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Overview of the Professional Career
of Kaye West (Anderson)


After 6 years of service as an elementary teacher (following 4 years of preparation), Dr. West* began working at the level of preparing elementary teachers. Accompanying this shift in role was continued professional development, both formally through advanced degrees and informally through scholarly and creative contributions, and the extension of service and leadership in university shared governance responsibilities (committees, etc.) and in community and professional organizations.

The information below summarizes educational preparation, service in teacher preparation and elementary teaching, and the three areas of faculty responsibility typically assessed in career development procedures at universities.  

Educational Preparation:

Ph.D. in Education

  • (1980, 4.0/4.0 gpa) Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (SIU-C) (Literacy Instruction; cognate areas: Language Acquisition and Language Arts)
  • Dissertation : The Effect of a Crowded or Spaced Appearance of Narrative Material on the Reading Comprehension of Above-Average and Below-Average Fourth Graders

M.S. in Education

B.S. in Elementary Education

  • (1966, 3.81/4.0 gpa) Phillips University, Enid, OK (disbanded in 1998) (Double Concentrations: Language Arts and Social Studies)

    Additionally, attended high school in California, Utah, and Oklahoma (graduating among top ten of over 200 students) and attended 12 schools in grades 1-8 in California, Utah, and Arizona

Service in Teacher Preparation and Elementary Teaching:

1989-2005  Department of Teacher Education, California State University, Long Beach (CSULB)(Tenured Associate Professor)

  • Taught EDEL 380 (in four different iterations, with the latest called Introduction to Elementary Education)
  • Supervised Elementary Student Teachers in Multiple Subject Credential Program
  • Served on various department projects including developing the first department website
1981-89  Department of Teacher Education (now Elementary, Early, and Special Education), Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau (SEMO) (Tenured Associate Professor and Assistant Professor)
  • Taught 12 different undergraduate and graduate-level courses related to developing literacy and preparing elementary teachers
  • First Ambassador in SEMO's Cooperative Program with Shanghai Teachers University in Shanghai China (Fall 1987); taught 3 different courses (to college instructors of English as a Foreign Language from various Chinese Universities and students preparing to be instructors of English)

1975-81  Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (SIU-C)  (Full-Time Instructor)

  • Coordinator of Herrin, Illinois, Teaching Center (supervised student teachers and all pre-service interns, K-12, in 2 rural school districts
  • Taught 4 different courses related to literacy development and teacher preparation

1974-75  Part-Time Instructor:

  • University of Illinois at Chicago Circle (now University of Illinois Chicago)Coordinator of Field Experiences and Elementary Student Teaching; Supervisor of Student Teachers

  • Northeastern Illinois University, ChicagoTaught 4 different undergraduate courses in Department of Teacher Education

  • Chicago Consortium of Colleges and Universities: Coordinator of Reading In-Service Program for Chicago Elementary Teachers: series of 7 2-week/all-day workshops servicing 105 elementary teachers

1970-74  The Ecumenical Institute, now Institute of Cultural Affairs (Resident Staff Member:  Chicago, IL, and Santa Monica, CA)

  • Coordinated projects, co-taught weekend courses; collaborated on developing publications and curriculum; served on leadership team directing research programs

1966-1973  Elementary Teacher (Self-contained classroom; Remedial Reading teacher)

  • Chicago Il, Edwardsville, IL, and Highland, IL


Scholarly and Creative Activities

  • 11 books and monographs related to dance instruction, character education, and improving teaching performance
  • 34 articles in juried journals related to improving literacy instruction (especially children's literature and professional philosophy)
  • 30 juried/invited presentations at professional association meetings related to topics such as character education, children's literature, literacy development, computer technology, dance education, integration of curricula, professional development
  • Disseration and thesis mentioned above
  • Editorships:
  • Other:
    • Appointments on several review panels, including for 15 years Judge of the National Written and Illustrated by... Awards Contest (sponsored by Landmark Editions)
    • A-V materials: (1984-87) Foreign language audio tape; series of public service announcements (MO); synchronized audio-slide production
    • Units and materials for K-12 (1992-1996) related to character education and American Round Dancing
    • 12 additional articles in non-juried journals and/or ERIC
    • Numerous formal and informal grant proposals

Service Activities

University Service

  • Regular service on various university committees, task forces, and advisory boards (at the university, college, and department levels), including official leadership positions at CSULB, Southeast Missouri State University, Southern Illinois University, and University of Illinois at Chicago Circle (continuously from 1974 to 2005)

Service to the Profession

  • Official leadership positions and frequent other service in various professional organzations, especially affiliates of the International Reading Association, now the International Literacy Association (at the local, state, and national/international levels) continuously from 1983 through the present, with service extending back to 1979.

Service to the Community

  • Workshops, speeches, and developing matrials related to 
    • dance instruction
    • character education
    • assessment of teaching
    • literacy development
    • life-long learning
    • international education
  • Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment Program (BTSA) assessor,
  • Planning and hosting an annual children's literature festival (8 years) and other events related to children's literature and developing writing
  • Conducting comprehensive diagnostic reading and aptitude testing
  • Consultancies on projects related to competency-based and criterion-referenced testing and reading instruction 
  • Teaching American Round Dancing (in Missouri, China, and California)


* previously Kaye West-Anderson, Kaye Anderson, and Dr. Kaye


June 20, 2024