Review Questions for the
Third Midterm

Spring Semester 2007

April 23rd, 2007

Identification Questions

  1. party identification
  2. Buckley v. Valeo (1976)
  3. cadre party
  4. mass-membership party
  5. office bloc ballot
  6. party column ballot
  7. Crossfiling
  1. Crossfiling
  2. realigning election
  3. front-loading
  4. "soft money"
  5. Non-partisan primary
  6. Pioneers
  7. Political Efficacy
  1. Civic duty
  2. "527" Organizations
  3. "501(c)" Organization
  4. Bundling
  5. Earmarks
  6. FEC v. Colorado Republican Party
  7. Sore Loser Law

Essay Questions

Review Questions:

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of "competitive legislative districts?
  2. Why do political party realignments occur in American politics? Include the following points in your essay: (a) What is a political party realignment? (b) Why are many potential realignments unsuccessful? (c) How do changes in the electorate influence realignments? (d) How are broad political issues reflected in a realignment?
  3. Identify the concept of democracy and the locus of power for mass membership parties and cadre parties. Explain the significance of a different concept of democracy and a different locus of power.

New Essay Questions:

  1. What characteristics are most closely related to voter turn-out. Does turn-out advantage either political party?
  2. Why do centrist coalitions dominate the American electoral system? What broad type of issues move the political center closer to the Democratic Party? What broad type of issues move the political center closer to the Republican party? Why?
  3. Explain how the California Political Reform Act (CPRI) is intended to meet the objection of Buckley v. Valeo (1996).
  4. Compare and contrast Proposition 208 and Proposition 34. How would Explain the differences in the two propositions in terms of their origin.
  5. Why did political clubs develop in California?
  6. Discuss the use of "soft money" in election campaigns. Include in your essay the following:
    • a definition of soft money;
    • what soft money was intended for originally;
    • how soft money is used in contemporary election; and
    • why is the use of soft money in elections a problem?
  7. Explain the advantages of incumbents in terms of campaign finance and the provisions of Prop. 208 (The California Political Reform Initiative) that attempt to reduce the advantages of incumbency in financing election campaigns.
  8. Identify the five reforms in California that were adopted during the progressive era at the turn of the last century. What was the goal of those reforms? Were there any unanticipated consequences? Explain your answer.
  9. Compare and Contrast a 527 Organization and a 501(c) Organization


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