After graduating with BA from the Central Academy of Fine Art in Bejing, China (1981), Yu Ji received dual M.F.A. degrees from State University of New York at New Paltz in Painting (1986) and Printmaking (1989). He was a recipient of the La Napoule Scholarship for the figurative workshops held in France (1985) and New Hampshire (1986). Later he was named a Charles H. Revson Fellow to the New York Studio School (1986-1987).

Grants and awards that Yu Ji has accepted include those from the Arts Councils of Utah and Illinois, and the Marie Walsh Sharpe Foundation. Exhibits of his work have taken place in Beijing, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Kansas City and Los Angeles. His portrait commission of Sir James Mirrlees joined the permanent collection at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh (2005)

From 1981-83, Yu Ji taught at the Senior High of Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, China. After his faculty tenure at Southern Utah University (1989-94) and at Eastern Illinois University (1994-99), Yu Ji has been teaching painting and drawing at California State University-Long Beach since 1999.


  1981年毕业于中央美术学院油画系, 1981至83年在中央美术学院附中任教,教授素描。

  1983年赴美国纽约州立大学纽波兹学院美术系读绘画研究生。1985 年获 La Napoule 艺术基金会奖学金赴法国拉.纳普具像艺术工作室学习和在1986 年于美国纽罕布什尔大学的拉.纳普工作室学习。1986-87年,宇计获 Revson 基金会的奖学金在美国纽约画室学校做研究生后的学习。1989年在纽约州立大学纽波兹学院完成了版画的硕士学位的学习。

  宇计曾执教于美国南犹他大学 (1989 - 1994) 和东伊利诺依大学 (1994 - 1999) 。他现任美国加利福尼亚长滩州立大学艺术系教授,教授人体素描与油画。

  宇计的绘画研究获得过各种资助与奖励,其中包括犹它州与伊力诺依州艺术顾问委员会,莫瑞 .W. 沙尔普艺术基金会的支持,以及加利福尼亚州立大学研究资助。他的作品曾在北京,纽约,费城,芝加哥,堪萨斯城,和洛杉矶等地展出;肖像作品“莫里斯画像”收藏于英国苏格兰国家肖像画廊。

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