Geography 140
Introduction to Physical Geography

Lecture: The Geographic Grid (Longitude)

 IV. Longitude
     A. Longitude is distance east or west of a base line or prime meridian 
     B. The longitude of any given place is its distance, measured in degrees 
        of arc, from this base line.
     C. Picking a base line from which to begin numbering longitude was not 
        the easy matter that it was with latitude.
        1. Latitude uses the midpoint between the two poles, the equator, as a 
           base line, and this is a pretty obvious line given by the rotation 
           of the earth.
        2. There is no such naturally obvious base line for longitude, and so 
           each country figured that the meridian of its capital should merit 
           the honor.  This led to years of international bickering and 
           cartographic confusion. Some cities that have been used for prime 
           meridians include Munich, Warsaw, Brussels, Rio de Janeiro, 
           Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Paris, Madrid, Rome, Stockholm, and, 
           of course, Washington, DC.
        3. These excesses of patriotism, of course, made communications among 
           ships at sea difficult and even on board a single ship with its 
           often multicultural crews kidnapped from various ports!
        4. In 1871, the International Geographical Congress met to resolve the 
           issue and recommended that the meridian passing through the old 
           (1675) Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England (a borough of 
           London) should be the common zero.  The proposal didn't get too 
           far, given all the national pride problems that kept erupting.
        5. The IGC met again in 1875 and, again, things weren't proceeding too 
           well.  The French did suggest that they might be willing to 
           relinquish their demand for Paris as the Prime Meridian if everyone 
           else agreed to sign onto the metric system, which had been 
           developed during the French Revolution.  This did pave the way for 
           a break in the logjam, though. 
        6. In 1884, the British agreed to adopt the metric system in exchange 
           for the honor of having the Prime Meridian passing through a London 
           suburb.  So, the Greenwich Meridian was finally passed at the 
           International Meridian Conference held in Washington, DC, and 
           attended by delegates for 41 nations (Santo Domingo was the sole no 
           vote, and France and Brazil abstained).
           a. Greenwich probably won because the USA had already decided to 
              use it rather than Washington, DC.
           b. Also, at the time, 72% of the entire world's trade was carried 
              on ships that used the Greenwich Meridian:  This was the age of 
              empire, and Britain had colonies all over the world ("the sun 
              never sets on the British Empire") and was, therefore, in a 
              position to strongarm the rest of the world into giving its own 
              Royal Observatory the honor.  
           c. Despite the imperialism involved in this choice, it worked out 
              fairly well internationally:
                i. The antipodal meridian to the Greenwich Meridian makes a 
                   mathematically convenient International Date Line (more on 
                   that in another lecture) of 180°
               ii. The antipodal meridian to Greenwich's is out in the middle 
                   of the Pacific Ocean, where the date issue can 
                   inconvenience the fewest people in the sparsely settled 
                   mid-Pacific. Not that the British gave a hoot about that, 
                   but it worked out rather well in the end.
           d. Greenwich, incidentally, is pronounced "GREN-itch," not "Green-
              witch" (go figure)
     D. Anyhow, latitude is reckoned in both directions from the Greenwich 
        Meridian, so this base line is numbered 0° and the antipodal line 
        is numbered 180°.
        1. The reason that 180° is the top number possible for longitude 
           is that, by starting at the base line (an arbitrary choice of a 
           meridian, which is one half of a great circle stretching from the 
           North Pole to the South Pole), we measure one half of a circle to 
           get to the antipodal meridian (the other half of the same great 
           circle that the prime meridian is on).
           a. A circle is 360° of arc.
           b. 360° divided by 2 is 180°

                   [ 1/4 circle ] 

        2. Except for the prime meridian and the antipodal meridian (most of 
           which is the International Date Line), the suffix "E" or "W" must 
           appear after the number given for the longitude:  It definitely 
           helps to know which hemisphere we're talking about, since the 
           numbering is the same in each hemisphere.         
     E. Subdividing longitude:
        1. There are no linear equivalents for degrees, minutes, and seconds 
           of longitude that are applicable all over the world, the way there 
           are for latitude.  This is because the meridians of longitude are 
           spread out the farthest at the equator (where a degree of longitude 
           would be about 110 km on the ground) but they converge as you 
           approach the poles:  By 60° N or S, one degree of longitude is 
           down to about 55 km on the ground and, at the poles, it's zero.
        2. So, other than that caveat, we use the same units of arc for 
           pinpointing longitude as we do for latitude:  degrees, minutes, and 
           a. long. 118°W
           b. long. 118°09'W
           c. long. 118°09'06"W (Long Beach Airport again)
           d. Some nice geotrivia for you:  If you would like to know the
              latitude and longitude of any American city, you can click here.
     F. How longitude is represented on a globe or map:
        1. Cartographers use meridians to depict that part of the geographic 
           grid that refers to longitude.
        2. All meridians are half sections of great circles.
        3. Meridians are spaced the farthest apart at the equator and converge 
           closer and closer together until they actually touch at each pole.  
           At the equator, then, a degree of longitude is roughly 110 km wide 
           but this drops to about 55 km by 60° N or S, and down to 0° 
           at each pole.
        4. Other characteristics of meridians:
           a. All meridians are true north-south lines used to represent east-
              west longitude with respect to the Prime Meridian.
           c. Meridians always cross lines of latitude at right angles (except 
              the poles, which are points of latitude).
           d. An infinite number of meridians can, theoretically, be drawn on 
              the globe, which means all locations on Earth lie on a meridian.
     G. How longitude can be determined if you have no idea where you are (you 
        came to college to find yourself, right?).
        1. Actually, you'll be relieved to learn that the concept of finding 
           longitude is easier than that of finding latitude.  Basically, 
           longitude is a function of time: 
           L = f(t)
        2. By this I mean that, since the sun appears to move 15° an hour, 
           if you know where the sun is as seen by two places at the same 
           time, you can figure out the difference in time and convert it into 
           a difference in longitude.  Since you can't directly observe the 
           sun in two places at once, what you need is some indication of what 
           the exact time is somewhere else that you can refer to and do the 
        3. The most important requirement in its reckoning, then, is an 
           accurate timepiece.  Historically, this technical requirement 
           turned out to be a real sticking point in coming up with this 
           relatively simple process of determining longitude.  Mind you, 
           accurate timepieces had been around for centuries, if not millenia 
           (a sundial is a pretty accurate timepiece).  The problem was a 
           timepiece that was accurate under the conditions of travel, so that 
           you could know what time it was somewhere else.
           a. So, how did people navigate long ago?  Well, up until the end of 
              the fifteenth century (before 1492), Old World sailors pretty 
              much stayed close to land, sailing or rowing along the coasts so 
              they could find their way readily.  This was a bit wasteful in 
              creating longer "scenic routes" than would be necessary if they 
              could figure out longitude on the fly.
           b. Polynesian sailors rather generously defined "land" and learned 
              to sail across the open Pacific (and even the Indian Ocean) by 
              reference to established currents that were affected by the 
              presence of islands.
           c. With the huge expansion in trade and then conquest set off by 
              Columbus' voyage to the New World in 1492 and Diaz' voyage 
              around the southern tip of Africa (the Cape of Good Hope) in 
              1486 and da Gama's voyage to India in 1497, this longitude 
              problem began to be a major pain as it made for a certain 
              reluctance to set off across the open seas.  Imperialism-minded 
              countries began to offer big money to anyone who could figure an 
              accurate way around the problem, beginning with Spain in the 
              late 1500s and followed by France, the Netherlands, and England 
              in the 1600s.
           d. A pretty cool idea was based on Galileo's discovery of the moons 
              of Jupiter back in 1610.  By observing them, he and others 
              quickly realized that their eclipses (when they slid behind the 
              gas-giant planet) were predictable.  If a navigator on the high 
              seas could note the local time of such an eclipse and compare it 
              with the local time at which it was predicted to happen at some 
              other reference location back home, the difference in times and, 
              therefore, longitude could easily be found. So, Galileo tried 
              for all that government money available to find a solution, 
              first from Spain and then from the Netherlands.  He struggled to 
              create tables of eclipse times for base lines in Europe, but his 
              observations never got precise enough.  He also labored mightily 
              to create telescopes that could be used to observe and time the 
              eclipses on board a ship but that, too, was more easily said 
              than done.  Then, the Catholic Church got after him for arguing 
              that the earth was not the center of the cosmos and he had to 
              focus on that (the consequences very realistically could have 
              been a truly awful execution).  He never collected the prizes.  
              Some other people made attempts to tighten his observations, 
              most notably and best of all Jean Dominique Cassini in 1668.  
              The British came up with some excellent telescopes that could be 
              used on board a ship.  In fact, King Charles II founded the 
              Royal Observatory in 1675 specifically to work on the longitude 
              problem!  That's how big a problem this was!
           e. All these struggles fizzed in the 1760s, however, when a rather 
              obscure British clockmaker, of all things, one John Harrison, 
              came up with a very simple system based on a really accurate 
              timepiece, basically, a watch.  
           f. This guy was a working class fellow, a carpenter and joiner who 
              made wooden clocks in his day job.  He had hardly any formal 
              education.  Even so, he was an imaginative and creative guy and 
              came up with a number of really quite original inventions:
                i. A wooden clock that didn't need any lubricating oil (which 
                   is what usually messed up clocks back then).
               ii. A counterbalanced spring-driven portable clock that wasn't 
                   affected by the motion of the clock itself (pendulum clocks 
                   are affected by motion and the constant directional pull of 
              iii. Caged roller bearings, still used in contemporary machines 
                   of all types!
               iv. Bimetallic strips, made of two metals that respond 
                   differently to temperature changes and compensate for them.
                v. Finally, a watch that was accurate enough to be used for 
                   oceanic navigation in the late 1750s.
           g. So, this working-class schmo kept applying for the British prize 
              for solving the longitude problem (to the Board of Longitude), 
              and they kept saying that his watch was a fluke and insisting on 
              more and more trials of more and more copies that had to be made 
              by him.  It really looks as though they were trying to do him 
              out of the £10,000 prize (which was a, pardon the pun, 
              astronomical sum back then), maybe because he was just a regular 
              hoi polloi fellah (the British class system is very rigid 
              to the present day).
           h. Finally, he appealed to George III, King of England, who said 
              he'd been "cruelly wronged" and "By God, Harrison, I will see 
              you righted" (this was the king on whose watch the American 
              colonies got away during the American Revolution -- you might 
              enjoy renting the movie, "The Madness of King George," which was 
              about him and is really a riveting story). Even the King's 
              trials of the watch in 1772 wouldn't move the Board of 
              Longitude, so Harrison appealed to Parliament, which finally did 
              right the wrong and awarded him £8,750 in June 1773.  He 
              was vindicated, enriched, and recognized as the author of the 
              solution to the longitude problem.  He didn't have long to savor 
              his victory, though:  He died four years later, on his 83rd 
        4. The upshot of all this (and, no, I don't expect you to memorize 
           these historical details and dates and names) is that, if you have 
           a watch set to some base meridian's time, you don't need Cassini's 
           tables, fancy astronomical telescopes, and base-isolated chairs to 
           use them on a rocking and rolling ship deck!  You just need a good 
        5. To understand Harrison's achievement, you have to recall that the 
           basis of longitude is the 24 hour day.  By observing the sun, we 
           have a way of converting time to longitude.
           a. As the earth rotates, the sun appears to make a complete circle 
              (360°) in 24 hours. 
           b. Each hour of time, the sun then appears to move 15° (360°/24=15°) 
              of longitude
           c. Each minute of time, the sun appears to move ¼° of longitude
           d. Alternatively, it takes the sun 4 minutes to move 1° (60 
              minutes of time divided by 15° of longitude).
        6. Let's go back to Harrison's accurate timepiece,  or "chronometer" 
           (it measures ["meter"] time ["chronos"]). It differs from your 
           Rolex or Timex in a variety of ways:
           a. It is extremely accurate.
           b. It lists all 24 hours on its face, instead of having the arm 
              pass through 12 hours twice a day.  This puts an end to a.m. and 
              p.m. questions:  09:00 is unambiguously 9 a.m. and 13:45 is 
              unambiguously 1:45 p.m.  You might have encountered this system 
              in the military or if you attended other colleges, such as CSUN 
              or Chico State.
           c. Most importantly, it is always set to UT (Universal Time) or UTC 
              (Universal Time Coördinated) or Zulu Time (long story, that 
              last bit, and I'll get to it when we talk about time zones in 
              the next lecture), also and formerly known as Greenwich Mean 
              Time (GMT) or mean solar time at Greenwich.
        7. So, how we're ready to learn the process by which an amateur 
           navigator can determine longitude (with your chronometer packed 
           away with your analemma, sextant, and 140 notes).
           a. First step:  Make sure that it is noon, just as you did for 
           b. If so, consult your chronometer and learn what time it is in 
              Greenwich, England.
           c. Calculate the difference in time between your local sun time and 
              Greenwich time.
           d. Convert the difference in time into a difference in longitude.  
              Don't remember what the conversions are?  Here they are:
                i. First, figure out how many full hours of difference there 
                   are between you and Greenwich and multiply by 15°.
               ii. Second, for any minutes left over, the sun would have moved 
                   ¼°.  The easiest thing to do is take those 
                   minutes left over and divide them by 4 (because the sun 
                   takes 4 minutes to move one degree).
              iii. Add the two numbers together (i + ii) to get the total 
                   longitudinal difference between you and Greenwich.
               iv. Very importantly, convert the decimal notation of your 
                   answer into degrees, minutes, and seconds of arc OR into 
                   fractions.  So, a longitudinal difference of 153.75° 
                   should be converted to 153¾° or to 153°45'.  
                   Either way is correct, but it is not correct to leave the 
                   calculation in the decimal system (those darn Chaldeans).
           e. Now, ask yourself the burning question: Is Greenwich time 
              earlier than you or later than you?
                i. If Greenwich time is a smaller number than your local time 
                   (12:00 for noon), then you are EAST of Greenwich.  You got 
                   under the noon sun before the folks in Greenwich, which, 
                   since the earth moves from west to east, means you are 
                   farther along the rotational cycle, or east of Greenwich.  
                   Add the "E" suffix to your longitude, and you are done.
               ii. If Greenwich time is a larger number than your local time 
                   (e.g., noon here or 12:00), then you are WEST of Greenwich.  
                   They beat you under the noon sun, so you are lagging in the 
                   direction from which the earth is turning:  west.  Add the 
                   "W" suffix to your longitude, and all is well.
           f. That's all there is to longitude, then.  Even though 
              historically this was the more difficult concept to develop, it 
              is procedurally a lot simpler to do than figuring out latitude.

        And that's a wrap on longitude (and on the whole subject of the 
        geographic grid, for that matter).  This is a lot of material, and it 
        can be a bit confusing.  So you don't forget all this, I have prepared 
        a lab exercise for you, to reïnforce the concepts by applying 
        them, hands-on.  You can get to the lab by clicking here 
        or by going to the course home page and clicking on "Lab 1."  

        The printed-out labs are due filled out in my mailbox in LA4-106 (with 
        your names emblazoned on them!).  Remember, I am not grading for the 
        right answers so much as for watching you make a sincere effort to 
        work through the material.  

        One thing about the lab, though:  Right now, you have enough material 
        to make it through Lab 1 a and b, but not enough to tackle Lab 1c, so 
        don't panic when you see it.  The lecture material on time will get 
        you through that.


Document and © maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
First placed on web: 09/09/00
Last revised: 09/13/01
