The Roots of Feminist Spirituality 
                                                                                       by Cynthia Eller
        Cynthia Eller is an Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Montclair State University.  She is the author of Living in the Lap of the Goddess: the Feminist Spirituality Movement in America, and The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory: Why an Invented Past Won't Give Women  a Future. The latter, a controversial book, is generating intense debate by both scholars and practitioners.
    ". . . the whole subject is moved forward decisively at last, for the first time in a quarter of a century." --Ronald Hutton, Professor of History at Bristol and author of  The Triumph of the Moon
    "This is a short book that will make tall waves." -- Brian Hayden, Archaeology Dept. Simon Fraser University

        In her chapter, Eller presents a thorough discussion of the American history of what she calls Feminist Spirituality.  She  traces how this evolved out of a meeting of radical feminism,  Jewish and Christian feminism and contemporary Witchcraft.   Although there were significant early conflicts between feminist and non-feminist Witches, today Witches in the United States practice a religion that has been shaped by feminism,  at the same time that Eller maintains the Feminist Spirituality movement is beginning to move away from Witchcraft and create new visions and definitions.

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