Events at the Physics Department:
Resources for students
Various resources for students
(Click "Students Resources" in the left column on that page)
Information about careers in physics, GRE Boot camp, writing the thesis, a poster, a talk, an article; downloading LaTeX, MikTeX, etc.
- Physics resources (See left column on that page)
Information on access to library, the physics community, physics journals, etc.
- Society of Physics Students. Join!
Scholarships and funding opportunities for students:
Scholarships for students at the Physics & Astronomy department. Inquiries should be made at the department office.
- Scholarships for students at the College CNSM.
- Scholarships for students
at the University.
- Women and Philanthropy scholarship (open to all gender).
- Scholarships for
undergraduate students of the National Science Foundation; Research for Undergraduates (REU).
Career Centers for students:
Physics Links
Resources at CSULB
Physics Organizations
Physics Resources in Condensed Matter Physics
Universities & Institutions
Private links: