image map link to joint Ed.D. 
project of CSULB and UCLA for convenience of webmaster
[ Logo Image: Old map of Planet Earth fading into images of 
California State University, Long Beach ]
      Department of Geography
College of Liberal Arts
California State University
Long Beach
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    Earth System Science Ed
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    Calif Geographic Society
    L.A. Geographic Society
    The Science Lab
[ NASA image of Earth ] image map shortcut to campus 
directory for convenience of webmaster image map shortcut to personnel forms for convenience of webmaster image map shortcut to joint 
doctorate programs of the CSU and UC systems for convenience of webmaster
Geography Department News
Geography Photo Contest
Student News
Alumni News
Geography Awareness Week
Part-time Lecturing Positions
The Department of Geography at California State University, Long Beach, has developed three areas of active research and curricular development:

* Geospatial Techniques
       =   GIScience
       =   Remote sensing
       =   Cartography
       =   Spatial Statistics
       =   Field methods
       =   Qualitative methods
       =   GPS
       =   Epistemology and ethics
       =   Responsible faculty:
  Drs. Del Casino, Gossette, Laris, Lee, Rodrigue, Splansky, Tyner, and Wechsler, and Mr. Woods
* Environmental and Physical Geography
       =   Hazards
       =   Water resources
       =   Hydrology
       =   Biogeography
       =   Landscape restoration
       =   Climatology
       =   Palæoclimatology
       =   Arid environments
       =   GIS applications in environmental geography
       =   Environmental applications of remote sensing
       =   Responsible faculty:
  Drs. Laris, Lee, Rodrigue, and Wechsler, and
with 2004-05 adjunct faculty Messrs. Behrens and Ludwig and Ms. Wranic
* Human Geography (Urban and International)
       =   Urban cultural geography
       =   Urban social geography
       =   Urban economic geography
       =   Medical geography
       =   GIS applications in urban geography
       =   Geographies of tourism
       =   Responsible faculty:
  Drs. Curtis, Del Casino, Gossette, Jocoy, and Sidorov
with 2004-05 adjunct faculty Drs. Karabenick, C. Carter, McDaniels, and Sumner; Messrs. Behrens, N. Carter, Frazier, Lajoie, and Senn; and Ms. Wranic and Moriarty

The Department of Geography also maintains four areas of teaching service to the larger University community:

* Regional Geography
with courses covering all major regions of the world
* General Education
with lower division courses satisfying Natural Science and Social Science requirements and interdisciplinary Explorations and Capstone courses for the upper division General Education requirement
* Geographic Education
including a joint position with the College of Education and the Liberal Studies Program
* Extension Courses
including a GIS Certificate offered through University College and Extension Services

Revised: 11/15/04
