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Syllabi & Resources - Complete syllabi and other resources, many with included readings, assignments, and paper topics.
Reading Lists - Lists of all readings extracted from syllabi, all in one place.
Assignments - Assignments extracted from syllabi, all in one place.
Related Courses - Materials from courses where the relationship between language and gender is relevant but not the primary focus.
Please note that all documents available on this web site are and remain the copyright of their individual authors, and any use of their material must be credited and cited appropriately. Use of the material herein signifies acceptance of these terms.
This site was created by Barbara LeMaster and Amy Sheldon for and from a workshop they gave at the Fourth International Gender and Language Association Conference in València, Spain
Barbara LeMaster Professor, Departments of Anthropology and Linguistics California State University, Long Beach 1250 Bellflower Blvd Long Beach, CA 90840-1003, USA barbara.lemaster@csulb.edu |
Amy Sheldon Professor, Department of Communication Studies, and Graduate Faculty - Program in Linguistics University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 225 Ford Hall 224 Church Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455-0427, USA asheldon@umn.edu |
Site Design:
Chris Trueblood
Graduate Assistant, Department of Linguistics
California State Unversity, Long Beach
Please visit the websites of IGALA and the new Gender and Language journal for more language and gender-related resources.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the College of Liberal Arts at the California State University, Long Beach, whose funding made this project possible.
Site last updated 4/21/2015