West, Ph.D.
Kaye West* retired as associate professor
emeritus from the Department
of Teacher Education (TED) in the College
of Education (CED) at California
State University, Long Beach (CSULB) in 2005 after 39 years
as a professional educator and serving in her last position as
the website coordinator for the Department.
As a concerned citizen, she is vitally aware of the need for lifelong learning, promoting the arts, developing literacy, and service to do her part to extend opportunities in these areas and to contribute to make the world a better place for those living now as well as for future generations. These interests are reflected throughout her career (see her Vita) as well as in her current endeavors and advocacy.
Currently she is active in
- the Literacy and Social Responsibility SIG of the International Literacy Association (L-SR) (formerly the International Reading Association) as Website Manager since 1998 and member of the Board of Directors,
- the International Choreographed Ballroom Dance Association (ICBDA) (formerly Universal Round Dance Council) as member of the Board of Directors (2019-2025) and formerly a member of the Technical Advisory Committee,
- sharing information about how to dance (see Walk In Dance Out) on this site and other venues, creating dances and cue sheets in coordination with her dance coach Larry Caves, and generally sharing her knowledge with others,
- serving on the leadership team of the Shall We Round Dance Club including hosting the annual Cactus Capers Festival each February and writing articles for the Leisure World newspaper,
- teaching classes and coordinating projects for the Leisure World Quilters including the Doll Cradles for charity project (coordinating making linens and working with woodshop personnel), making Doggie Pillows from quilt scraps to donate to pet shelters, and previously distributing a Monthly Memo to club members. She has also won recognition multiple times for her quilts in Leisure World Art Fairs,
- serving as a Leisure World Woodshop Monitor.
She encourages others likewise to be involved. Further information is available:
• The Arts for advocating that everyone support the Arts
• Walk In, Dance Out for how to do partnership dancing, how to teach it, and how and why to promote it
• Developing Literacy for ideas for helping children learn including links to literature for children K-12
Contact: She can be reached at kaye.west@csulb.edu
* previously Kaye West-Anderson, Kaye Anderson, and Dr. Kaye