"Privacy and Security for Mobile Crowdsourcing"
by Shabnam Sodagari
Journal Publications
S. Sodagari, et al. "Examining
Vaccination-Related Adverse Events in Frequent
Neurodegenerative Diseases", in Elsevier Journal
of Brain, Behavior, & Immunity-Health, 2024 -
N. Madani and S. Sodagari, "Trade-Off
Analysis of NOMA-D2D and OFDMA-D2D Systems: Resource
Allocation Perspective," in IEEE Access, vol.
12, 2024 -
S.Sodagari, "Integrating
Quantum and Satellites: A New Era of Connectivity,"
in IEEE Access, vol. 11, 2023 -
"Trends for Mobile IoT Crowdsourcing Privacy and Security in the Big
Data Era," in
IEEE Transactions on Technology and
Society, 2022 -
S. Sodagari, "Underpinnings of User-Channel Allocation in Non-Orthogonal Multiple
Access for 5G",
Springer Nature Int'l Journal on Wireless
Information Networks,
2022 -
S. Sodagari, "Covert Communications Against an
Adversary with Low-SNR Sensing Capability in
Nakagami Fading,"
IEEE Sensors Letters,
vol. 4, no. 5, pp.1-4,
May 2020 -
M. S. Safari, V. Pourahmadi and
S. Sodagari,
UL2DL: Data-Driven Channel Knowledge Transfer from
Uplink to Downlink," in IEEE
Open Journal of Vehicular Technology,
vol.1, pp. 29-44, 2020 -
S. Sodagari, et al.,
"Improved Cognitive Radio Receivers Using Timing
Mismatch of Primary and Secondary Users,"
Transactions on Circuits and Systems II,
vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 948-952, June 2019
N. Madani and
S. Sodagari,
Analysis of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Underlaid
Device-to-Device Communications,"
IEEE Access,
vol. 6, 2018
S. Sodagari, et al.,
and Challenges for Cognitive Radio Enabled Medical
Wireless Body Area Networks,"
IEEE Access, vol. 6, 2018
S. Sodagari
et al.,
Spectrum Sharing and Cognitive Radio Using
Asynchronous Primary and Secondary Users,"
IEEE Communications Letters,
vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 832-835, April 2018
Shabnam Sodagari,
"Real Time Scheduling for Cognitive Radio Networks,"
Systems Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, Sept 2018
Sodagari, "Application of Asynchronous Weak Commitment Search
in Self Organized Cognitive Radio Networks,"
Springer International Journal on Wireless
Information Networks, vol. 4, no. 4, pp.
404-412, Dec. 2017
Shabnam Sodagari, "A
Secure Radio Environment Map Database to Share
Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing (JSTSP), vol.
9, no. 7, pp. 1298-1305, Oct. 2015
D. Zhang, K. Kotobi, S.
Sodagari, and S. Bilen,
Software System for Enabling Real-Time Voice
Communications over Existing Zigbee Networks," International
Journal of Systems, Control, and Communication, 2015
C. Shahriar, M.LaPan, M. Lerch, T. Clancy, R.
McGwier, R. Tandon, S.
and J. Reed,
"PHY-Layer Resiliency in OFDM
Communications: A Tutorial," IEEE
Communications Surveys and Tutorials,
vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 292-314, 2015
Sodagari and T.
C. Clancy "On Pilot Singularity Attacks in MIMO
Channels," Wiley
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunication
Technologies, May
et al.,
Spectrum Sensing Data Falsification and Denial of
Service Attacks in Cognitive Radio Networks," Wiley
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications
Technologies, Feb.
S. Sodagari,
A. Attar and S. Bilen, "A
Truthful Strategy for Expiring Spectrum Sharing in
Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Apr.
Sodagari and
S. Bilen, "On Cost Sharing Mechanisms in Cognitive
Radio Networks," Wiley
European Transactions on Telecommunications, Aug.
Conference Proceedings
S. Sodagari, et al. "Quantum
Education at Minority Serving Institutions: Insights from Faculty
IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference, Princeton
March 2025
B. Bozorgchami and
S. Sodagari,
Efficient Telemedicine and In-Hospital Patient Data
Transfer," IEEE International
Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications,
May 2017, Mayo Clinic, USA
N. Madani, S.
and P. Azmi, "A
Distributed Mode Selection Scheme in Cellular-Device
to Device Networks," IEEE
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC),
September 2015, Boston, USA
S. Sodagari, "Effects
of Imperfect Channel State Information on Null Space
Based Cognitive MIMO Communication," IEEE
International Conference on Computing, Networking,
and Communications, (ICNC) 2015,
Anaheim, California, USA
S. Sodagari, "Secure
Distributed Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio
Networks Using Multi Armed Bandits," IEEE
Conference on Network Security (CNS) 1st Int'l
Workshop on Cognitive radio and electromagnetic
spectrum security (CRESS), October
2014, San Francisco, USA
S. Amuru, R.Buehrer, R. Tandon,
and S.
Sodagari, "MIMO
Radar Waveform Design to Support Spectrum Sharing," Milcom 2013,
San Diego, CA
S. Sodagari,
C. Shahriar, T Clancy, and R. McGwire, "Performance
Impact of Asynchronous Off-tone Jamming Attacks
Against OFDM," IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2013,
Budapest, Hungary
Sodagari, A. Khawar, T. C.
Clancy and R. McGwire, "A
Projection Based Approach for Coexistence of Radar
and Telecommunication Systems" Globecom
2012, Anaheim,
Sodagari and
T. C. Clancy, "Efficient Jamming Attacks on MIMO
Channels," IEEE
International Conference in Communications (ICC'12),
June 12, Ottawa, Canada
C. Shahriar, S.
Sodagari, and T. C.
Clancy, "Performance of Pilot Jamming on MIMO
Channels with Imperfect Synchronization," IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC'12), June
12, Ottawa,
(invited) S. Sodagari, and
T. C. Clancy, "Preemption and Fairness Dynamics in
Heterogeneous DSA Environments," 22ndAnnual
IEEE International
Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC '11), Sept.
(invited) C.
Shahriar, S.
Sodagari, and T. C.
Clancy, "Physical Layer Security Challenges of DSA-Enabled TD-LTE," ACM 4th
International Workshop on Cognitive Radio and
Advanced Spectrum Management (CogART'11), Oct.
2011, Barcelona,
Sodagari and
T. C. Clancy, "An
Anti-Jamming Strategy for Channel Access in
Cognitive Radio Networks," 2ndConference
on Decision and Game Theory for
Security (gamesec2011), College
Park, MD
Sodagari, A. Attar and S.
Bilen, "Strategies to
Achieve Truthful Spectrum Auctions for Cognitive
Radio Networks Based on Mechanism Design," IEEE
Symposia on New Frontiers on Dynamic Spectrum Access
Networks (DySpan'10), Singapore
Sodagari, A. Attar, V.
Leung, and S. Bilen, "Time-Optimized and Truthful
Dynamic Spectrum Rental Mechanism," IEEE
Vehicular Technology Conf. (VTC Fall 2010), Ottawa,
Sodagari, A. Attar, V. C.
Leung, and S. Bilen, "Denial
of Service Attacks in Cognitive Radio Networks
through Channel Eviction Triggering," IEEE
Global Communications Conf. (Globecom'10),
Florida, USA
Sodagari and
S. Bilen, "Power-Optimized Cooperative Spectrum
Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Bandit
Processes," IEEE
Military Communications Conf. (Milcom'10), California,
Sodagari, P. Hesami, and
A. Nasiri Avanaki, "Error
Concealment in Image Communication Using Data Hiding
and Spatial Smoothing," 2nd International
Conf. on Computer Engineering and Technology,
(ICCET'10), China
Sodagari, P. Hesami, and
A. Nasiri Avanaki, "Error Concealment in Image
Communication Using Edge Map and Linear Prediction
Residue Watermarking," Proceedings
of IEEE Int'l Conference on Image Processing, (ICIP'09), 2009
Nasiri Avanaki S.
Sodagari, and A. Dianat,
"Reduced Reference Image Quality Assessment Metric
Using Optimized Parameterized Wavelet Watermarking," Proceedings
of the 9th International Conference on Signal
Processing (ICSP'08),
Oct. 2008, Beijing, China
Nasiri Avanaki A. Dianat, and S.
Sodagari, "Optimum
Parameter Estimation for Nonlocal Means Image
De-noising Using Corner Information," Proceedings
of the 9thInternational Conference on
Signal Processing (ICSP'08),
Oct. 2008, Beijing, China
Sodagari, H.
Hajimirsadeghi, and A. Nasiri Avanaki, "Watermark
Based Automatic Artifact Identification in Image
Communication," Proceedings
of the International Symposium on Telecommunications
(IST'08), Aug. 2008, Tehran,
A. Kenarsari, S.
Sodagari and
A. Nasiri Avanaki, "Hybrid Error Concealment in
Image Communication Using Data Hiding and Spatial
Redundancy," Proceedings
of the 15th International Conference on
Telecommunications (ICT '08), Jun. 2008, St.
Petersburg, Russia
M. Rahimi,
S. Sodagari and
A. Nasiri Avanaki, "Dimension Selective Tensor
Compression of Hyperspectral Images," Proceedings
of the 2nd Annual IEEE Student Paper Conference (AISPC
'08), Feb. 2008, Aalborg,
M. Kayvanrad, S.
Sodagari and
A. Nasiri Avanaki, "Reduced Reference Watermark
Based Image Transmission Quality Metric,"
of the 3rd International Symposium on Communication,
Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP'08),
March 2008, St. Julians, Malta