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Updated 5/27/2014
Language and Gender
Amalia Arvaniti University of California-San Diego a.arvaniti@kent.ac.uk |
Gender and Language in Society, 2012 |
Kara Becker Reed College kbecker@reed.edu |
Language and Gender, 2012 |
Janet Bing Old Dominion University jbing@odu.edu |
Language, Gender and Power, 2013 |
Richard Cameron University of Illinois-Chicago rcameron@uic.edu |
Language and Gender, 2012 |
Jodie Clark Sheffield Hallam University jodie.clark@shu.ac.uk |
Language and Gender, 2013 |
Jeff Conn Portland State University connjc@pdx.edu |
Language, Gender & Sexuality, 2011 |
Fern Johnson Clark University fjohnson@clarku.edu |
Seminar in Gender and Discourse, 2013 |
Scott Kiesling University of Pittsburgh kiesling@pitt.edu |
Language, Gender and Society, 2012 |
Barbara LeMaster California State University- Long Beach barbara.lemaster@csulb.edu |
Language and Gender, 2012 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Liz Morrish Nottingham Trent University liz.morrish@ntu.ac.uk |
Language, Gender and Sexuality, 2013 |
Robin Queen & Anne Curzan University of Michigan rqueen@umich.edu acurzan@umich.edu |
Language and Gender, 2010 |
Johanna Rubba California Polytechnic State University- San Luis Obispo jrubba@calpoly.edu |
Language and Gender, 2011 |
Patricia Sawin University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill sawin@unc.edu |
Gender and Performance, 2014 |
Jennifer Sclafani Georgetown University jms236@georgetown.edu |
Women, Men and Language, 2013 |
Corinne Seals Georgetown University cas257@georgetown.edu |
Women, Men and Language, 2012 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Katrina Daly Thompson University of Wisconsin- Madison kdthomp3@wisc.edu |
Language, Gender, and Sexuality in African Contexts, 2014 |
Shawn Warner-Garcia University of California-Santa Barbara warnergarcia@umail.ucsb.edu |
Language, Gender and Sexuality, 2013 |
Bethan Benwell University of Stirling b.m.benwell@stir.ac.uk |
Language and Gender, 2006
Textbooks used: Bucholtz, Mary, et al. Reinventing Identities: The Gendered Self in Discourse. Oxford: OUP, 1999. Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. 2nd ed. 1999. Carter, Cynthia, Gill Branston, and Allan Stuart. News, Gender and Power. London: Routledge, 1998. Cameron, Deborah. Feminism and Linguistic Theory, London: Macmillan, 1992. Cameron, Deborah. (ed).The Feminist Critique of Language: A Reader. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 1998. Cameron, Deborah and Don Kulick. Language and Sexuality. Cambridge: CUP, 2003. Coates, Jennifer.Women, Men and Language. 2nd ed. London: Longman, 1992. Coates, Jennifer. Women Talk. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. Coates, Jennifer. Language and Gender: A Reader, Oxford: Blackwell, 1997. Coates, Jennifer.Men Talk: Stories in the Making of Masculinity. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002. Colebrook, Claire. Gender. London: Palgrave, 2004. Crawford, Mary. Talking Difference: On Gender and Language, London: Sage, 1995. Easthope, Antony. What a Man's Gotta Do: the masculine myth in popular culture, Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1990. Goddard, Angela. & Lindsey MeDan Patterson. Language and Gender. London: Routledge, 2000. Hall, Kira. & Mary Bucholtz. Gender Articulated: Language and the Socially Constructed Self. NY/London: Routledge, 1995. Harvey, Keith. & Celia Shalom (eds). Language and Desire: Encoding Sex, Romance and Intimacy. London: Routledge, 1997. Holmes, Janet. Women, Men and Politeness, London, Longman, 1995. Holmes, Janet. & Miriam Meyerhoff. The Handbook of Language and Gender. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003. Johnson, Sally & Ulrike Hanna Meinhof. Language and Masculinity, Oxford: Blackwell, 1997. Knowles, Murray and Kirsten Malmkjaer. Language and Control in Children's Literature, London: Routledge, 1996. Litosseliti, Lia. Gender and Language: Theory and Practice. London: Hodder Arnold, 2006. Litosseliti, Lia. & Jane Sunderland. Gender Identity and Discourse Analysis. John Benjamins, 2002. Livia, Anna. & Kira Hall. Queerly Phrased. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Hall, Kira, Mary Bucholtz & Birch Moonwoman. Locating Power: Proceedings of the Second Berkley Women and Language Conference. Berkeley: Berkeley Women and Language Group, 1992. McCracken, Ellen. Decoding Women’s Magazines, London: Macmillan, 1993. Mills, Sara. Feminist Stylistics. London: Routledge, 1995. Pauwels, Anne. Women Changing Language. London: Longman, 1998. Poynton, Cate. Language and Gender: Making the Difference, Oxford: OUP, 1989. Roper, Michael and John Tosh. Manful Assertions: Mascculinities in Britain since 1800, London: Routledge, 1991. Speer, Susan. Gender Talk: Feminism, Discourse and Conversation Analysis. London: Routledge, 2005. Talbot, Mary. Language and Gender: An Introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1998. Tannen, Deborah. Gender and Discourse, Oxford: OUP, 1996. Weatherall, Ann. Gender, Language and Discourse. London: Routledge, 2002. Wodak, Ruth. Gender and Discourse. London: Sage, 1997. Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One’s Own, London: Bloomsbury, 1993. Posted 1 November 2006
Niko Besnier University of Amsterdam University of Hawai'i at Manoa N.Besnier@uva.nl |
Gender and Language in Society, 2005
Textbooks used: Language and Desire, 2002 Posted 1 November 2006
Genevieve Escure University of Minnesota escur001@umn.edu |
Language and Gender, 2006
Textbook used: Posted 1 November 2006
Kirsten Gomard Institut for Historie og Områdestudier Afd. for Europastudier og Kønsforskning - Language, Communication & Gender kirsten.gomard@hum.au.dk |
Language, Communication and Gender, 2006
Posted 1 November 2006 |
Fern Johnson Clark University fjohnson@clarku.ca |
Gender and Discourse, 2005
Textbooks used: Cameron, Deborah & Don Kulick. Language and sexuality. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Eckert, Penelope & Sally McConnell-Ginet. (2003). Language and gender. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Holmes, Janet & Miriam Meyerhoff (eds.). The handbook of language and gender. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005. Posted 1 November 2006
Allyson Jule University of Glamorgan ajule@glam.ac.uk |
Women, Men and Language, 2006
Posted 1 November 2006 |
Deborah Keller Cohen University of Michigan-Ann Arbor dkc@umich.edu |
Language and Gender, 2003
Textbooks used: Finders, Margaret. Just Girls. N.Y. and London: Teacher’s College Press, 1997. Lacqueur, Thomas.1990 Making Sex:Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. Cambridge, Mass & London, England:Harvard Univ. Press, 1990. Posted 1 November 2006
Scott Kiesling University of Pittsburgh kiesling@pitt.edu |
Language and Gender
Posted 1 November 2006
Ruth King York University of Canada rking@yorku.ca |
Language and Gender, 2005
Textbooks used: Posted 1 November 2006
Theodossia-Soula Pavlidou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki pavlidou@lit.auth.gr |
Linguistic Sexism and the Claiming of the Symbolic, 2006 *This material is in Greek Posted 1 November 2006 |
Susan Philips & Norma Mendoza-Denton University of Arizona sphilips@email.arizona.edu |
Gender and Language, 2003
Textbooks used: Schieffelin, Bambi. The Give and Take of Everyday Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Posted 1 November 2006
Robin Queen & Anne Curzan University of Michigan - Ann Arbor acurzan@umich.edu, rqueen@umich.edu |
Language and Gender, 2006
Textbook used: Posted 1 November 2006
Doris Warriner University of Utah doris.warriner@ed.utah.edu |
Language and Gender
Posted 1 November 2006 |
Courses Related to Language and Gender
James M Wilce Northern Arizona University jim.wilce@nau.edu |
Social Life in South Asia: Gender and Healing in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, India, 2006
Posted 1 November 2006 |
Paul Baker Lancaster University j.p.baker@lancaster.ac.uk |
Language and Sexual Identity (Lecture Component), 2002
Textbooks used: Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality. Volume 1: An Introduction., trans. New York: Robert Hurley, 1976. Halliday, M. A. K. Language as a Social Semiotic: The Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning. London: Edward Arnold Ltd, 1978. Lave, Jean & Etienne Wenger. Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Leap, William. Word’s Out: Gay Men’s English. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996. Livia, A. & Kira Hall (eds). Queerly Phrased. Oxford: Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics, 1997. Posted 1 November 2006
Patricia Sawin University of North Carolina - Chapel-Hill sawin@unc.edu |
Gender and Performance, 2005
Posted 1 November 2006 |
Keith Walters Portland State University waltersk@pdx.edu |
Teaching Carol Brooks Gardener’s “Passing by: Street remarks, address rights, and the urban female” (1980), 2006
Posted 1 November 2006 |
Page last updated 27 May 2014