Some databases have a checkbox to limit your search to full text. But these are a bad idea because you will miss important research. With SFX, you can easily find out if the article is available electronically (in a different database) or in print.

The next step is to find the complete article or full text.

If there is a a link to PDF Full Text, HTML Full Text or Linked Full Text, just click the link to get the complete article.

If there is not a full text link, click the SFX button. When you click the SFX button you will find out if the article..

  • is available electronically on the computer
  • is available in print in the CSULB Library
  • is not available at CSULB, but through Illiad InterLibrary Services in 5-10 days

finding fulltext

It is very convenient when journal articles are available in full text--but BEWARE they are not necessarily the "best" articles for your research.

"After reading a number of papers I can guess which articles are available in full text because students use them even though I know there are better articles for them to use in print."



Click on the SFX button for your article. Is your article available electronically? In print? Not at CSULB?
(Once you have answered this question you can close Academic Search Elite.)

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