Some databases like Academic Search Elite have a checkbox to limit to peer-reviewed articles.

Use these steps with all databases to find articles:
1.) Enter your search statement using AND and OR.
2.) Click the Search button.
3.) Look at your results. Look at the article titles and read the abstracts. ALWAYS look at more than the first page of results.

"In many databases, the results are listed by date (most current articles first) unlike search engines such as Google that list results by relevance. So the best citation may not be listed first!"

View an example of searching for journal articles (requires flash).

What if I get 0 results?
Did you type in common words (such as if, the, a, of, in, is, it)?
Did you spell all the words correctly? Check
Did you use AND and OR to connect your keywords?

What if I get 5000+ results?


You will need to use Academic Search Elite to answer the next couple of questions, so keep the box open.
Using Academic Search Elite find one citation to an article related to your topic. Copy and paste all of the citation information here. What subjects were listed in the record you found (see Mizael's citation)?

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