Sodagari, et al. "Quantum Education
at Minority Serving Institutions: Insights from Faculty Perspectives,"
Integrated STEM Education Conference,
Princeton University,
S. Sodagari,
et al. "Examining
Vaccination-Related Adverse Events in Frequent
Neurodegenerative Diseases", in Elsevier Journal of
Brain, Behavior, & Immunity-Health
Sodagari receives a NSF grant on quantum sciences.
Sodagari facilitated a collaboration with AWS, bringing
their experts to the university to conduct workshops on
security and AI/ML for students.
Book on "Privacy and Security for Mobile Crowdsourcing"
looks into
vulnerabilities and solutions, with cutting-edge techniques,
intuitive discussions, and insights on topics ranging from spatio-temporal privacy to blockchain-based crowdsourcing.
Prof. Sodagari receives Ukleja Center for
Ethical Leadership award.
Prof. Sodagari is selected for NSF Game
Changer Academies.
"Trends for Mobile IoT
Crowdsourcing Privacy and Security in the Big Data Era,"
IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society
Prof. Sodagari is invited to NSF URoL Workshop on Leveraging
AI and Data Science for Predicting Mechanisms.
Prof. Sodagari is selected by the Provost's Office in
support of the CSU Chancellor's Office initiatives.
Prof. Sodagari takes a sabbatical leave in Fall 2021.
Prof. Sodagari receives Quality Matters (QM)
peer reviewer certificate
related to online and digital instruction.
Prof. Sodagari is the Faculty
Champion of Electrical Engineering in the campus-wide
Faculty Champions.
Research work:
S. Sodagari, "Covert Communications Against an
Adversary with Low-SNR Sensing Capability in Nakagami
Fading," IEEE Sensors
Deep UL2DL: Data-Driven Channel Knowledge Transfer from
Uplink to Downlink, IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular
Prof. Sodagari invited to give a talk at the colloquium of
Mathematics and Statistics Department.
Prof. Sodagari invited to talk at the
Author Workshop.
Prof. Sodagari receives CSU Transportation Research award.
Research work published: "Improved Cognitive Radio Receivers Using Timing
Mismatch of Primary and Secondary Users," in IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 948-952, June 2019
"Performance Analysis of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Underlaid Device-to-Device Communications,"
IEEE Access,
Research work published: Shabnam Sodagari
al. "Technologies
and Challenges for Cognitive Radio Enabled Medical Wireless Body
Area Networks,"
IEEE Access, vol. 6, 2018
Research published:
Spectrum Sharing and Cognitive Radio Using Asynchronous
Primary and Secondary Users,"
IEEE Communications
vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 832-835, April 2018
Research published: Shabnam Sodagari, "Real-Time
Scheduling in Cognitive Radio Networks," in
IEEE Systems
Journal, 2017
The following
was presented at the Mayo Clinic:
B. Bozorgchami
and S. Sodagari, "Spectrally efficient
telemedicine and in-hospital patient data transfer," IEEE International Symposium
on Medical Measurements and Applications, May 2017, Mayo
Prof. Sodagari is a co-chair of
second CRESS workshop on
cognitive radio security in conjunction with IEEE CNS
2016 in Philadelphia.
Prof. Sodagari is an organizing committee member for IEEE
Prof. Sodagari is an organizing committee member for ISMICT.