Review Topics
Chapter 15 Java Collection Framework
- TreeSet and HashSet
- Review chapter 15 (pages 681-685)
- construct a HashSet or a TreeSet
- add and remove set elements
- visit all element in the set using an iterator and for each loop
- TreeMap and HashMap
- Review chapter 15 (686-691)
- construct a HashMap or a TreeMap
- add and remove elements to the map
- find all keys and values in a map, iterate through the key set and find the values that correspond to the key
- Review lecture notes
- Hash and hash table
- Review chapters 16 (741-744)
- Lecture note:
Java Collection Framework pdf
Differences between hashset, treeset and linkedhashset pdf word
List, Set and Map pdf
HashSet examples pdf word
TreeSet examples pdf word
HashMap example pdf word
Chapter 20 - Streams and binary input/output
- Lecture note
Stream and binary input/output pdf
- Text input/output
- Binary input/output
- Object Streams
- ObjectOutputStream
- ObjectInputStream
- Write/read an object to or from a file
- Write/read a collection such as array list to or from a file
- Serializable interface
Review Singleton, Factory and Abstract Factory patterns