[ image of Mars ]       

Mars Geography Network

Geographers Contributing to
the Understanding of Mars

Hosted by:
Department of Geography
California State University
Long Beach, CA 90840-1101

Mars Geography Network

A means of contact, collaboration, and sharing for the many geographers who contribute to the understanding of Mars through work in physical geography (geomorphology, meteorology, and climatology), GIScience (GIS, remote sensing, cartography), human geography (the intellectual history and meaning of Mars exploration), and geographic education about Mars. We have only recently become aware of how many geographers are involved and held our first face-to-face meeting in March 2009 to explore how we became interested in Mars and what it is that geographers can bring to the table in the multidisciplinary study of Mars. The panel presentations may be read at https://home.csulb.edu/~rodrigue/geography/mars/MarsPanelAAG09.html.


* Association of American Geographers: 14-18 April 2010
* Lunar & Planetary Science Conference
  • Meeting from 3/01/10 - 3/5/10 (no schedule conflict this year)


* NASA's Mars Exploration Program
* ESA's Mars Express Program
* Journals
* Map with labels
* MarsGeog Googlegroup
* e-mail MarsGeog

[ orthographic image of Mars on a black background ] [ MOLA global image of Mars in true color ] [ MOLA global image of Mars in hypsometric tints ]          [ size comparison of Earth to Mars ]
Images: NASA

This document is maintained by C.M. Rodrigue
First placed on the web: 01/18/08
Last updated: 10/25/09