Political Science 322

Course Outline and Reading Assignments

Jay Stevens, Ph.D.

Spring 2007

Date Lecture Topic
Reading Assignment
January 29:

Course Introduction

  1. Reading Assignments on the Web
  2. Grading & Exams
  3. Research Paper

I. Democratic Theory & Political Parties

  1. Responsible Political Parties
    1. Democracy
    2. Politics
    3. Majority Rule & Limited Government

Reading Assignment:
Bibby, Chapter 1
James Madison, The Federalist No. 10
James Madison, The Federalist No. 51
Larry J. Sabato, "Tyranny of the Mob Rules in California," Los Angeles Times (August 19, 2003);

Recommended Readings:
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Vol. 1 (New York: Doubleday/Anchor, 1969), Part II.

February 5:

II. American Political Parties

  1. Nonprogramatic Parties: Interest v. Ideology
    1. Minor Parties
    2. Plurality Elections
    3. Single Member Districts &

  2. Party Functions
    1. Intermediaries
    2. Nominating Candidates
    3. Contesting Elections
    4. Organizing Government
    5. Providing Accountability
    6. Managing Conflict
Required Readings:
Bibby, Chapter 3;
Thomas B. Rosenstiel,"Gingrich's Plan for Power Ten Years in the Making," Los Angeles Times, December 19,1994.
Hector Tobar, "Water Bill Touches Off a Revolt," L. A. Times, July 24, 1998.
William Schneider, "Virtual Unity: The Morphing of the Party System," Los Angeles Times (Aug. 13, 2000)'
Zachary A. Goldfarb, "Mobilized Online, Thousands Gather to Hear Obama,"Washington Post (Feb. 3, 2007).

David Savage, "High Court Upholds Texas Redistricting," Los Angeles Times (June 29, 2006);
Randy Cohen, "The Congressman from $37,000,"Los Angeles Times (July 16, 2005);
Mark Z. Barabak,"Redistricting Fuels Partisan Frenzy," Los Angeles Times (July 25, 2001).
Frank Del Olmo, "Redistricting Plays a Part in Budget Crisis," Los Angeles Times (July 6, 2003);

Recommended Readings:
David Broder, The Party's Over (New York: Harper & Row, 1971). Tom Hamburger and Peter Wallsten, "Parties Are Tracking Your Habits," Los Angeles Times (July 24, 2005). Cynthia H. Cho, Left Follows the Right on Campus Outreach," Los Angeles Times (July 24, 2005). Ronald Brownstein, "Inside the 2004 Campaign Tool Chest: Blogs and Online Voting," L.A. Times (January 5, 2004). Joseph Menn, "Techies, Politics Now Click,"Los Angeles Times (August 11, 2003). Nick Anderson, "Internet the Back Alley of Choice...,"Los Angeles Times (July1, 2004). Andrew Reding, "Baskin-Robbins' Voting", Los Angeles Times (July 6, 2003);

February 12:

III. Party Systems & Realigning Elections
  1. Realignment
  2. History of American Party Systems,
    (1787 to 1932

  3. FDR & The New Deal (1932)

Reading Assignment:

Bibby, Chapter 2.
Peter Wallsten and Tom Hamberger, "The GOP Knows You Don't Like Anchovies," Los Angeles Times (June 25, 2006).

Ronald Brownstein & Faye Fiore, "Partisan Gap Seen In and Out of Church," Los Angeles Times (June 12,2004);
Thomas Frank, "How the Left Lost It's Heart," Los Angeles Times (July 19, 2004).
"Why the Left Left Kansas," Los Angeles Times (July 24, 2004).
Wallsten, Hamburger & Riccardi, "Bush Rewarded by Black Pastors' Faith," Los Angeles Times (Jan. 18, 2005);

Recommended Reading: Alexander Stille "How the Press Saw the 2000 Election, N.Y. Times (January 8, 2003); James L. Sundquist,Dynamics of the Party System(Washington, D.C.: Brookings, 1973; William Nisbet Chambers and Walter Dean Burnham (eds.) The American Party Systems: Stages of Political Development(2nd ed.; New York: Oxford, 1975); John Aldrich, Why Parties? The Origin and Transformation of Political Parties in America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995).

February 26:
  1. Changes in Party
    Identification, 1972-2000

  2. Megatrends in California

    1. Latinos
    2. Coast vs Inland
    3. Voting by Mail

March 5:

First Midterm

March 5:

IV. Party Organization

  1. Comparative Parties

  2. Stratarchy

  3. Structures of California Parties

Reading Assignment:

Bibby, Chapter 4.

Recommended Readings:

William J. Crotty (ed.), Approaches to the Study of Party Organization (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1968); Maurice Duverger, Political Parties (New York: Wiley, 1963); Malcolm E. Jewell and David M. Olson, American State Political Parties and Elections (Rev.ed.; Homewood, Ill.: Dorsey Press,1982); Kay Lawson, The Comparative Study of Political Parties (New York: St. Martins, 1976).
March 12: V. Nominations: State & Congressional
  1. Direct Primary: History

  2. Variations
    1. Closed Primary
    2. Open Primary
    3. Blanket Primary
    4. Non-Partisan Primary

  3. California Primary

  4. Reform
Reading Assignment:

Bibby, Chapter 5
Lou Cannon, "The California GOP: A House Divided...," California Journal

Recommended Readings:
Leon D. Epstein, "The American Party Primary," in Nelson W. Polsby and Raymond E. Wollfinger, eds., On Parties: Essays Honoring Austin Ranney (Berkeley: Institute of Government Press, University of California, 1999); Leon D. Epstein, Political Parties in the American Mold (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1986); Malcolm E. Jewell, Parties and Primaries: Nominating State Governors (New York: Praeger, 1984); Sarah Mc Cally Morehouse, The Governor as Party Leader: Campaigning and Governing (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998).

March 19:

VI. Nominations: Presidential

  1. Methods of Nomination
    1. Congressional Caucus
    2. Nominating Convention
    3. Primary Election

  2. Convention Delegates: Issues
  3. Convention Delegates: Ideology

  4. Frontloading

  5. Frontloading in 2008

  6. Primary Election Participation
Reading Assignment:
Bibby, Chapter 6.
Christopher S. Lehane, , "How Dems can use California to win in '08," Los Angeles Times (January 28, 2007);
Philip J. Trounstine, "How California can spoil the '08 election," Los Angeles Times (January 28, 2007;
Ronald Brownstein, "DNC Moves to Hasten Primary Process in '04," Los Angeles Times (Nov. 11, 2001).

Recommended Readings: William Crotty, and John S. Jackson, III, Presidential Primaries and Nominations (Washington, D.C.: Brookings, 1984); Byron E. Shafer, Bifurcated Politics: Evolution and Reform in the National Party Convention (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press); and Bryon E. Shafter, Quite Revolution: The Struggle for the Democratic Party and the Shaping of Post-Reform Politics(New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1983).

March 26: Second Midterm
April 2: Spring Break Campus Closed
April 9: Last Date for Book Reports
April 16:

VIII. General Elections

  1. Who Votes?

  2. Centrist Strategy Revisited

IX. Campaign Finance

  1. Watergate Reforms

    1. Disclosure
    2. Contribution Limits
    3. Buckley v. Valeo (1976)
    4. "Soft Money"

  2. California Reforms:
    Prop. 208 & Prop. 34

  3. McCain-Finegold

  4. "527s"
  5. Contributions Types
Reading Assignment:
Bibby, chapters 5 & 7.

Campaign Finance:
Stephanie Simon, "Unregulated Groups Wield Millions to Sway Voters," Los Angeles Times Oct. 30, 2006;
Fundraising in the 2004 Presidential Election;
Richard A. Serrano and Stephen Braun, "A Donor Who Had Big Allies," Los Angeles Times (Jan. 7, 2006);
Janet Hook and Richard Simon, "Earmarking--A Win-Win for Lobbyists and Politicians," Los Angeles Times (January 29, 2006);
Steve Padilla"Campaign 2000: A Historical Perspective,"Los Angeles Times (July 16,2000);
"Proposals to Overhaul Campaign Finance," C.Q. Weekly, (May 23, 2000), p. 1092;
Foerstel, Wallsten, & Willis, "Campaign Overhalul Mired in Money and Loopholes," C.Q. Weekly (May 23, 2000);
Jeffrey L. Rabin, "Conflicting Laws Mask GOP Donors," Los Angeles Times (Oct. 6, 2003);
Derek Willis, "Debating McCain-Feingold" C.Q. Weekly (March 10, 2001).
Juliet Eilperin, "House Whip Wields Fund-Raising Clout...," Washington Post (Oct. 18, 1999);
Evan Halper, "Political Donors Shielded by Loophole," Los Angeles Times (Sept. 30, 2002).
Carey Goldbert, "Publicly Paid Elections ... in 3 States," New York Times (Nov. 19, 2000).

Recommended Readings:
Bob Drogin & Richard O'Reilly, "Many Voters Simply Did It Wrong," Los Angeles Times (Nov. 11,2001);
Alexander Stille "How the Press Saw the 2000 Election, N.Y. Times (January 8, 2003);
Peter Wallsten, "Election Laws: Flordia Was Just the Beginning", Los Angeles Times (Sept. 12, 2006); Robert Agranoff (ed.),The New Style in Election Campaigns (2nd ed.; Boston: Holbrook, 1976); Doris A. Graber, Mass Media and American Politics (Washington, D.C: CQ Press, 1980);Thomas E. Patterson, The Mass Media Election: How Americans Choose Their President (N.Y.: Praeger, 1980); Austin Ranney, Channels of Power: The Impact of Television on American Politics (New York: Basic Books, 1983); Larry J. Sabato, PAC Power: Inside the World of Political Action Committees (New York: Norton, 1985); Stephen A. Salmore and Barbara G. Salmore,Candidates, Parties, and Campaigns (2nd ed.; Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 1989). David W. Adamany, Campaign Finance in America (North Scituate, Mass.: Duxbury, 1972; David B. Magleby and Candice J. Nelson, The Money Chase: Congressional Campaign Finance Reform (Washington,D.C.: Brookings, 1990);

April 30:

X. Political Party in the Electorate

  1. Party Identification
    1. Definition
    2. Measurement
    3. Origins

  2. Characteristics of Identifers
  3. Changes in Party

Reading Assignment:

Bibby, chapter 8.

Recommended Readings:
Angus Campbell, Phillip E. Converse, Warren E. Miller, and Donald E. Stokes, The American Voter (New York: Wiley, 1960); Gary C. Jacobson, The Electoral Origins of Divided Government Col.: Westview, 1990); ; Norman Nie, Sidney Verba, and John R. Petrocik, The Changing American Voter (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1976).

May 7, 2007: Research Papers Due
May 7:

XI. Voting Behavior & Ideology

  1. Voting Behavior

    1. Party Identification
    2. Issue Orientation
    3. Retrospective Voting
    4. Candidate Orientation

  2. Ideology & Issues
  3. Four Ideological Groups
Reading Assignment:
Bibby, Chapter 8. 
David Brooks,"Circle the Wagons," New York Times (June 5, 2004);
Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, "California's a One-Party State, But Can Democrats Rest Easy?" Los Angeles Times (August 13, 2000).

Recommended Readings:
William S. Maddox and Stuart A. Lilie, Beyond Liberal and Conservative: Reassessing the Political Spectrum (Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute, 1984);

May 14:

XII. Parties in the Government

  1. Partisanship in Congress

    1. Policy Domains
    2. Partisan Cleavages

  2. The Executive
  3. The Courts
Reading Assignment:
Bibby, Chapter 9 & 10.

Recommended Readings:
Anthony King (ed.), Both Ends of the Avenue: The Presidency, the Executive Branch, and Congress in the 1980s (Washington,D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1983); Christopher J. Bailey, The Republican Party in the U.S. Senate (Manchester, Eng.: University of Manchester Press, 1989); Aage Clausen, How Congressmen Decide (N.Y.: St. Martin's 3); Frank H. Mackaman (ed.), Understand ing Congressional Leadership (Washington D.C: CQ Press, 1981); Barbara Sinclair, Majority Leadership in the U.S. House (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983).

May 21: Final Exam 7:15 -9:15

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Please send suggestions and or comments to: jstevens@csulb.edu