Helpful Hints-Computers
Laptop won’t communicate with video projector
There are 5 projectors in the Science Education Dept.  We have two ceiling mounted projectors: one in 127 and one in 133.  Each of these has a remote that is kept (via Velcro) at the front of each classroom.  We also have 3 mobile projectors and a document projector  See equipment for more information.
Most of the new laptops SHOULD detect the projector signal when you plug it into the laptop.  However, sometime you need to help the computer ‘find’ the projector.  (This is generally more of an issue when working with the PC laptops, but will occasionally happen with Mac laptops as well.)  
If you aren’t getting a signal, try: 
Make sure the projector is plugged into the proper VGA port (see image).  VGA cords for the ceiling mounted projectors are located at the front of each classroom.
Using the (Function) FN-F8 key to force the laptops to detect the projector.  This usually toggles the computer between it’s display, the external display (the projector) or both.  It’s usually easier to make the image show up on both, if that’s possible.
Shutting everything down (projector and computer), connecting the projector, turning the projector on, and then turning the computer on.
Make sure to plug the VGA cable to the port before powering both on.

Laptops won’t connect to Internet
The Science Education Department has a wireless internet setup in both of PH2-127 and 133.  All the laptops are equipped to go online.  Laptops 9-17 (located in PH2-127) require a wireless card that plugs into the PC card slot on the side of the machine.  Laptops 18-40 have a built-in wireless card. 
If the laptops are not detecting a signal or operating erratically you can:
For laptops 9-17, try removing and inserting the PC card 
For laptops 18-40 you can try the (function) FN+F2 key to toggle the antenna on and off.
Make sure the laptops are plugged IN.  The laptops have a power scheme that shuts down or lowers the power/range of devices in order to conserve the battery.  Wireless access is usually the first to go.

Internet browsing is very slow
Currently, all laptops are configured to automatically connect to the campus domain first.  If that signal is weak, then they will connect to the PH2-129 -SCIED01 (the access point in middle room).  Using the campus domain should speed thing up.
If the Internet access is still sluggish, then try:
Limiting the amount high-bandwidth function (e.g. streaming video, audio)
Decreasing the number of Internet-active laptops in the room


Laptops won’t communicate with printers
The Science Education Department has 2 wireless enabled printers in rooms 127 and 133.  They are set up to print wirelessly from all the laptops.  There is NO default printer setup on the laptops--this means that students will need to specifically TELL the laptops to send their documents to those printers.  Just clicking on the PRINT icon won’t work.
To print from the wireless printers:  Click on ‘File:Print’  then ‘Choose’ the respective printer located in each room.  The printers have 127 or 133 in their name. Do NOT click on the print icon located in the Word/Excel/Browser menus.
If the print does not go through:
Make sure the printer is turned on.
Make sure the printer is not asleep.  These printers will sleep or power down if they have not been used for 5-10 minutes.  Students should check to be sure the printer hasn’t turned itself off before they send their files
If many students are sending large files simultaneously, the printer can get overloaded and confused. FOr example, sending 20 elaborate Inspiration documents, or powerpoint presentations, at the same time, will cause the printer to bog down.  You’ll need to devise a plan for taking turns.
Tell students not to keep sending their files through when it doesn’t work the first time.  Often, their files are cued, but since the computer was asleep or busy, they weren’t printed.  However, when the printer is free, it will attempt to print everything send to it, often including the 5-10 ‘try it again’ copies sent when the computer wasn’t responding the first time

Laptop Problems?
Here are some common problems encountered when using the classroom laptops.