"

Ms. Maureen K. Smith presented:

"Factors in the adoption of geographic information systems into sports marketing"

Shoreline and Marine Boundaries: Datums, Jurisdictions, and Policy, CSU Monterey Bay (October 4th-5th), The Pointe at CSULB (October 6th), and the Federal Building in Westwood (October 7th), 2005.

Dr. Suzanne P. Wechsler helped organize this NOAA and California Department of Fish and Game sponsored conference and hosted the CSULB portion of it.

North American Cartographic Information Society, Salt Lake City, October 2005.

Dr. Judith A. Tyner presented:

"Threads of geography"

Mr. James A. Woods

is a participant in the "Map Off Contest," a mapping under pressure competition. Participants are given a data set and must create a map within two weeks, which is then judged at NACIS.

Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers, London, 28 August - 1 September 2005.

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov presented:

"Moscow, the Third Rome: Resurrections of a Russian Orthodox geopolitical metaphor"

Tod Spieker Geography Colloquium Series, UCLA, 6 May 2005.

Dr. Vincent Del Casino is presenting:


California Geographical Society, Yosemite, April 2005.

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue is presenting:

"The state of geography and its cognate disciplines in the California State Universities."

She also organized and chaired the special session the CGS invited her to put together to discuss her results (which had been shared by e-mail with the other CSU chairs earlier).

Dr. Suzanne P. Wechsler is the first and presenting author (representing the Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Project team):

"Enhancing diversity in the geosciences."

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov is presenting:

"Visualizing post-Soviet Russia."

Dr. Ray Sumner is presenting:

"A tribute to Joan Clemmons."

Dr. Mike McDaniels is presenting:

"Persistence of culture: Remnants of the Mexican land tenure system in Los Angeles and Orange County."

Ms. Lisa Pitts is presenting:

"Geography back in high school? Assessing GIS and technology for teaching geography. Case Study: West Covina High School."

Ms. Zoe Schumacher is conducting a workshop:

"Garmin GPS and geoCaching workshop."

Geodaze, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, April 2005.

Dr. Camille Holmgren presented:

"Reconstructing 31,000 years of vegetation dynamics in the northern Chihuahuan Desert: A packrat midden study from the Peloncillo Mountains."

Association of American Geographers, Denver, 5-9 April

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov presented:

"Geography of construction wars in Moscow: Infill high-rise constructions and the emergence of municipal civil society."

Dr. Christine L. Jocoy is presenting:

"The social and spatial contexts of corporate learning: Practices for balancing diverse and shared knowledges."

She is also presenting "Teaching economic geography: Surviving the first time through," as an invited panellist in the "'Practices' for Teaching Economic Geography I" (Sponsored by the Economic Geography Specialty Group)

Dr. Paul Laris is presenting:

"Three views of a burned land: how issues of scale and narrative affect mapping and monitoring anthropogenic savanna fires in West Africa."

He is also the organizer of the session, "New Perspectives on Environmental Narratives"

Dr. Vincent J. Del Casino is presenting:

"Queering the spaces of HIV outreach: Rethinking the discourses and practices of 'prevention for positives'."

He is also the co-organizer, chair, and a panellist on the special session, "The Silent Third: Service Responsibilities and Academic Obligations"

Dr. Frank Gossette, Ms. Maribel Enriquez, and Mr. James A. Woods are presenting:

"Long Beach, California: America's most diverse city?"

Dr. Judith Tyner is presenting:

"Nineteenth century schoolgirl cartography"

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue is presenting:

"The construction of Mediterranean scrub in biogeography and ecology."

Mr. Noel Ludwig is presenting:

"A new method for generating quantitative expert recommendations, applied to fires in California watersheds."

Mr. Norman Carter is presenting:

"Higher than the Matterhorn: The struggle to erect a high-rise tower in Santa Ana, California."

Mr. Douglas Behrens is presenting:

"Using an astrocompass to demonstrate some concepts in introductory physical geography courses."

Ms. Denise Behrens is presenting:

"The lost constellations of European celestial cartography."

Ms. Julienne Gard is presenting:

"Creating health in a Native American sweat lodge: The production of an alternative healing space."

Ms. Lisa Pitts, graduate student in Geography, is presenting:

"Geography back in High School? Assessing GIS and Technology for teaching Geography. Case Study: West Covina High School."

Tod Spieker Geography Colloquium Series, UCLA, February 2005.

Dr. Paul Laris presented:

"Exploring the scale issue in nature-society geography through a study of mosaic fire regimes in West Africa"

California Map Society, UCLA, January 2005.

Dr. Judith A. Tyner presented:

"Bloody maps: The role of maps in detective fiction"


Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research, Whittier, November 2004.

Mr. Terry Lumati, sponsored by Dr. Suzanne P. Wechsler, presented:

"The use of digital elevation models (DEMs) in managing natural habitats in the South Coast Wilderness""

American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, November, 2004

Dr. Del Casino was the first author (with Lee M. Kochems and D.G. Fisher) of:

"Discourses of Responsibility Dividing HIV Prevention Efforts between the 'Positive' and the 'Negative'"

Dr. Vincent Del Casino was also the second author (with Lee M. Kochems) of:

"Manipulating Multiple Life Identity-Shifts: Points of HIV Risk in Overlapping Drug Cultures and Gay Cultures in Long Beach, CA."

North American Cartographic Information Society, Portland, ME, October 2004.

Dr. Judith A. Tyner presented:

"Staid in school and worked on my map: 19th century schoolgirl maps"

International Working Conference, Education and Training in Disaster Medicine and Major Incident Management, Education Committee Working Group, World Association of Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Brussels, 29-31 October

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue presented:

"Hazard Vulnerability, Media Construction of Disaster, and Risk Management"

Geological Society of America, Denver, 7-10 November

Dr. Rick Behl (Geological Sciences) is the first and presenting author (with Drs. Elizabeth L. Ambos, R. Daniel Francis, Gregory Holk, Daniel O. Larson, Christopher T. Lee, Christine M. Rodrigue, Suzanne P. Wechsler, and David Whitney) of:

"Hunting for Students: Outreach and Retention Strategies in a Competitive Urban Market"

Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, San Luis Obispo, 8-11 September

Dr. Vincent Del Casino, presented:

"Rethinking Regions and Regionalization in the Context of World Regional Geography"

He also chaired a session entitled, "Theorizing and Teaching the Region."

Dr. Ray Sumner presented a paper she co-authored with Prof. Joan Clemmons:

"Tom Down Under: McKnight's Relationship with the Fifth Continent," a tribute to the late Dr. Tom McKnight, Prof. Clemmons' husband.

She also chaired a session entitled, "Historical Geography and Evolving Cultural Landscapes."

29th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, Boulder, CO, 11-14 July

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue, presented:

"Disaster by Management: Managerialism and Normal Accident Theory in the Columbia Accident and FBI Headquarters' Response to Field Office Concerns before 9/11"

She also facilitated the "First-Timers Orientation" to the Workshop.

XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, July, 2004

Dr. Del Casino was the first author (with D.G. Fisher and Lee M. Kochems ) of:

"Discourses of Responsibility Dividing HIV Prevention Efforts between the 'Positive' and the 'Negative'"

Dr. Vincent Del Casino was also the first author (with Lee M. Kochems) of:

"Social Identity and the Geographies of HIV-Related Risk among Gay and Bisexual Club Drug Users in Long Beach, California"

Universities Space Research Association Conference on College and University Earth System Science Education for the 21st Century, Monterey, CA, 28-30 June

Drs. Christine M. Rodrigue, Elizabeth L. Ambos, Richard Behl, R. D. Francis, Daniel O. Larson, María-Teresa Ramírez-Herrera, Gregory Holk, Suzanne P. Wechsler, Christopher T. Lee, David J. Whitney, and Ms. Shellinda Barré presented:

"GDEP (Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Program): An NSF-OEDG Program Emphasizing Interdisciplinary Earth System Science Research."

Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Tucson, AZ, 10-12 June

Drs. Elizabeth L. Ambos, Richard Behl, R. D. Francis, Daniel O. Larson, María-Teresa Ramírez-Herrera, Christine M. Rodrigue, Gregory Holk, Suzanne P. Wechsler, Christopher T. Lee, David J. Whitney, and Ms. Shellinda Barré presented:

"GDEP (Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Program): An NSF-OEDG Program Emphasizing Integrated Geoscience Research in Urban Areas."

American Water Resources Association Specialty Conference on GIS and Water Resources, Nashville, TN, 16-20 May

Dr. Suzanne P. Wechsler, presented:

"How Well Does a Digital Elevation Model Represent Terrain?"

Estonian Academy of Arts Conference: Constructed Happiness -- The Domestic Environment in the Cold War Era, Talinn, Estonia, 20-21 May

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov, presented:

"Corporate Re-Scaling of the city: The Geographical Construction of Urban Lightscapes in Soviet and Post-Soviet Moscow"

California Geographical Society, Long Beach, 24 April

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue, Dr. Eugenie Rovai (CSU Chico), and Mr. Steve Stewart (CSU Chico), with Dr. Judith A. Tyner presented:

"Web Reports and Maps: Student Collaborative Research Online."

Dr. Judith A. Tyner, presented:

"Lessons in Silk:A 19th Century Teaching Tool"

Ms. Zoe Schumacher presented:

"Using Remote Sensing and GIS to Monitor the Marine Mammal Strandings along the California Bight," for which she received a Joe Beaton Poster Award

Dr. Suzanne P. Wechsler with Ms. Zoe Schumacher conducted a workshop:


Ms. Angela Wranic conducted a field trip:

"The Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve."

Ms. Julienne Gard and Mr. Jeff Marotta co-organized a field trip:

"The Night Life of Long Beach."

Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia. 14-19 March

Ms. Julienne Gard, a graduate student in the Department of Geography, presented:

"Dengue Fever Among Australia's Aboriginals: Traditional versus Western Prevention and Response Methods."

Dr. David F. Porinchu presented a paper (second co-author is Dr. Glen M. MacDonald of UCLA):

"Paleoevironmental Time Series from Postglacial Lake Basins on the Kola Peninsula, Russia."

He is also co-chair of the Biogeography Specialty Group-sponsored special session, "Fire, Climate, and Biogeographical History in North America and Eurasia"

Dr. Judith A. Tyner presented:

"Mysterious Maps: The Role of Maps in Detective Fiction"

She also served as an invited panelist discussing "Women in Cartography I: A Peek into the Past" to a special session on the accomplishments of women in geography, which is sponsored by the Geographic Perspectives on Women Specialty Group and the Status of Women in Geography Specialty Group.

She is also serving as Chair of the Cartography Specialty Group and chaired its business meeting.

Mr. Noel A. Ludwig presented:

"Optimized Prescribed Burning of California's Mediterranean-Type Vegetation: A New Multiobjective, Analytic Network Process Technique"

He also served as an invited panelist discussing "Lonely Geographers: Adjuncts, What Is Their Status?" to a special session organized by the Geography Education Specialty Group and the Community College Affinity Group.

Mr. Norm Carter presented:

"Use of the Internet as a pedagogical tool in a junior-level environmental geography course."

Dr. Unna I. Lassiter presented:

"'I'm as integrated as I wish to be:' On being an American in Brussels, Belgium."

She also served as an invited panelist discussing "Lonely Geographers: Adjuncts, What Is Their Status?" to a special session organized by the Geography Education Specialty Group and the Community College Affinity Group.

Mr. Tom Frazier presented:

"Security Habitation in the New Berlin: Landscapes of Defensible Residential Space in Berlin's Newly Built Urban Environment."

Dr. Chrys Rodrigue presented:

"Disaster by Management: The Columbia Accident and September 11th" in the "Hazards and Disasters: Management and Mitigation" session, sponsored by Hazards Specialty Group.

She also served as an invited panelist to the special session, "Quick Response Research and Scholarship in Geography," which is sponsored by the Hazards Specialty Group, the Qualitative Research Specialty Group, and the Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group.

Dr. Vincent Del Casino presented (with S.P. Hanna):

"Where's the 'culture'?: An interrogation of ethnographic practice within a framework of cultural geography"

He also served as an invited panelist to the "Centennial Sexualities III: Looking back and forward" panel, which is sponsored by the Sexuality and Space Specialty Group and the Geographic Perspectives on Women Specialty Group.

He also organized the special session, "Author Meets Critic: A Critical Engagement with Michael Brown's Closet Space," and served as the session chair and as a panelist. This session is sponsored by the Sexuality and Space Specialty Group.

Universitywide AIDS Research Program, Annual Conference, Los Angeles, February.

Dr. Vincent Del Casino, presented:

"Cognitive Maps, Mobility Patterns, and Drug Use among MSM."

Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research, Irvine, 22 November.

Ms. Leslie Edwards, Ms. Doreen Jeffrey, Mr. Andrew Huston, and Ms. Leeta Latham, under the mentorship of Drs. Christine M. Rodrigue and Dr. Judith Tyner, presented:

"Oakland Berkeley Firestorm 1991."

30th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Honolulu, 10-14 November.

Dr. Paul Laris presented:

"Missing the 'Good' Fires and Detecting the "Bad" Ones: Problems with Detecting Patch-Mosaic Fire Regimes Using 1-Kilometer Data in Savanna Environments."

American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November.

Dr. Vincent Del Casino with Lee M. Kochem presented:

"Risky Gay Living: Identity Manipulations as Indicators of Risk to Health and Well Being in the Gay Drug World of Long Beach, CA"

The Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers, London, September

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov presented:

"Constructing Eternal Optimism: The Geography of Stalin's Palace of the Soviets."

North American Cartographic Information Society, Jacksonville, FL, 8-12 October.

Dr. Judith A. Tyner presented:

"Mysterious Maps: The Role of Maps in Detective Fiction."

International Conference on Tropical Savannas & Seasonally Dry Forests, Edinburgh, Scotland, September

Dr. Paul Laris


"Seasonal-Mosaic Burning in West African Savannas: Linking Human Practices and Biogeographical Theory"

Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Portland, OR, 17-20 September.

Dr. Unna I. Lassiter presented:

"Expat Culture."

28th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, Boulder, CO, 12-16 July

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue was the first and presenting author (with Drs. Christopher T. Lee, María-Teresa Ramírez-Herrera, Robert D. Francis, Elizabeth L. Ambos, Richard J. Behl, Gregory Holk, Daniel O. Larson, Suzanne P. Wechsler, James C. Sample, David J. Whitney, and Ms. Crisanne Hazen):

"GDEP (Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Project): Hazards-Related Projects"

She also facilitated the "First-Timers Orientation" to the Workshop.

Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, March 2003

Dr. Vincent Del Casino presented:

"Miracle Cures, Local Wisdom, and Biomedical Care: Mapping the Competing Discourses and Practices of AIDS Care in Thailand."

Dr. Paul Laris presented:

"Patch Mosaic Burning: Exploring the Linkages between Human Practices and Biogeographical Theory."

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov presented:

"The Corporatization of Public Space in Post-Soviet Moscow."

Dr. Judith Tyner presented:

"Tracing 50 years of academic cartography: Robinson's Elements of Cartography."

Dr. Suzanne P. Wechsler was the presenting author, representing a G-DEP field team made up of Dr. Wechsler, Yuet-Ling O'Connor (Long Beach City College, now Pasadena City College), Peter Wohlgemuth (USDA Forest Service), Brian Sims (graduate student at CSULB), and Aziz Bakkoury (graduate student at CSULB):

"Centroid Hunting: The Truth Is out There -- or Is It?"

Dr. Frank Gossette and Mr. James Woods presented:

"Mapping Multi-Ethnic Households in Los Angeles."

Dr. Chrys Rodrigue was the presenting author for the G-DEP team of investigators, representing Drs. Rodrigue, Suzanne Wechler, David Whitney (Psychology), Elizabeth Ambos, María-Teresa Ramírez-Herrera, Rick Behl, Dan Francis (Geological Sciences), and Crisane Hazen (Science Education):

"Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Project: Student Responses."

Mr. Philip E. Dennison, Dr. Dar Roberts (UC Santa Barbara), and Dr. Christopher T. Lee presented:

"Measuring Chaparral Fuel Type, Biomass, and Moisture for Fire Danger Assessment in Southern California."

Dr. Stephen R. Koletty presented:

"Race and Identity among California's Pacific Islanders."

Additionally, Dr. Koletty, with Drs. Jim Allen (CSUN) and Wei Li (Arizona State University), has organized two paper sessions, "Ethnic Identity and Community: Patterns and Change I & II," one of which he chaired.

Mr. Brian Sims, a graduate student in our department presented:

"Assessment of Interpolation Methods and Spatial Resolutions on Urban Digital Surface Models Derived from LiDAR."

Ms. Valerie A. Müller, a graduate student in our department presented a paper based on her thesis:

"Satellites, Census, and the Quality of Life."

Dr. Michael McDaniel, a graduate student in our department, together with Ms. Micaela Lukasser (student at the University of Salzburg, Austria) presented:

"International Cooperation with GIS."
American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, 6-10 December 2002

Mr. Noel Ludwig presented:
"Discretization of HRUs in a Mixed-Use Subtropical Watershed: Hydrologic Modeling in Windward Oahu, Hawaii Using SWAT"

Drs. Elizabeth L. Ambos, James C. Sample, Richard J. Behl, Robert D. Francis (Geological Sciences), Daniel O. Larson (Anthropology), María Teresa Ramírez-Herrera (Geological Sciences), Christine M. Rodrigue, Suzanne P. Wechsler (Geography), and David J. Whitney (Psychology) presented:

"The Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Program (GDEP): Building an Earth System Science Centered Research, Education, and Outreach Effort in Urban Long Beach, California"
Dr. Ambos was the presenting author

North American Cartographic Information Society, Columbus, Ohio, 9-12 October 2002

Dr. Judith A. Tyner presented:

"Elements of Cartography: Tracing 50 years of academic cartography."

American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, November 2002

Dr. Vincent Del Casino presented:

"Creating a Participatory Framework in Community Health and AIDS Care in Chiang Mai, Thailand"

Dr. Vincent Del Casino also presented with D. Fisher:

"Spatializing the RBA"

Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, San Bernardino, 2-6 October 2002

Drs. Elizabeth L. Ambos (Geological Sciences), Christine M. Rodrigue, Suzanne P. Wechsler (Geography), Robert D. Francis, James C. Sample, Richard Behl, María Teresa Ramírez-Herrera (Geological Sciences), Daniel O. Larson (Anthropology), David J. Whitney (Psychology), and Crisanne Hazen (Science Education) presented:

"GDEP (Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Program): An Interdisciplinary Summer Research Program to Increase the Diversity of Geography, Geology, and Archaeology Majors"
Dr. Wechsler was the presenting author.

Drs. David J. Whitney (Psychology), Suzanne P. Wechsler, Christine M. Rodrigue (Geography), María Teresa Ramírez-Herrera, Elizabeth L. Ambos, Robert D. Francis, James C. Sample, Richard Behl, (Geological Sciences), Daniel O. Larson (Anthropology), and Crisanne Hazen (Science Education) presented:

"General Education Student Perceptions of the Geosciences"
Dr. Rodrigue was the presenting author.

Dr. Stephen R. Koletty presented:
"What Census 2000 doesn't tell us about California's Pacific Islanders"

Messrs. Brian Sims, graduate student, and David McCune, undergraduate student in the Department of Geography and research associates in the NASA Regional Earth Science Applications Center presented:

"Diurnal live fuel moisture change in Adenostoma faciculatum (Chamise) in the Santa Monica Mountains of Southern California"

Ms. Valerie Müller presented:
"Gateway Cities 2000: Visualizing Land Uses in 27 Cities in Los Angeles County"

Geological Society of America, Denver, 27-30 October 2002

Drs. Elizabeth L. Ambos, James C. Sample, Richard J. Behl, Robert D. Francis (Geological Sciences), Daniel O. Larson (Anthropology), María Teresa Ramírez-Herrera (Geological Sciences), Christine M. Rodrigue, Suzanne P. Wechsler (Geography), and David J. Whitney (Psychology) presented:
"GDEP (Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Program): Creating a Community-based Summer Geoscience Research Program"
Dr. Francis was the presenting author.

Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers, Belfast, September 2005.

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov presented:

"Highest, biggest, tallest: Architecture and power in Moscow, then and now."

The International Geographical Union, Durban, South Africa, August 2002

Dr. Unna Lassiter made a presentation to the International Geographical Union in Durban, South, Africa, in August. The paper is entitled:

"On the social construction of animals."

International Conference for History, Seoul, August 2002

Dr. Vincent Del Casino with Dr. Tim Keirn (History) made a presentation entitled:

"Negotiating Time and Space: The Necessity and Challenge of Early World Historical Geography."

27th Annual Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, Boulder, CO, 14-17 July 2002

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue served as invited panelist in a session:

"What's Happening in Higher Education? Student Needs and University Response."

She also facilitated the first-ever "First-Timers Orientation" to the Workshop.

Additionally, Dr. Rodrigue made two poster presentations:

"Media coverage of the events of 9/11."

"Developing controversies in the Mars Sample Return program."

Twenty-second Annual ESRI International User's Conference, San Diego, July 2002

Dr. Suzanne P. Wechsler made a presentation to the "HiEd: GIS Articulation" session with Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue. The paper is entitled:
"GIS articulation: Addressing the issue, sharing experiences and moving forward."

Mr. Brian Sims, graduate student, gave a paper, entitled:
"Centralizing Corporate Assets with GPS Technology at Southern California Edison."

CSU and Community College Workshop on Articulating GIS, CSULB, May 2002, organized by Dr. Suzanne P. Wechsler, chaired by Dr. Chrys Rodrigue, and attended by three dozen representatives of GIS education programs throughout the State

Dr. Frank Gossette made a presentation on:
"The GIS curriculum at CSULB."

The International Conference on Private Urban Governance, Institute of Geography, University of Mainz, Germany, June 2002

Mr. Tom Frazier made a presentation, entitled:

"Citatel of sovereignty: The territorial administration and defense of a private residential gated community."

California Geographical Society, Lone Pine, May 2002

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue made a presentation based on her experiences teaching Geography 140 online:

"Assessment of an experiment in teaching geography online."

Association of Asian Studies, Washington, DC, April

Dr. Vincent Del Casino presented:
"Operating at the Center and Margins: Analyzing the Geography of NGOs in Northern Thailand."

29th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 8th-12th April 2002

Dr. Christopher T. Lee chaired a special session on "Fires" at the invitation of the Program Committee for the Symposium

AVIRIS Earth Science and Applications Workshop, Pasadena, 5th-8th March 2002

Dr. Christopher T. Lee is co-author (with D. Roberts, P. Dennison, M. Gardner, and S.L. Ustin) of a presentation on using remotely sensed data to evaluate wildfire risks: online:

"Evaluation of the potential of Hyperion for fire danger assessment by comparison to AVIRIS."

Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, 19-23 March 2002

Ms. Romey Hagen and Mr. Aziz Bakkoury, graduate students and research associates in the Southern California Wildfire Hazard Center, presented:

"Southern California Wildfire Hazards Center: A Regional Earth Science Applications Center."

Mr. Shaun Healy, graduate student and research associate in the Southern California Wildfire Hazard Center, presented:

"Cultural geography: An experiment in hypermedia."

Mr. James A. Woods and Dr. Frank Gossette, presented:

"Wildfire hazard in Southern California."

Dr. Vincent Del Casino served on the Program Committee of the AAG-LA meetings. He also gave a presentation, with Stephen Hanna, entitled:

"Tourism Workers and the Reproduction of Heritage in 'America's Most Historic City.'"

Mr. Doug Behrens gave a paper:

"Climatic Effects on Eggplant Production in California."

His daughter, Ms. Denise Behrens (a math major here, but we're workin' on 'er -- and, late-breaking news: She has seen the light, becoming a geography major in May 2004!!!), ALSO presented a paper! Her paper was entitled,

"Los Angeles Chinatown and its New Business Improvement District."

Dr. Nurudeen Alao gave a paper:

"Development as a Tension-Driven Process."

Dr. Suzanne P. Wechsler gave a paper:

"Effect of Interpolation Method and Grid Cell Resolution on DEM Accuracy."

Mr. Noel Ludwig gave a paper:

"Gold in Them Thar Hills: Assessing the Need for Establishment of Hydrothermal Vent Protected Areas in the Global Ocean."

Dr. James R. Curtis presented:

"East L.A. Moves South."

He also served as a discussant in a session on "Latinos and Latino Space in the U.S.," which was organized by Dan Arreola at Arizona State.

Dr. Unna Lassiter gave a presentation:

"The Social Construction of Authenticity and Attitudes toward Animals."

Dr. Chrys Rodrigue gave three presentations, one in a poster session and two in two special panels she organized for the conference:

"Media and Hazards" panel (other speakers included Drs. Eugenie Rovai [CSU Chico, who chaired the session], Eve Gruntfest [University of Colorado, Colorado Springs], and Ben Wisner [formerly of CSULB and now at Oberlin College]).

"Media and the Terrorist Attack of 11 September 2001" panel (with the same panel of speakers, but Dr. Rodrigue chaired this panel).

The poster presentation was entitled: "Media Coverage of the Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon."

Dr. Judith Tyner participated in several ways.

She gave a paper, "A Typology of Embroidered Maps."

She organized a panel session, "Quilts and Samplers in Geography," for which Dr. Kit Salter served as discussant.

She made an invited panel presentation in a session on "Women in Geography -- Inclusion and Exclusion."

She gave a panel presentation in a round-table panel on "Cartographic Education."

Dr. Terence Young gave a paper:

"GIS and Public Participation Planning: Recommendations from Hollywood, California."

Cal GIS, Sacramento, March 2002

Dr. Suzanne Wechsler, presented to the:

"GIS Articulation" panel on coördinating GIS curricula among universities and community colleges.

Annual Conference on AIDS Research in California, Sacramento, February 2002

Dr. Vincent Del Casino, presented:

"Where Should I Go? Locating Health Care Options for People Living with HIV and AIDS in Chiang Mai, Thailand"

Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers, Belfast, January 2002.

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov presented:

"Highest, biggest, tallest: Architecture and power in Moscow, then and now"


Learning from Urban Disasters, an NSF-funded workshop on the World Trade Center attacks, hosted by the Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems at New York University, New York, December 2001

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue made an invited presentation on her work on media representation of 9/11 attacks. The talk is entitled:

"Patterns of Media Coverage of the Terrorist Attacks on the United States in September of 2001."

Jet Propulsion Lab/NASA Headquarters/Ames Research Center/Johnson Space Center Teleconference, Pasadena, November 2001

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue made an invited presentation on her work on the construction of public hazard perception through the Internet. The talk is entitled:
"Risk Representation in the Space Program: The Internet and the Social Amplification of Risk."

Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers, Lexington, KY, 17-20 November 2001

Dr. Vincent Del Casino presented:
"Social Protest, Spatial Praxis, and Radical Geography in the Teaching of World History."

Dr. Del Casino is also second author with a team of people from Mary Washington University (Stephen P. Hanna, Casey Selden, and Benjamin C. Hite), who presented:

"Representation as Work: The Everyday Production of Heritage in Fredericksburg, Virginia."

UCLA Geography Colloquium, 16 November 2001

Dr. Vincent Del Casino presented:

"Making Space for Organic Intellectuals: A Neo-Gramscian Analysis of Non- Governmental AIDS Activism in Thailand."

North American Cartographic Information Society, Portland, OR, 3-6 October 2001

Dr. Judith Tyner presented:

"A Methodology for Examining Alternative Cartographies: Researching Embroidered Maps."

By the way, Dr. Ren Vasiliev, our Visiting Professor (and Dr. Tyner's officemate) in Spring 2001, was also there to present:

"Quilts: An Alternative Cartography."

Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Santa Barbara, 12-15 September 2001

Mr. Thomas Ellrott, a geography graduate student, presented:

"Southern California Surf Culture Through the Construction and Deconstruction of Surf-Place Images in Huntington Beach, California."

Drs. Unna Lassiter and Stephen R. Koletty also attended the conference

Urban Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), Montego Bay, Jamaica 9-12 September 2001

Ms. Valerie Müller, a graduate student in geography, presented:

"Using GIS in Urban Planning -- Updating 27 General Plan Maps in Southern California."

Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, Boulder, CO, 15-19 July 2001

Dr. Chrys Rodrigue gave an invited poster presentation and served as a panelist for a session on:

"The Media, the Internet, and Disasters." Her paper for this session is entitled, "The Internet in Risk Communication and Hazards Activism."

Her invited poster was entitled, "The Internet in the Social Amplification and Attenuation of Risk."

Dr. Frank Gossette also attended the Workshop, together with his wife, Dr. Ronnie Wade, of Stanford University.

Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, San Diego, 12-14 July 2001

Dr. Chrys Rodrigue attended the CCAS Seminar for Department Chairs as one of two College of Liberal Arts department chairs being sent by Dean Dorothy Abrahamse.

Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers and Universitat Jaume I, Benicàssim/Castelló, Spain, 12-15 June 2001

Dr. James R. Curtis presented:

"The Plazas of Manaus, Brazil."

International Conference on GIS Education, CSU San Bernardino, 21-23 June 2001

Together with graduate student, Ms. Erin Stockenberg, Dr. Suzanne Wechsler gave a talk on:

"Environmental and Natural Resource Applications of GIS: Course Development."

GIS Expo, Cal Poly, Pomona, 10 May 2001

Dr. Suzanne Wechsler gave an invited presentation, entitled:

"GIS and Remote Sensing at California State University Long Beach: By Example."

Association of Asian Studies, Chicago, 21-24 March 2001

Dr. Vincent J. Del Casino was the primary co-author (with Rachel Safman, Cornell University) of a presentation, entitled:

"Working the 'Middle Ground': NGOs, Health Care, and AIDS in Chiang Mai, Thailand."

Association of American Geographers, New York, 27 February-3 March 2001

The Department of Geography at CSULB sent one of the largest delegations to the AAG conference (the major national conference across the discipline) of all the Southern California geography departments. Only UCLA, SDSU, and UCSB sent larger groups (8-10 people), but their Ph.D.-granting departments are considerably larger than ours (18-24 tenured and probationary faculty each). At 58 percent, our delegation included the largest percentage of the faculty from any Southern Califoria geography department, and towered over the 29 percent average for all the CSU campuses. This kind of showing at a major national conference is just one easily quantified expression of a diverse and hard-working group of scholars, teachers, and university and community servants! Go Beach!

Dr. Chris Lee authored a paper with a large group from UC Santa Barbara's Department of Geography and Institute for Computational Earth System Science (Dar A. Roberts, Phil Dennison, Charles Jones, and Marco Morais) and The Ærospace Corporation of El Segundo (Ray Talbot):

"Integrated Assessment of Fire Hazard in Southern California using Remote Sensing, GIS and Wind Models."

Dr. Vincent Del Casino presented:

"Organizational Ethnographies and the Politics of Fieldwork."

Dr. Del Casino also served on a panel, which he co-organized. The title of the session is:

"Interrogating Tourism Maps: New 'Guides' to Space and Identity."

Dr. Jim Curtis presented a paper with Ms. Aimée R. Mindes (Physical Sciences Department, Rio Hondo College, Whittier, and a graduate alumna of Geography at CSULB):

"Urban Structure in Ensenada and La Paz, Mexico."

Dr. Curtis also chaired a session, entitled:
"Latin American Urban and Economic Geography."

Dr. Suzanne P. Wechsler delivered:

"Effect of Digital Elevation Model Uncertainty and Scale on Topographic Parameter Estimators."

Dr. Judith Tyner went off to New York to present:

"Millie the Mapper II: Experiences of Women Geographers and Cartographers in WWII."

Dr. Chrys Rodrigue, also headed to the AAG to present:

"Construction of Hazard Perception and Activism on the Internet."

Dr. Rodrigue also chaired a session, entitled:

"New Departures in Research on the Human Dimensions of Technological Hazards."

Dr. Frank Gossette, frantically flew to New York to present:

"Geography of the Last Moment." Or so he insisted right up to the very last moment. Actually, he co-presented (with Dr. Roni Wade of Stanford University) "Using GIS to Model At-risk Populations for Emergency Planning and Response" and, yes, the real abstract is now available by clicking on Dr. Gossette's name above.

Dr. Dmitrii Sidorov presented:

"Changing cityscape of (post) Soviet Moscow: Putin's 'administrative Revolution' and the politics of scale"

Dr. Unna I. Lassiter was also part of the New York delegation, showcasing her USC dissertation research:

"Cultural Diversity and the Construction of Marine Animals."

Dr. Stephen R. Koletty, also representing El Camino College, delivered:

"Tiki L.A. -- Geography of an Urban Exotica."

Mr. Ed Huefe, a graduate student in the Geography Department, was also part of the AAG delegation, where he made the following presentation:

"Across the Borderline: U.S.-Mexico Borderlands as Locus of Transformation in North American Popular Music."

Mr. Huefe is working on his thesis with Dr. James Curtis.

Mr. Tom D. Frazier, an M.A. alumnus of the Geography Department, also went to the AAG to present:

"The Waning Berlin Wall: Topography of a Relict Boundary."

Mr. Frazier is presently working on his doctorate at the Geographic Institute of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany. He noted that his AAG presentation was based on research he started while doing his master's thesis here (under Dr. Gary Peters, now at Chico State) and he wants to say hello to everyone here and be considered an unofficial member of our huge AAG delegation this year! We got to catch up a bit there, Tom (and regards to Dr. Marlies Schulz, who spoke here last year)!

College of Liberal Arts Faculty Retreat, CSULB, 9 February 2001

Dr. Frank Gossette made a presentation on:

"Study and Teaching abroad as Part of the Liberal Arts Experience."

Several other Geography faculty attended, including Drs. Suzanne Wechsler, Vincent Del Casino, Irisita Azary, Joel Splansky,and Chrys Rodrigue.

Western Geography Student Conference, Portland, OR, 2-4 February 2001

Ms. Valerie Müller presented:

"Using GIS to Update 27 General Plan Maps."

Mr. Lewis Francis, Ms. Romey Hagen, Mr. Shaun Healy and Mr. Steven Newberg presented:
"In the Line of the Fire: An Investigation into the Relationship between Aspect and Fire History in the Santa Monica Mountains, 1925-1997."

California GIS Conference, Sacramento, January 2001

Dr. Frank Gossette made a presentation with Ms. Kristina Sayer Smith on:
"Modeling campus populations at risk with GIS."

American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, 15-19 December, 2000

Dr. Chrys Rodrigue presented:

"The Use of the Internet and Web-Based Technology for Space and Geoscience (Mis)Education: New Media in Natural and Technological Hazard Debates."

In addition, Dr. Rodrigue chaired a session at the AGU:

"New Tools and Perspectives on Understanding Natural Hazards Worldwide."

GIScience 2000, Savannah, Georgia, 28-31 October, 2000

Dr. Suzanne P. Wechsler presented:

"Applications of a Methodology For Digital Elevation Model Uncertainty Simulation Within ArcView Spatial Analyst."

Texas Map Society, October, 2000

Dr. Judith Tyner gave an invited presentation:

"The Hidden Cartographers: The History of Women in Cartography."

Western Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, CSULB, 6-7 October, 2000

Dr. Vincent Del Casino gave a panel presentation on:

"HIV/AIDS in Thailand."

Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, Boulder, CO, July 9-12, 2000

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue made an invited hour-long research presentation:

"Public Perception and Hazard Policy Construction When Experts and Activists Clash in the Media."

Dr. Rodrigue also made a poster available at that conference:
"Internet Recruitment and Activism in the Cassini Controversy."

Dr. Ben Wisner served as an invited discussant in a plenary session. This was his last professional presentation while still a professor in this department (he has since moved to Oberlin College, in Ohio). His presentation was:

"The Political Economy of Hazards: More Limits to Growth?"

American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, La Paz, Mexico, 14-20 June 2000

Dr. Christopher Lee gave an invited presentation on:

"Delineating the southern borders of the Chihuahuan Desert."

California Geographical Society, San Diego, May 2000

Dr. Irisita Azary gave a presentation, entitled:

"Outreach and 'Inreach': Development of a Geography Internship Program.Outreach and "Inreach": Development of a Geography Internship Program."

Association of American Geographers, Pittsburgh, April 4-8 2000

Dr. Frank Gossette, together with graduate student, Mr. Michael Jenkins, presented:

"Visualizing Flood Hazard with GIS."

Dr. Judith Tyner presented:

"Folk Maps, Cartoons, and Map Kitsch: The Role of Cartographic Curiosities."

Dr. Ben Wisner presented:

"Urban Social Vulnerability in Six World Megacities: Lessons and Proposals."

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC, February 17-22

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue presented:

"Internet Recruitment and Activism in Constructing Technological Risk."

Council of Latin Americanist Geographers, Austin, TX, January 2000

Graduate student, Mr. Edward Huefe presented:

"Across the borderline: North American popular music and musico-imagery of the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands."


American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, December 13-17, 1999

Dr. Irisita Azary presented:

"Making Connections: Development of an Internship Program to Ensure Undergraduate and Graduate Student Success."

American Studies Association, Montréal, Canada, October 28-31, 1999

Dr. James Curtis presented:

"Ensenada: A Mexican Border Town?"

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Anaheim, January 28, 1999

Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue presented:

"Public, Expert, and Activist Perceptions of the Plutonium on Board the Cassini-Huygens Mission."
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