Vivianne Crowley is a chartered psychologist, a UK registered spiritual healer, and a Lecturer in the psychology of religion at the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, King’s College, University of London. She is the author of eight books and various chapters in edited collections. She has been a Wiccan priestess for 25 years and, with her husband Chris, is the founder of the Wicca Study Group which provides teaching on the Wiccan path. Past Honorary Secretary of Europe’s Pagan Federation, she has been active in promoting interfaith dialogue, setting up prison chaplaincy, and organizing annual gatherings for European Wicca. Her books, which have been translated into several languages, include Phoenix From the Flame, Principles of Paganism, Principles of Wicca, Wicca: The Old Religion in the New Millennium, Celtic Wisdom : Seasonal Festivals and Rituals, Thorsons Principles of Jungian Spirituality, and Myths, Magic & Mysticism.Healing in Wicca
by Vivianne CrowleyCrowley uses demographic data from surveys conducted on Witches in the U.S. and the U.K. to demonstrate that Wicca is about more than “merely” healing participants. The Witch is also a healer. In her chapter , she discusses the ethics, ideology, and methodology of healing. Crowley points out that there are three components to healing - healing the self, healing the other, and healing the environment. She discusses how these components are thoroughly integrated into Witchcraft. She posits that, for some, Wicca may be primarily a form of therapeutic process, and that, once healed, these people will move on. For others, Witchcraft is a belief and place where ongoing, post-healing self-actualization needs are being met.
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