"Besides databases, what are some other sources of citations and research?"

Bibliographies/references: Why do the research twice? If you find a great article on your topic use the references for that article! Find references in other articles, books, book chapters, encyclopedia entries, or on the Internet. You can then use the citations to find the full text at the Library (see an example).

Print Indexes: Before databases, there were only print indexes. Print indexes are useful for disciplines that do not have an electronic database or for doing historical research (most databases only have citations back to the mid-1980's). Print indexes on the database by topics page (see an example).

Librarians: Librarians have an arsenal of resources to help with your research. Librarians help thousands of students and faculty each year...and they can help you, too. They can answer any question you have about developing keywords, finding more sources, finding the full text and more. Librarians are available in person at the Reference desk or by setting up a Research Appointment, by e-mail, by phone and by chat 24/7.

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