Before we talk about finding journal articles, lets quickly review scholarly vs. popular articles. If you are in doubt--ask your professor or a librarian, we have a book called Ulrich's Periodical Directory you can check."

Type Scholarly Popular
References Citations are listed at the end of the article. Citations to other articles are generally not included
Author Written by experts, usually include credentials and author affiliation Written by staff writer or journalist and credentials not included
Audience Written in jargon of field for researchers, professors and students Written in non-technical language for all readers
Format Format is structured and may contain abstract, literature review, methodology, results, or bibliography Does not follow a specific format
Length Longer than 5 pages with in- depth coverage of a topic Short articles with broad overview of topic
Editors Articles critically evaluated by peers or experts before being published Articles not evaluated by experts but by editors or staff
Style Plain paper, few images, few ads Glossy paper, lots of images, lots of ads for consumer products

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