Woman Mysteries
of the Ancient Future Sisterhood
by Vajra Ma
Vajra Ma is a Priestess of the Goddess. Designing and facilitating women's ritual for over a decade, she has integrated Goddess knowledge, feminist consciousness and experiential body wisdom to forge a new women's mystery tradition. She holds ministerial credentials through the Reformed Congregation of the Goddess and Circle of Aradia. Her background includes Continuum, Tantric, Middle Eastern and Sufi dance; BA and graduate work in Theatre Arts; and professional work as an actor, bodyworker and teacher. She is author of The Tantric Dance of Feminine Power: Sacred Sensual Moving Meditation for Women and her one-woman show “The Autobiography of a Yoni.” She has recently expanded her teaching to include men.Vajra Ma believes that sacred dance is a tool for healing and empowerment. Witch, priestess, and founder of a Women’s Mystery School, she combines Goddess Studies, Feminist Spirituality, and Tantric Dance in her teachings. In her chapter, she describes how her students learn what she calls body energetics. This technique involves an attunement to subtle body sensations through breath, sound, and movement that she believes allows one to directly experience or know the Divine. She writes that, by focusing on body energetics and participating in a female shamanic group, students learn to break through patriarchal conditioning and change their consciousness. These women experience dance as prayer. In addition, Vajra Ma teaches them that it is a source of knowledge that holds the potential to integrate the self.